No one made a sound for a while.

There is a lot of water in the fountain pool, and Luo Xiu is using [Liquid Affinity] to make this water flow to him continuously.

He wasn't really sure.

But he thought he could try.

At this distance, he can already control a large amount of liquid, showing a special shape around him.

For example, a circle of water revolving around itself one after another.

Later, he felt that his palm 0.8 grip on [Liquid Affinity] had reached a new level.

When I first got this skill, I could only get into the water to attract liquids that were close at hand.

Now, he can shape these liquids precisely.

Three water circles slowly condensed behind him.

It condenses into a huge **** and slowly rotates.

In his hands, he held a knife in his left hand and a sword in his right, like a divine general who descended from heaven, with a pair of burning golden pupils, staring at the teacher in front of him indifferently and proudly.

They were all dumbfounded.


The beautiful witch murmured: "He has at least three abilities, and they seem to be irrelevant ones..."

No second words.

The three of them raised their cards at the same time.




The ordinary audience onlookers suddenly cheered in surprise! .

Chapter 628 Open the door now if it is convenient (thanks for subscribing)

"Did you see it! He really made the cut!"

"Of course, those who can have hatred with Professor Qi are definitely not ordinary people!"

"Beautiful witch teacher, why do you say he has three abilities?"

"The golden flame on the body is one kind, the water is one kind, and they are all irrelevant. A superhero with these two contradictory abilities at the same time... I have never had one in my memory."

"What is the ability of the space system?"

"Where did the weapon in his hand come out? It's not necessarily hidden in his clothes just now, right?"

"Take it out from another dimension? So it is! That's really amazing!"

Most of the onlookers were ordinary humans, not superhumans.

Different from what other Homo sapiens people imagined, nowadays, under the long-term propaganda effect of the major TV stations of the Superhuman Federation, few ordinary humans living here are hostile to superhumans.

They worship superheroes and chase superheroes.

Among the superhumans, those who are packaged as superheroes are the well-deserved stars here!

Super idol!

Now, the hook that Luo Xiu threw 15 has firmly caught their eye, and the strength he showed has also deeply attracted them.

Beitang Xuanming couldn't understand: "He... didn't do anything? He just bowed to the stance of fighting and was promoted? Why?"

Martha bowed her head and smiled: "It's still Luo Xiu's cleverness."

Beitang Xuan Ming was a little unhappy, "What do you mean by this?"

Martha rolled his eyes at him, "Can't you see it? The TV station only wants the ratings. The more gimmicks, the higher the ratings. Luo Xiu knew this and directly threw out Ieyasu Inoue's gimmick, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. ."

"How can I kill two birds with one stone?" Beitang Xuan Ming was puzzled.

Martha explained:

"One, Ieyasu Inoue, as the final mentor of the supernova trials, is also a long-established superhero. He has a certain mass base, and everyone knows him. Luo Xiu said that he had a grudge against him, which immediately aroused everyone's curiosity. "

"Second, to a certain extent, what he said was not entirely false. Standing on the side of the missing Hathaway, Ieyasu Inoue, the most suspicious person, was indeed our 'enemy'. When he said this, all eyes turned on him. It's all focused on them, if the old man wants to do something recently, I'm afraid he won't let go, this is the negative effect of the focusing effect."

Beitang Xuanming was half-dazed.

No way, he is an old man.

Martha and Luo Xiu are both modern people who have been immersed in modern society for a long time. Whether it is the media or the Internet, as well as celebrity effects and hype concepts, they are all knowledge points that they have been exposed to for a long time.

It's easy to understand.

Beitang Xuanming sighed: "These worlds are too complicated, and the people in my hometown are simple... To kill is to kill, and to kill with a knife is to kill with a knife. There are no tricks, and I am dizzy."

Martha patted him on the shoulder: "You don't need to understand, just celebrate. We finally didn't get eliminated in the first round. The main task... There is still a chance to complete it now."


Martha was also a little depressed: "If the main quest is all left to Luo Xiu... Then what are we two doing?"

The two stared at each other for a while in the crowd.

Beitang Xuanming asked tentatively, "We're just... in charge of eating, drinking and having fun?"

Martha nodded. "Good idea."

Live broadcast barrage:

[It really is a talent show, Luo Xiu successfully mastered the traffic password]

【This is hype! The hype of red fruit! 】

[But the audience loves to watch hype]

[Kangzhen, around 2000, the variety show in the United States was indeed this virtue]

【We still have this virtue now】

[If it is the Xia Guo draft, it must not be used to attract attention with the drama of having a grudge against the tutor... I will be tenderly killed by the tutor]

[If it's on an early variety show in my country... Luo Xiu should sell badly first, saying that both his parents died, and he has an incurable disease such as bladder cancer and leukemia, and he is guaranteed to get the green light all the way to the finals]

【Ahahahaha! Yes! But it can't work now, there are too many terminally ill orphans, and there are not enough places for the finals]

In the safe area, many players in the Xia Kingdom were watching Luo Xiu's live broadcast.

It is rare to see this kind of relaxed copy, there are no ghosts and ghosts, but all superheroes, and they also like to watch it.

The audience retention rate is high, and the horror game system continues to recommend Luo Xiu's live broadcast room, attracting more people to come and watch.

Luo Xiu's popularity has also risen.

His popularity has finally broken through the Xia Kingdom area and radiated to other surrounding areas.

Luo Xiu continued to rise from the tenth place to the fifth place on the Billboard in Xiaguo District.

Many players have already started guessing.

Since it is no longer possible to reward in-game coins, what is the significance of horror games continuing to push popular players?

Perhaps, in the final final of the thriller game, the main battlefield will unfold among popular players from various countries and even various worlds.


in the screenplay world.

Since Luo Xiu was the last audition player, there was no one else behind him, so the mentors got up one after another, came to shake his hand and communicate.

Tornado Knight came over, reached out and shook hands with Luo Xiu.

"Congratulations, you are very lucky to be the last player to advance to the left Asian sea selection point."

The multi-eyed man let go of his cape, and saw that his upper body was unclothed, and there were hundreds of rolling eyes on his bare skin!

"You have great potential, let's make friends."

The multi-eyed man said politely, "I can give you one eye."

If I switch to other players, I will definitely refuse to see the many numb eyeballs on the multi-eyed man.

Luo Xiu said rudely: "That's great, I've admired you for a long time, and it's really cool to have an eye to keep as a souvenir."

The multi-eyed man was very useful, he laughed and snapped an eyeball from his collarbone.

Those extra eyeballs on his body are very strange.

There are no extras such as blood vessels and nerves connected to it. After it is buckled, it is a clean eyeball.

The pupils and whites of the eyes are clearly blue and white, and the back is pure white. (his blue eyes)

The many witches walked away a little with disgust on their faces.

She really couldn't accept the ability of this multi-eyed man.

Luo Xiu extended his hand generously and took the gift of this eyeball.

Inventory pop-up item introduction:

[Name: An eyeball of the multi-eyed man]

[Type: Item (parasite)]

[Description: The spectral range that the human eye can see is 380nm - 780nm, and the spectral range that this eye can see is... all the light known to mankind. Also, it can do hyperopia, microscopic, and... scare people. 】

[How to use: Press the eyeballs on the body forcibly, and it will start to parasitize. When it operates, it will start to absorb the nutrients in the user's body; since it cannot close its eyes, it is most likely to be used when it is not in use. Use something to cover it, or just take it off and put it in the inventory]

[Consumption: Depends on usage]

[Remarks: Pressing this thing on the forehead can be cosplayer Erlang Zhenjun, and it can also cover up the fact that the hairline is too high. However, if you are thinking of pragmatism, pressing it on the back of your neck can play a more important role in increasing the field of vision...].

Chapter 629 The popularity of superheroes is everything (thanks for subscribing)

Well, this is a very useful eyeball. "Young people really have the guts."

The multi-eyed man looked appreciative, "Many people see my eyes and only think about running away. Even if I give it with kindness, they don't dare to accept it."

As he said that, he also glanced at the beautiful witch.

Then, he told Luo Xiu: "My eyes, as long as you keep them well, they can be used for many years. The way to use them is..."

He explained the contents of the item introduction to Luo Xiu again.

Luo Xiu put this eyeball in the palm of his left hand, and just tried to press it hard... The multi-eyed man said again: "Don't worry, go back and put it on again, now that you put it on, you have to cover it with something, otherwise Your body will be depleted of nutrients very quickly."

"Okay, then go back and study again."

Luo Xiu put the eyeball into the inventory, "Thank you for your gift, Multi-Eyed Man."

Man with multiple eyes: "Hey, you're welcome, I'll grow back anyway."

Luo Xiu couldn't help but gave him a high look.

If his eyes can continue to multiply, the ability of so many eyemen may be much stronger than he imagined.

Seeing that they had finished talking, the beautiful witch came swaying, "Seriously, do you really have a grudge against Ieyasu Inoue?"

Luo Xiu nodded: "Of course."

The beautiful witch's heart of gossip was burning. She leaned in and asked playfully, "Can you tell me in a low voice? I promise not to say it."

Luo Xiu also whispered into her ear, "Wait until the day of the final... You will naturally know."

The beautiful witch's expectant expression suddenly turned into anger, "Hey, you're so stingy."

Without giving them much time to chat, a male director at the scene rushed over and took Luo Xiu to the side of their OB van.

Many spectators from outside the field followed and watched Luo Xiu's interview with great interest.

The three cameras were aimed at Luo Xiu at close range at the same time.

The director asked: "Have you passed the audition, what do you want to say to the camera?"

Luo Xiu didn't think about it, turned his head to look at the camera, and showed a meaningful smile:

"Ieyasu Inoue...'"..."

"You can stop me from reaching the final in any way, but remember..."

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