A gigantic spiritual tsunami like an explosive shock wave rushed towards him without any fancy!

Luo Xiu ran and charged towards the mountain-like Night God.

Suddenly jumped up.

He seemed to leap out of the gravitational field of the moon and into the dark and dead space.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was instantly disconnected.

Also at this moment, thousands of pitch-black lightning bolts stretched out from his body, spreading their teeth and claws wantonly!

The billions of eyes of the night **** looked up.

Above is the sun, and with the sun as the background, Roche turned into an inconspicuous black spot.

And the next moment, countless black cracks extended from this black spot!

The crack spreads and gets bigger and bigger...

more and more...

The tyrannical spiritual world of Ye Shen was suddenly burned by some kind of power!

He cried out!

He heard a whisper in a human voice...

The voice said quietly...

"Bring it to you." Eight.

Chapter 573 What the **** is the victim's blanket? (Thanks for subscribing)

The 'Darkness of the Deep Sea' from the deity of Cthulhu completely devoured the Night God in an instant. On the moon, a "dark spot" appeared.

The power of the night **** originally came from the clone of Cthulhu. At this time, it was wrapped in the darkness of the deep sea, and the extraordinary characteristics were quickly precipitated...

Ye Shen worked hard for decades, and once returned to before liberation.

The bat giants went from bonding to separation... They struggled frantically, and finally gradually shrank, shriveled, and lost their vitality.

The enchantment of the darkness of the deep sea shrinks again, shrinks again, returns to Luo Xiu's body, and returns to the depths of the soul universe.

All that's left is a mess.

system hint:

[The hidden mission (title mission) has been completed! 】

[Reward the title of 'the only' - Execution of the Gods on the Moon! 】

[Old title has been overwritten]

Luo Xiu silently looked at the oversized bat mummified corpses piled up like a hill, and said to Cthulhu:

"You still spit out bones when you eat meat?"

Cthulhu said in a lazy tone: "I'm full, I'm going to bed, good night."

This meal was a benefit given to him by Roche.

The power of the night **** is huge, enough for Cthulhu to consume for a long time.

Luo Xiu warned: "Save some, don't digest it all at once."

What he meant was...

Don't sleep too long.

Luo Xiu is still wary of him, and he said it before, Cthulhu needs a lot of time to sleep and digest each time he eats, so as long as he doesn't sleep for a long time, he can limit the expansion of his strength...

Or restore.

Elul was still standing with her back to him, her whole body was shivering with cold.

Luo Xiu took a look, good guy, he didn't do anything, and his health was directly killed by 32%!

The spiritual radiation of the night **** is so terrifying!

Luo Xiu came over, "Do you need me to help you heal?"

Elul already knew about his treatment methods, so he quickly opened his eyes, jumped more than ten meters high, and then said:

"Thank you, no need! Anyway, I'll go back to the teleportation room to settle the bill! There's no need to be slapped again!"

Luo Xiu nodded, "That makes sense." Then he walked towards the spaceship.

Elul jumped to keep up, occasionally looking back.

"These giant bats piled into mountains of corpses..."

"In the future, if the descendants of your human beings are discovered on the moon, I don't know how to interpret them?"

Luo Xiu sneered: "How to interpret how to interpret love, anyway, all our intelligent creatures are similar, self-righteous, but know nothing about the real world."

Back on the spacecraft, he was on the console, opened a protective cover, and pressed a button.

An electromagnetic wave signal was sent out like this.

Through the relay satellite relay, this signal is sent to the earth again.

More than a second later, Nuwa No. 1 Mechanical Fortress in Jianghai City, Xia Kingdom, received this message.

In the hatchery, the mechanical embryo begins to hum.

Human genes that have been preserved for a century and a half are beginning to thaw and revive...


At the same time, in a sealed robot factory in the fortress, long light tubes gradually turned on, illuminating the rows of mother-like babysitting robots.

Eve 1 to 10000.

A message sent back by Nuwa 1 is displayed on the control panel of the space shuttle.

['Human Tinder' has been activated]

['Take care plan' has been activated]

Luo Xiu was a little nervously waiting for the feedback from the horror game system.

After a while, the system finally prompts:

[The main task - the 'Human Tinder Project' has been completed! 】

【Preparing to send... 】

Luo Xiu finally breathed a sigh of relief, "As expected, the horror game's system can determine whether these human seeds can survive for a period of time in the future. As long as they survive, the fire project will be completed."

In order to ensure the survival of the children, he prepared 10,000 mother-type nanny robots.

There are also tens of thousands of intelligent machines used for other routes.

An intelligent AI comparable to the Red Queen.

Of course, it doesn't have its own consciousness, and it's not anti-human.

Elul lay directly on the ground in the spaceship and threw away the bulky space helmet: "Finally, I can rest for 48 hours... Actually, I can rest for 48 hours intelligently..."

There are still a few seconds left in the countdown.

Roxiu came over, stretched out his hand, and Elul gave him a high-five.

"Live well, goodbye by fate." Luo Xiu said.

Elul smiled: "We won't see each other again, we are in two different universes."

"We'll see you again." Roxiu said, "As long as you can live until then."

"Then I will try my best."


time up.

Darkness strikes.


[The settlement has been completed. 】

[Main quest: 1/1]

[Hidden Mission (Title Mission): 1/1]

[Clear the script, get experience points: 3200]

[Clear the script, get game currency: 1500]

[Items/equipment obtained: Nano Biochemical Armor; Super Alloy Thermal Sword; Resurrection Card]

[9 areas have been upgraded! 】

[Fighting field: E→D]

【Sword Field: D→C】

[Biological Field: D→C]

[Medical field: D→C]

[Exploration field: B→A]

[Spell Domain: D→C]

[Mysterious Domain: D→C]

[Firearms field: D→C]

【Mechanical field: E→D】

[Comprehensive Rating: S+] [EXP/Game Currency Extra Bonus: 200%]

[Experience value: 9600]

[Game currency: 4500]

【Number of fans: 2051608】

【Congratulations! Player leveled up! lv13→lv14→lv15→lv16→lv17]

[Basic attributes have been comprehensively improved! 】

Back in the teleportation room, Luo Xiu found that the exhaustion he had accumulated over the past 50 years seemed to have been eliminated suddenly...

I watched my customs clearance for a while with a refreshing look.

Although the data is good, Luo Xiu is not too satisfied.

The experience value is doubled, as it should be.

I have been in the script world for 50 years!

Why does the game currency grow so little! Inflation in the safe zone outside is so scary!

The financial system of the thriller game is scum... Oh no, it seems that there is no 0.8 financial system at all...

What can I buy for 1500 now?

Can I buy a women's clothing without any feature blessing?

Jumping grades, in his view, is also a matter of course.

Only the skyrocketing number of fans made Luo Xiu a little puzzled.

It seems that only a few hundred thousand fans last time.

Why do you suddenly have more than two million fans now?


Are there still many people in the outside world who dare to watch the live broadcast of thriller games?

Last time, the person who directly pulled a small target into the game didn't have a long memory?

Without thinking too much, Luo Xiu intends to first check what the title skill he just obtained is.

Although the scarcity of the title and the strength of the title skill are not completely related, he still has some good expectations.

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