That's called a cynic.

Live broadcast barrage:

【This pain! Let me bear it! ! 】

[Too depraved... I really want to see the surveillance in the city...]

[To sum up, so... we have to quit masturbation! Stop the rise of the threshold! 】

[It sounds very enviable at first, but after thinking about it, it is really desperate]

After the drunkard finished speaking, everyone else looked at Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu nodded: "I'm fine."


Judging from the description of the alcoholic, this is indeed an inferior race, full of self-destructive tendencies.

Normal life is not like this.

In this world, the existence of vampires is like...

a mistake.

Admiral Duck took over:

"We continue to say there may be problems with this plan."

"First of all, we need to disperse the troops in the city. At present, we may be short-staffed."

He reversed the holographic map to the perspective of the city map.

Then point to a few small red dots on the periphery:

"No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 are small blood supply concentration camps with weak defenses. We will feign these three locations."

"But we are worried that if the vampire troops in charge of security in the city react too quickly, our three feint squads will soon be wiped out and hinder our bombing plan."

"after all……"

Admiral Duck reminded: "They can all fly."

"Also, even if we successfully opened the entrance to the Tower of Night and entered the tower."

"It doesn't mean that the mission was successful."

Having said that, Admiral Duck looked at the alcoholic again.

The latter stopped for a drink and said:

"The Tower of Night is not a real tower, but an underground fortification. Each floor of the tower is separated by a distance of 5 meters, and each floor is separated by alloy steel plates and concrete..."

"So, if you detonate that small nuclear bomb on the upper floor..."


"Breaking up the top two or three floors at most will not destroy the Tower of Night." Eight.

Chapter 526: The Blood Exchange Ceremony of the First Embrace of the Dead and the Later Life (Thanks for Subscribing)

"So, on which floor does the nuclear bomb detonate to work?" asked Luo Xiu. The drunkard recalled the internal perspective structure of the Tower of Night, made the holographic screen move down continuously, pointed to one of the floors and said:

"This layer, to detonate on this layer."

Luo Xiu saw the display on the hologram, and the position he was referring to was the 12th floor.

The drunkard smiled and said, "It's still impossible to detonate it here, and it's still impossible to destroy the entire Tower of Night... The structure of this tower is too strong."

"But human life is not so strong."

"The life support system will be completely destroyed, the channel for transporting food will be cut off, the water source will be cut off, and even the supply of oxygen... will be cut off!"

"If nothing else, the 100,000 human beings bred below like livestock..."

The alcoholic laughs wildly, like an evil psychopath.

His eyes "Nine Zero Zero" swayed quickly and flexibly, looking at the crowd: "They will be suffocated to death! Haha!"

As a member of the human camp, Admiral Dake and his people still can't stand the attitude of an alcoholic.

He cooperates with humans, but does not stand on the side of humans.

He just hates vampire society.

Luo Xiu never commented, and kept asking questions:

"Since the tower of night is designed so firmly, then the guard force should be very strong, right?"

"How do we get in? How do we get down to the 12th floor?"

On the surface, this is an almost impossible task.

In a city full of vampires, attack their most important food facility...

Even if you can enter, you are bound to meet crazy resistance on every floor of the Tower of Night!

It is estimated that in a few minutes at most, the endless stream of vampires above will descend into the Tower of Night and kill all the soldiers of the Light and Shadow Alliance!

Admiral Duck sighed heavily, clenching his hands:

"That's the problem!"

"After the alcoholic was fired, he was assigned to do some useless work here..."

"He doesn't know at all what the defensive power inside the Tower of Night is like! I don't know if the traps have changed!"

Speaking of this, Admiral Duck once again cast his hopeful eyes on Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu immediately understood: "So you want me to lead the team to kill, right? Kill it all the way to the 12th floor? How long does it take? When the vampire army is suppressed, I can't bear it no matter how awesome it is."

Especially in a closed environment, it is difficult to move around.

Small bosses as powerful as that female vampire swarmed over in groups, and Luo Xiu would be torn to shreds by them before he could even take the medicine!

The drunkard waved his hand: "Ah! It's not that exaggerated! You don't have to take people to the 12th floor! Your task is to get through the first three floors!"

Luo Xiu: "Huh?"

Admiral Duck said: "Our hacking technology is very good, you know this?"

Roche nodded: "Harry told me."

Admiral Duck continued:

"And a fortification as large as the Night Tower actually needs to be deployed from the internal network. In order to prevent us from being invaded, the Night Tower is not connected to the external network, we can only invade from the inside."

"Drunkers know the location of their network's central control room. It's a very inconspicuous place on the third floor, disguised as a utility room."

"As long as we enter there, we can successfully implant the virus, and in just a few seconds, we can control the entire network system of the Tower of Night."

"In this way, we can easily open the doors from the 1st floor to the 12th floor!"

"Then it's easy! We can take the direct elevator here and drive straight in! Enter the 12th floor!"

"Detonate a nuclear bomb!"

Roche understands everything now.

This task is indeed very feasible.

Before he appeared, the Light and Shadow Alliance should have made this plan, but because the alcoholic was fired, there was a lot of uncertainty in their plan.

They don't know the strength of the defense below and probably won't be able to play.

Even with the help of an alcoholic, it was difficult.

Luo Xiu thought for a while, and suddenly said: "By the way, how about those soul eaters?"

He asked this question suddenly, and no one responded.

"Ah?" Admiral Dak was stunned: "Soul Eater... What's the matter?"

"It's those vampires who have changed morbidly because of the blood of the same kind..."

Luo Xiu asked: "Where are they? Were they wiped out once they mutated? Didn't they survive?"

The drunkard looked strange: "What do you want to do?"

Luo Xiu's thinking seemed very detached: "Admiral Dake didn't say before that he would first pretend to attack several other small blood supply concentration camps, and he also said that there may be insufficient manpower? I just wondered... Can I use the Soul Eater? Help create chaos?"

The drunkard sneered: "These monsters are beasts, no one can command them, and no one can use them..."

Luo Xiu grabbed the information he wanted to know: "In other words, many of them are still alive? Hiding in the city of vampires?"

"Yes, they are hidden, and they often rush out from under a roof or in the shadows when people are unprepared, tear open the throat of a noble immortal, and **** blood greedily..."

The drunkard's tone was full of sarcasm: "But so what? They can't communicate, and the brain lesions have degenerated into beasts!"

"Can the beasts not be able to communicate?" Roxiu asked.

"Can you communicate with the beast?" the drunkard asked back.

"Then have you heard of the profession of animal trainer?" Luo Xiu continued to ask.

"Tame..." The drunkard choked.

Luo Xiu stretched his waist and stood up: "Beasts can also be domesticated. Monsters like the Soul Eater... may also be used."

The drunkard spread his hands: "What are you going to do? Walk into the city swaggeringly, find those beasts, and then brandish the whip and reprimand them for working for you? Stop kidding! You can't even walk very far in the city with 0.8, you The body is full of human taste! What are you thinking!"

Luo Xiu was about to go out, and when he heard this, he turned back: "Then why don't you turn me into a vampire too?"

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Elul suddenly stood up: "Damn it! You won't be serious, will you?!"

"Why not?"

Luo Xiu felt that there was no need for his teammates to be surprised: "Our task is to leave the human fire, even if we all become vampires, it will not hinder the incubation of those human germ cells."

"Haha...hahahaha! Ahhahahahaha!!"

After being stunned for a while, the drunkard suddenly burst into laughter! He seemed to be too happy, and he tapped the table top, making the holographic image shake for a while:

"Interesting! You are so interesting! Good! Then I will satisfy you!!".

Chapter 527 Sister Ke, if you sleep again, I will sleep with you (thanks for subscribing)

The attendees don't understand what's going on right now!

The drunkard has stood up, he grinned evilly, and his canine teeth began to proliferate abnormally:

"Do you want me to bite your throat artery with my teeth, or use a knife? Well, I don't have a sense of ritual, so I can."

Before Luo Xiu finished speaking, everyone else quickly stopped between the two!

Admiral Duck stretched out his big hand and blocked the drunkard who seemed to be rushing in fear. He shouted: "Hey! Hey! Don't mess around! If the prophecy is correct, he is the most important person to us!"

Then he said to Luo Xiu: "You too! What are you crazy about? Do you think it is easy to become a vampire?! Is there no price?"

"Apart from the psychological changes, are there any more serious sequelae?"

Luo Xiu asked seriously: "Will it affect intelligence?"

Admiral Duck said solemnly: "There is a certain probability of death!"


Luo Xiu seemed to be successfully dissuaded: "I really don't know this."

Harry came out 15 to smooth things out: "Alright, alright, let's be here first, everyone looks tired! The plan to blow up the Tower of Night still needs to be prepared for at least a week, and we also need to inform the other legions in the alliance, Maybe they'll come up with a better suggestion..."

The two slightly crazy guys, the drunkard and Luo Xiu, were separated by two groups of people and taken away.

Before leaving, the drunkard looked reluctantly and kept looking back at Luo Xiu:


"You are the same kind of person as me!"

"Without certain things, we would all be better off dead!"

"If you really want to experience my are welcome to come to me anytime."

Luo Xiu was surrounded by the door and walked to the door. He also turned his head and said with a serious face: "My thoughts will not change, but I may not be looking for you."

The drunkard was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask why, only to hear Luo Xiu say:

"You are too weak."

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