049 The Confession

After staying with his father-in-law Sun Yi for a while, Xu Shu found that he could no longer understand his father-in-law.

Public Sun Yi listened to Xu Shu’s description and shook his head with a smile.

“Don’t worry, it’s not the credit you requested for eradicating the Yellow Turban. It was the credit for breaking Wuhuan and slashing its orders. If you count the time, the rewards should come down soon.”

Xu Shu took a sigh of relief after hearing this.

With that said, it’s something normal people can do.

“As for Yan Gang dog jumping the wall?” Gong Sun Yi sneered, “I can’t ask for it. For this kind of enemy, the best way is to destroy it physically.”

Xu Shu actually understood it.

After thinking about it, I had to admit that the company Sun Yi couldn’t refute it.

If Yan Gang doesn’t move, Sun Yi is really a bit difficult to handle.

After all, he is his own general, and he must have an excuse to clean up, otherwise, what do other generals think?

If Yan Gang really dares to move, even in Peking City, it will be difficult to succeed.

Jiefanbing and Baimayi never eat dry food.

“Since the lord has an idea, then I will help the lord to plan the specific arrangement, and strive to surprise Yan Gang and other patriarchs in Beiping City.” Xu Shu rubbed his hands in excitement.

Public Sun Yi’s mouth twitched slightly.

Xu Yuan seemed to be more and more addicted to these conspiracies and tricks until he was under his own hands.

Soon after arriving at Beiping City, Gongsun Zan asked Gong Sun Yi to stay and wait for the royal reward.

Public Sun Yi naturally has no reason to object.

After arranging for his subordinates to send the captured baggage and prisoners to Lu Longcheng, the father Sun Yi took Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, Xu Shu Han Dang, and less than three thousand soldiers and horses to stay in Beiping City.

Although Tian Yu is determined to hug his father Sun Yi’s thighs, he is now directly under Gongsun Zan. He can only temporarily return to the team while moving up and down. He wants to transfer to his father Sun Yi, but he has not succeeded for a while.

After Gongsun Zan’s victory, he was in a good mood and convened the generals for a banquet.

Gong Sun Yi can see Yan Gang looking at him every time, almost cannibalistic eyes.

Tian Kaizhi and his ilk from the other Youzhou Department looked at the public Sun Yi’s eyes were not so friendly, it could only be said to be indifferent.

After all, no one was optimistic about this originally cowardly young son.

Gongsun Zan was at the banquet, and from time to time he looked at his young boy who had been drinking with a smile, and his heart was extremely contradictory.

Emotionally, Gongsun Yi killed Gongsun Xu, and Gongsun Zan was very difficult to accept.

Intellectually, Gongsun Zan knows that the current grandfather Sun Yi is talented. Should we just make him the first son of the Hou Mansion?

After the banquet was over, Gongsun Zan didn’t come up with a conclusion, so he could only drink one mouthful after another.

“My lord, my father, Sun Yi doesn’t care about brotherhood. He is vicious. He belongs to the generation of tigers and wolves. He can’t stay.” Yan Gang did not leave, and persuaded him from the side.

Seeing that Gongsun Zan hadn’t responded yet, Yan Gang spoke again:

“My lord, I’d better make the decision early, so that the Peking Army can feel at ease.”

Gongsun Zan waved his hand impatiently, “Okay, I’ll decide this matter.”

Yan Gang came out angrily.

After getting outside, Yan Gang frowned.

A subordinate next to him persuaded, “General, the court’s award is still half a month away. Before that, there must be a way to find the handle of Sun Yi and persuade Jihou to kill him.”

Yan Gang nodded, and then said, “Let my father Sun Yi be proud for a few days. If Jihou can’t make up his mind, I will help him make up his mind. Before the court awards, he must take his father Sun Yi’s. life!”

At this moment, Yan Gang and his entourage saw a group of people running to Jihou Mansion in a panic.

One of them was the internal guard of Jihou Mansion, whom Yan Gang was acquainted with.

Yan Gang immediately stepped forward and asked, “What the hell is going on? Why is it in a hurry?”

The inner defender saw that it was Yan Gang, and stopped quickly, “The messenger of the court has arrived and is here to announce the reward.”

Yan Gang couldn’t help laughing, “Don’t be kidding, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has just been wiped out. The messenger who went to the court to ask for a reward probably just arrived in Luoyang, and the messenger for how to give the reward has arrived.”

Naiwei shook his head, “It is not the reward for destroying the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou, but the reward for breaking Wuhuan and the three kings, and it is not for Jihou, but for Sun Yi. Let me go. Hurry up and inform Jihou to meet him.”

Yan Gang stood there blankly after hearing this.

After a long time, he muttered to himself with an incredulous expression, “How is it possible? Break Wuhuan and cut the order?”

“Public Sun Yi!”

A few hours later, in Jihou’s mansion.

The imperial messenger dressed in Chinese clothes brought the honor of the Emperor of Han Dynasty.

Gong Sun Yi, smashed Wuhuan, cut Wuhuan Dan Yuqiu Liju, the prince Daun Louban, and the head of the Three Kings.

Feng Longting Hou, General Jianwu.

Military commander Zhao Yun, Gong Feng Yingyang school lieutenant.

General Han Dang, Gongfeng was the first lieutenant.

For a while, the entire Beiping City was boiling.

Gong Sun Yi thanked the court messenger, and by the way, stuffed some gold and silver jewelry, making the court messenger smile.

The generals of the Gongsun family in Beiping City were all in shock.

Longting Hou, General Jianwu!

This official position and title is second only to Gongsun Zan in the entire Beiping City. *

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