Chapter 983 Foresight

When Zhou Yu said this, Ma Chen took a close look at Zhou Yu in front of him. He had to say that Zhou Yu was really strategic and could fully analyze the current situation of the authorities.

And in this case, this hard work and that Gongsun military did not notice at all. They only knew that this place was a good terrain and could stand in a good position.

But they did ignore one of the most important issues, which is time and time, but one of the most important links.

08 You must know that when God is helping you, everything will go smoothly. When you don’t help you, it won’t count. And now, God doesn’t seem to have any intention to help them. Soon there will be heavy rain and rain. The emergence of churn.

By then this low-lying place is destined to be a very dangerous place.

Standing on the side, Liu Bowen kept nodding his head when he listened to Zhou Yu’s words. He didn’t expect Zhou Yu to be very young now. This was thoughtful, but he did it very well.

And now Ma Chen listened to Zhou Yu’s analysis of these situations completely consistent with the things he said to do next.

It can be seen that Zhou Yu is indeed a rare talent for conspiracy, but in history, Zhou Yu’s final ending is really a bit miserable, and now Ma Chen feels that he has taken this Zhou Yu back to his own hands.

This will definitely allow Zhou Yu to achieve a bright future, and such a strategic person will make him useful.

In the past history, Zhou Yu’s sigh was Ji Shengyu He Shengliang.

So this time Ma Chen is about to rewrite Zhou Yu’s destiny, and Zhou Yu will not continue to feel this sorrowful feeling.

Now Ma Chen looked at Zhou Yu next to him, his eyes full of ambition.

Full of the feeling of looking forward to the future, I also smiled. It seems that Zhou Yu’s strategy is quite possible this time. If you want to deal with Cao Cao and the others, Zhou Yu is also an expert this time.

“Your analysis is very reasonable. Didn’t you talk about your careful analysis with Kikuli? He still Kikuli didn’t follow him!!

“Originally, I have thought about the things that I analyzed and I wanted to share it with this force, but looking at the kicking force and the kind of trust in Gongsun Junjun, I said that it would not be of any benefit.

On the contrary, it will make Gongsun Junjun even more hateful towards him, so I didn’t mention this matter, I just hope that at this last critical juncture I can make this kick and believe in myself, but now to the last kick. I didn’t trust myself!”

When Zhou Yu said these words, it was obvious that there was some backing up in his mood. At the same time, at 203, he seemed to have no blood and ambition.

“Since you have followed my hand this time, I will let you personally witness what an angel is, so that you can truly feel how the world will fall apart when the things you are worried about actually happen!”

When Ma Chen said this, his eyes were full of confidence, and now when Zhou Yu heard Ma Chen say this, his eyes were full of disbelief, and at the same time, he was constantly picking his fingers. .

I was also feeling the changes in the weather, and at the same time, when I started to fiddle with my fingers, my eyes were indeed full of shock.

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