Chapter 974 Suspicious person

It is not the tent where the soldiers live. It seems that the people who manage the food live in this tent.

And now Ma Chen and Liu Bowen are watching. The people outside are also busy. It seems that they are cooking. Now Ma Chen is watching them continue to continue these water sources. When they start to be busy, their own faces There is also a smile on his face.

Because some medicinal powder has really been added to this water source, and it seems that these medicinal powder will slowly dissolve into this river in the last two days. Although they don’t know that the medicinal properties of the river water they are currently using will reach How many.

But it is obvious that this medicine has been put out, and there will be some ingredients in this more or less, and what Ma Chen puts in these powders is not poison but some croton powder. This croton powder is also the most powerful place, just Will make these people have diarrhea.

And now Ma Chen, they also know that it seems that the two of them are going to be hungry.

And don’t expect this hard work to entertain the two of them with good wine and meat. After all, they just came to deliver the coupons and erect the kicks and work hard. It is a blessing to abuse them, so now I don’t expect this at all. Protest.

He will treat them with good wine and meat. Now Ma Chen looks at the deployment of the entire barracks. On the contrary, he feels that he has worked hard and can now deploy the barracks to this level. It is really commendable.

At the same time, according to the team they arranged and all the places where they live now, it seems that they have been guided by a special person. This also made Ma Chen, can’t help but remember that this was probably arranged by the escaped Army Master Zhou.

Fortunately, Army Master Zhou has now been completely given up by this kicking effort. Otherwise, Army Master Zhou seems to be a powerful role, but now Ma Chen is really very curious.

Is this Zhou Junshi Zhou Yu? If Zhou Yu is really Zhou Yu, then Zhou Yu hasn’t been written in history.

Maybe this is Zhou Yu’s most desperate time. I don’t know where Zhou Yu fled now. Now that he is trying hard and wants to hunt down this Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu should be able to escape the catastrophe.

And now when Ma Chen keeps walking in this place. Suddenly I saw that in the manger, there was a ghost worshipping someone there.

Seeing that person and ghost were there, Ma Chen felt a little strange, Ma Chen kept approaching the manger.

And now it is obvious that the person sees Ma Chen as if he is hiding inside when this place is approaching, but the figure he is hiding can feel that this person is avoiding all these people’s gazes.

And now everyone is busy, no one noticed this place, and Ma Chen and this Liu Bowen are also idlers at this time, one looking at that person and ghost Chong Chong, Ma Chen and this Liu Bowen looked at each other.

Ma Chen swiftly approached the person, and now that person clearly (well) felt that someone wanted to Taobao when someone approached, but now Ma Chen shouted at the back of this person.


When this person heard Ma Chen’s voice, he immediately stopped, turned his head, and looked at Ma Chen in disbelief.

Because the language used by Ma Chen is a normal language and not the language of those foreigners, this surprised the person in front of him a bit. .

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