Chapter 972 Complicated relationship

Now Ma Chen is listening to the words said by the middle-aged man in front of him. It seems that he knows a little bit about the entire Liaodong City. Kang Zhen is very similar.

It also made Ma Chen and Liu Bowen very curious, and the two looked at each other.

And at the same time, when this kicking hard and listening to the middle-aged man “20 three” say this, he also feels that what the middle-aged man said has some truth, in case this Gongsun Kang wants something tricky. , It is very likely to pose some threats to yourself.

Although I have these 100,000 soldiers, I must also know that Ma Chen is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In case they are already in ambush in the city, watch them go in before attacking them.

That is really not worth the gain, so we must make sure that Ma Chen has left Liaodong City, so that we can make the next step.

Ma Chen and Liu Bowen had already thought of this after the kicking effort. They had done it before they came, and the rat hunting can be carried out as planned at any time.

And now when Ma Chen and Liu Bowen are standing here, watching the kicking effort and hesitating, the two deliberately added fuel to their sides.

“Don’t worry, my prefect is really sincere, because there is indeed a disagreement with that Ma Chen, and there are some unhappy people, so I can’t count on their people at all, so the final decision It is the reconciliation book sent by us!

Although Ma Chen and Bowen Liu said this, it doesn’t matter whether they believe in antibiotics or not, but they have to say such a sentence, and now this middle-aged man obviously has deep doubts about Ma Chen and Bowen Liu. At the same time, the kicker was speaking to the middle-aged man.

“How much do you know about your cousin? How likely do you think the harmonization book he sent this time?”

When Ma Chen and Liu Bowen said this while listening to the kicking effort, they obviously looked at the middle-aged man in surprise. They did not expect that this middle-aged man was actually Gongsun Kang’s brother.

This is really shocking. Why did the two brothers make trouble to the point where they are today? Normally, even if they are not the siblings of their close relatives, they will not make trouble to the point where they are today.

And now it is obvious that this middle-aged man has a deep hatred for Gongsun Kang, and it seems that he has never thought of forgiving Gongsun Kang. This is really strange.

It seems that Gongsun Kang and his brother must have had a feast between the two, otherwise his brother would not be so angry and angry at him, but now he is angry no matter what.

To take the lives of the people in the city as a joke, this person is too selfish.

Now Ma Chen looks at this kicking effort and doesn’t know what kicking effort is going to make a decision, but now this Yang Li effort looks at Ma Chen and Liu Bowen 1.4. For a while, I was thinking about how to deal with these two people.

And now the kicking effort obviously intends to let them go back, but the middle man has prevented the kicking effort.

“Chief, I think you should leave them in this unit first, and when we are about to enter this fluid layer, let them both lead the way. What do you think!”

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