Chapter 968 Have a blood relationship

When he heard the middle-aged man in front of him say these words, Ma Chen looked at the middle-aged man in front of him carefully, and suddenly felt that this man had some similarities with that of Gongsun Kang.

Is there any relationship between the two people? And when you look at this man, you should be a foreigner when you speak.

How could such a person be in this tent going out? This really makes Ma Chen feel a little curious. Is it the man in front of the seller who seeks glory to take refuge in these foreigners? If it is really this Men’s words.

Well, this man is really bad Damn it. It seems that he also has some understanding of Gongsun Kang, speaking to people who know Gongsun Kang.

Ming and Gongsun Kang are also relatively close people. For a relatively close person or a person who wants to have children so much, this person who talks about Dongcheng really makes people feel a little angry.

At the same time, it can also be seen that when this man received Gongsun Kang, he also knew Gongsun Kang very well. He was quite angry that Gongsun Kang was protecting the people in Liaodong City.

It seems that I don’t have a good impression of the whole Liaodong City, and you also take a closer look at Ma Chen here. The man had two eyes, although he couldn’t see his identity from him.

But at least it can make people feel his grief and anger, and when the man finished saying this, he kicked hard and immediately spoke to the Ma Chen and Liu Bowen in front of him.

“As long as the prefect of Liaodong City really wants to surrender to me sincerely, I can do what he said, as for the people in that city.

Then, as long as I convinced Liaodong City that they also bow their heads and proclaim them, I will not embarrass them. What I want is territory, people and horses, and they will not be difficult for them. They can continue to live their lives and continue to live their lives. Little days, there is nothing wrong with the rest!”

When I said these words when I tried to kick, I expressed my position, and at the same time looking at the reconciliation book written by Gongsun Kang, it really made the effort of kicking and my heart very happy.

The current kicking effort already has some fear of Ma Chen in the city. If this Gongsun Kang has really surrendered, I believe that Ma Chen will leave the city soon.

So now this kicking effort and I am very happy in my heart, as long as he is not allowed to compete with that Ma Chen, I feel very lucky.

Everyone knows that Ma Chen is a myth, and has created countless myths. For such a magical character, he worked hard, but he didn’t even want to try 203.

I don’t want to let Ma Chen achieve another myth because of my negligence and carelessness.

Especially this kicking effort is in the operation of the Han army, but after a period of time, I also know the power of these people, so now this kicking effort does not want to repeat the same mistakes again, and absolutely cannot let myself fall into it again. In the hands of others.

“Are you really sincere and sincere to send the Harmony Book? But why don’t you see important people to send it, but you two young men came to send it, why didn’t Yang Guang in the army come to send the Harmony Book?” ,

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