Chapter 922 Recent rain

“In the recent period of time, the rain must have been very heavy, and the biggest rain was on the next day!”

When Liu Bowen of Gaochun Kangding said this, he was a little worried. The location of the dam is already very high, if it really is what Liu Bowen said.

If there is a possibility of heavy rain the day after tomorrow, then this dam is really in danger of collapsing, it is better to release it in advance, it will be better for the whole water level, and at this time Gongsun Kang also expressed his own thoughts. , At the same time that he said this, he made this Liu Bowen laugh haha.

At the same time, Bowen Liu also smiled at this Gongsun Kang and expressed his intentions. It turned out that Bowen Liu wanted to use this place as a main source of attack, because if this place only needs a large dam to break, the low-lying ones below The land will definitely be implicated~.

And the place with a low stake below that is the camp where the kicking force is stationed with the 100,000 troops. You must know the kicking force. Garrison all his 100,000 troops-in that low-lying place.

In order to be able to defend well, those foreign attacks can definitely be prevented in advance for them, but they have overlooked an important issue. The rain in this place is also very heavy.

And the strong rain is walking towards the depression, so now is also a good opportunity.

Now when this Gongsun Kang listened to Liu Bowen’s words, he suddenly understood what Liu Bowen meant. The original natural disaster Liu Bowen meant was to use the water from the dam.

At the moment when the dam’s dam bursts, the mudslide can quickly rush to the bottom of the mountain, and the bottom of the mountain has a force of 100,000 troops.

Natural disasters are inevitable. This mudslide cannot be stopped by anyone. By then, the army who believes in this antibiotic will definitely be hit hard.

When Gongsun Kang listened to Liu Bowen’s words, he was really very atmospheric. He really didn’t think that this method could be used. Now Liu Bowen also said that one day later, the heavy rain will soon come again.

This really made Yang Guang of Gongsun Kanghe very excited.

At the same time, I also know that the time of rainfall mentioned by Bowen Liu must be very accurate. Bowen Liu knows astronomy and geography from the top, and is very clear about all things, so what Bowen Liu said now will be truly realized.

0………Look for flowers…

“That day is this tomorrow, this kicking effort, and will it suddenly attack us in advance? If that’s the case, won’t we lose everything?”

When Ma Chen heard Gongsun Kang say this, he also smiled, patted Gongsun Kang on the shoulder, and spoke to Gongsun Kang.


“So we have to hold him on this matter and hold him for one day first.

Wait until tomorrow is over, everything will be easy to talk about tomorrow!”

Gongsunkang nodded grinningly when he heard Ma Chen say this. Although Gongsunkang nodded, his heart was a mess.

I don’t know how to hold back the kicking effort. It’s impossible for the kicking effort to stay still while listening to them.

Liu Bowen carefully looked at the topography of the mouth and the position left underneath. According to his own calculation, there was a slight difference, so he needed to put another layer of stones on the dam to change its flow.ト,

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