Chapter 900 Inner desire

Now Gongsun Kang looked at the people below, really resentful, but he knew very well in his heart that if there was no one to support him, then he would really have to fight these foreigners in a bloody battle.

Looking at the 100,000 cavalry, he knew very well what kind of ending he would face.

Now Gongsun Kang really felt that he was determined to die, and he didn’t know whether the people in this city could forgive their incompetence.

Gongsun Kang is really very uncomfortable in his heart now, and now seeing that death cavalry is outside the long gate, even if he has great ability, he can’t conquer them.

And like a foreigner, it is obvious that the kicking force is standing under the front door, just as he is about to figure out when he is going to attack the city, suddenly one of his subordinates hurriedly came to the kicking force and said to the kicking force. What a few words.

And the kicking started immediately, to all the subordinates, waving their big swords in their hands, shouting loudly.

At the same time, all the people below started to drink loudly.

Gongsunkang knew that these people were going to attack, and it could be seen from their actions that they were planning to attack the city now, and at the same time, Gongsunkang quickly organized his subordinates and began to defend the entire city gate.

Suddenly the screaming sound became a whole, and the kick outside the door swiftly started to attack the city gate.

The cost of gold coins must be tough and terrifying. When all these people started to fight, they began to quickly climb towards the edge of the city wall. At the same time, Gongsun Kang quickly commanded his subordinates.

I quickly threw huge rocks below to hit these constantly climbing upwards, so at the same time we kicked hard and our subordinates were unable to meet the door or attacked, the huge Zhuangzi who hit the door quickly rang. .

Gongsun Kang in the child city organized all these people under the tree, facing the other side who started to tighten the city gate with some sandbags and heavy objects, to prevent the car door from being opened.

Suddenly it happened and the shouts merged into a piece of all these foreigners who were constantly climbing upwards, and they were also weapons in the hands of rubbish themselves, and began to launch their attacks than those who kept throwing rocks above.

The number of these foreigners is really too much, and now they are climbing very fast.

And now Gongsun Kang can clearly feel that when the number of these foreigners is increasing, some of the foreigners’ physique climbing upwards have reached the city gate. The tribe began to attack quickly.

Gongsun Kang’s own hand was also very hard, and his body began to resist these foreigners with all his strength, and all went to the road.The foreigners were under Gongsunkang’s big knife, like cutting a watermelon, with a single knife. .

I have to say that Gongsun Kang is also a very brave person, and the power he uses in times of crisis is also very large, and now the oral recuperation is completely full of his own potential.

Swiftly began to exert his powerful lethality towards the foreigners who climbed up, but these foreigners are really too many, and they are constantly climbing at the same time.

Several foreigners also began to attack Gongsun Kang, and at the same time the generals on the door of the car also began to fight bloody. .

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