Chapter 867 Further trends

And this Liu Bowen is now 100% loyal, so I also trust this Liu Bowen very much, and now seeing Liu Bowen’s feeling of gratitude and virtue, Ma Chen also helped Liu Bowen to pat Liu Bowen’s shoulder, yes Liu Bowen said.

“As long as you believe me, it will definitely give you a bright future!!

When Ma Chen said these words, it was definitely too realistic, and Liu Bowen did not understand the meaning of Ma Chen for a while, but he also understood that Ma Chen would definitely give himself a beautiful future.

And now when this Liu Bowen himself was full of gratitude, suddenly the secret agent outside the black ice platform walked in~.

“Reporting to the lord, I recently discovered that there is a wave of teams in Xianyang City. They are eager to try. It seems that they want to do something, and the leader of this team is called Lu Fan-!”

When Ma Chen listened to the secret report from the spy, his brows were frowning, and he didn’t know what happened in Xianyang City. It looked like there was some turmoil. You must know this Yellow Turban-Chaos.

It was very difficult for him to calm down, and now there is such a turmoil, it really makes Ma Chen feel that there is some clueless while listening to the spy’s report.

It is actually Lu Fan leading this team, so what exactly does Lu Fan want to do?

Ma Chen also has some understanding of such a Lu Fan. Now this Lu Fan actually feels eager to try. This Lu Fan is also a military commander.

You must know that he is also very good at all these military deployments, and now he actually has such an eager mind, it seems that these heroes on all sides are already eager to try.

Ma Chen also knows this great country. He must lay down his own prospects for a Jingxiu. It seems that if he does not act as soon as possible, it is very likely that all these foreigners and these external forces will really spy on this position. .

And now I also know that everything must be completed as soon as possible in order to take the most powerful form.

“Lu Fan? What is this Lu Fan eager to do? Is there any action?”

“Answer the lord, now Lu Fan is starting to recruit troops and horses at his local place, and it is taking the gravitational force to start recruiting troops and horses, and now all these ordinary people in all directions are rushing to his troops.

0………Look for flowers…

“Know that the ocean he gave is at least twice as large as other places!”

Ma Chen really shocked Ma Chen when he heard the words reported by the spy. At the same time, Bowen Liu, who was standing next to him, frowned slightly when he heard the words reported by the spy.

And now this coal also informs Ma Chen of the latest news. The group of coal sent by Ma Chen is mainly to listen to the movement in all directions, as long as anyone has some reservations or when there is any movement.

Such a stall would come to tell me, and now I have been told that my Lu Fan has actually started to recruit troops, but this is obviously not going to happen.

Now Ma Chen was also thinking about the possibility of this matter, and at the same time he was talking to the spy in front of him while watching the coal kneeling there.

“Pay more attention to his movements, and report back if you have anything!” ト.

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