Chapter 858 Another arrangement

Now Ma Chen is not in a hurry. Since this Xiao Hei is not convinced by himself, there is no need to talk to him.

Now as long as Ah Dou is in his own hands, Sima Yi will be under his control.

The words that Ma Chen had just heard Xu Shu said suddenly felt a little strange to himself.

Why is this Zhao Zilong not being taken seriously by Sima Yi? This really makes Ma Chen feel a little strange.

This Zhao Zilong can be said to be the dragon and the phoenix among the people, but also a young talent. How can Sima Yi’s eyes not have a Dou who is more suitable for him?

It seems that Sima Yi also has some selfishness and partiality towards his children.

Now Ma Chen himself knows very well that no matter who Sima Yi values, as long as A Dou is in his hands, it seems that this move is right.

As long as the southern county is only defending the southern county city and guarding Adou, everything will be easy to handle. Now Ma Chen himself knows the strength of his hand very well.

Then all the initiative is in his own hands. Although Sima Zi has temporarily fled, this Sima Yi was also deliberately released by Ma Chen.

Now this Sima Yi doesn’t pose a big threat to him, and everyone knows that Sima Yi is a fierce person, but what about it? Isn’t it still controlled by himself?

“Xu Shu, you will also send a letter to Ziwei in a moment! The approximate content of your heart is to let him guard A Dou. Now everyone is very coveted for A Dou, I’m afraid it will change!”

And now Xu Shu nodded respectfully when he heard Ma Chen say this. Now the only general, Meng Tian, ​​faced Ma Chen, a little unconvinced.

The rest of these people, when listening to these words of Ma Chen, are also very respectful, especially now that the red pine nuts are still there, even if Meng Tian is dissatisfied with Ma Chen in his heart, he will more or less converge.

Ma Chen knows that Meng Tian himself has to clean up sooner or later, but it is not the time yet. Now I am annoyed by me, and I don’t have the mind to continue entangled with them here.

After listening to what Xu Shu said just now, he probably understood a little bit. This Zhao Zilong has not been reused by Sima Yi now.

It seems to be a good thing, now what I need is to target my own forces and drive to Liaodong City at the fastest speed.

Now Ma Chen knows in his heart that this Liaodong city is now in danger, and he knows it too. After rectifying the forces by himself, the next step is to rescue this Liaodong city’s urgent need.

Now Ma Chen has laid out the general situation, and leave all the remaining specific matters to Xu Shu and Meng Tian to deal with them.

On the contrary, he wanted to leave here and go to Liaodong City as soon as possible.

The lord of Liaodong City, Gong Sun Kang, has some friendships himself.

Now Ma Chen himself knows very well that this Gongsun Kang was originally in the history he was familiar with, but he has been used by Cao Cao’s subordinates, and later surrendered to Liu Bei for some special reasons.

But now that everything in 1.4 is not according to his original history, some changes are taking place. Ma Chen also knows that since he entered this world, everything has begun to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The lord of Liaodong City, Gong Sun Kang, is now trapped in Liaodong City, and the Karasuma outside is also eager to try them. There is a potential for attack.

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