Chapter 845 Reckless talk

“Since ancient times, Shi Yuan’s strategy has pointed out the direction for the seal. However, if you want to turn Shi Yuan’s ideas into reality, the seal must take the lead in taking risks.

Otherwise, if you can take the lead in what Sima Yi calls the Million Army, you will let Nanjun Shiyuan and Wen Chang go forward and keep Nanjun.

Even if it is impossible, they will not risk their lives. South County is in hand, and the seal can be returned to South County!”

After listening to Ma Chen’s words, Feng Wei knew that most of his thoughts were set at this time, so he sighed, he stopped talking, apparently tacitly acquiescing.

“Shang Xianghe, please bring your husband in, leaving only 800 elite Western troops to Feng. This matter is top secret.

No matter who asks after the mission is completed, you can’t tell me that we have occupied the land in South County first.

If the infantry in China violates this statement, he will be punished!”

They looked at the position that Ma Chen flashed in a glance, they were all holding their fists to take orders. This time they came to capture Nanjun, but Ma Chen improvised. Fortunately, he did not live with Xuande. At this time, there were very few generals beside Xuande.

Therefore, there is no prison army around Ma Chen, which also provides a lot of convenience for his actions.

Saying that it used Nanjun when repelling Sima Yi, this is just a great achievement

That night, when they returned to Huarong County, they distributed a number of infantrymen.

In addition to the elite soldiers he commanded, Ma Chen also selected people.

After the remaining sergeant and Li Chuang led the departure, two thousand people were left to follow Feng Chu and Wei Yan, and they went directly to Nanjun.

Sun reluctantly agreed to go with Hehe after several persuasion, because once they encounter a strong enemy, they might run away.

If she is on Ma Chen’s side, it will not help Ma Chen out of the predicament, but will make Ma Chen take care of it in his heart, making it difficult for it to exert its true abilities.

Under the night, they all left.

Ma Chen firmly believes that under the brave strategy of Wei Yan and Feng Chu, their army is stronger than the defenders in the southern county.

There is no problem in capturing South County at night.

At this time, only Ma Chen and Huarong County were left, and 800 elite soldiers led by Zhang Ziyi were waiting here.

Ma Chen ordered his sergeant to fill his stomach at night and take a good rest, so that when they met the next day, if necessary, they would attack the disabled soldiers of Sima Yi.

After knowing the division of troops, Ma Chen’s heart, after that, his own pressure is actually quite large.

Once Zhong’s best strategy fails, even if the remnants of Sima Yi are repelled, if it cannot rush to Nanjun, to the west of Yiling, most of the areas previously occupied by Nanjun will become futile, so long-range offensives are inevitable.

After the order was completed, Ma Chen called Zhang Ziyi into the crowd.

Zhang Ziyi didn’t discuss tomorrow’s plan, but bravely stopped Sima Yi and gave him many choices.

When he was planning before, he was already planning in, but he shouldn’t say it in public.

“Tomorrow, I will personally lead my three hundred Qin Bingbing to lie in ambush on the trail in the middle of the road.

In the middle, I watched the small road, there were not many hiding places and could not accommodate many people. General Xingba led another 500 soldiers to ambush at the crossroads.

Then listen to my orders. If Sima Yi is very strong, he will kill for a while at the crossroads.

If I don’t teach General Xingba to send troops, I don’t have to send troops to let Sima Yi pass,~!”

Zhang Ziyi was obviously puzzled by Ma Chen’s remarks.

According to Feng Chu’s previous words, even if Sima Yi could not be captured this time, Mei would take this opportunity to kill several of his generals.

No matter under what circumstances, Sima Yi should not be allowed to pass, so Zhang Ziyi looked confused when he listened.

Seeing that Zhang Ziyi seemed to disagree with what he said, he sighed slightly and explained in a low voice, “”In today’s troubled times, no matter the territory of the city, elite soldiers are a bargaining chip.

(Good job)

In Sima Yi, there are a lot of chips in his hand, but in the hands of Seal, there are very few chips.

If Sima Yi is threatened by the seal, he can divide and seal some chips in his hands.

As a transaction, letting them pass is not without reason.”

The word “Ma Chen” made Zhang Ziyi understand, but after hearing the word “Ma Chen”, he also wanted to hug Sima Yitong tightly and blackmail some money, just to settle down in his heart, then nodded and took the lead.

After the plan was completed, the two of them took advantage of the night to visit Huarong Road, and after confirming that Ma Chen led three hundred men and horses in ambush on the way, they returned to Huarong County to rest. .

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