Chapter 802 Euthanasia

“General Xingba is not in a hurry. Although Sun Quan and the people of Jiangdong prepared for me Longtan’s lair, because we have already arrived here, we will wait here safely.

When I get a chance, I will let Sun Quan and Zhou Yu’s tactics fail. Then it will be interesting to see how much they regret it!’

Ma Chen clenched fists with both hands and his eyes were vivid. Zhang Ziyi saw that Ma Chen had such a mentality, but was a little quieter, not as anxious as before.

“General Xingba recently did not let the people of Jiangdong know that you have taken refuge in me.

In this post, there is no need to trouble Xingba for safety. Xingba can follow what I said before to find the traces of the phoenix chicks, find the phoenix chicks, and return it here without disturbing it. As for the future, I have my own plans!”

Zhang Ziyi is in Sun Quan and controls Ma Chen, but he can still be so distracted, and he admires it very much in his heart. When he got Ma Chen’s life, he left alone.

He knew that in Sun Quan’s eyes he was still Jiangdong’s general. If he is too close to Ma Chen openly at this time, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Zhang Ziyi was sent away as before, pretending to be drunk, and fell asleep in the post house room. He only woke up at noon on the second and second day. When he woke up, he was still having a headache in the post.

At this time, Sun Quan just woke up in his house, took a rest, and quickly called the people waiting outside the door into the crowd, and asked: “Yesterday, I ordered you to wait in the post house to monitor the son Ma. Chen, Xuande, has the situation changed since he came back after drinking?”

“No, after General Xingba sent him back to the post, he led everyone away. Then I guess I didn’t wake up from the wine.

According to the people in the post house, I only got up at noon. I just said that the head hurts, no-there are other movements. ”

Listening to the return, Sun Quan was obviously very satisfied with Ma Chen’s performance. After a while, he ordered the sergeant to call Zhang Zhao to observe.

As soon as Zhang Zhao arrived, Sun Quan talked about all the performances of “Ma Chen”.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhaolue said: “Ma Chen is an out-and-out conspirator, and the master is not easy to be deceived.

In the opinion of the minister, it is better to call him again these few days, eat a few banquets, and see how he reacts. ”

Sun Quan listened, but smiled to Zhang Zhao and said, “The teacher’s words are very good. When I summoned Ma Chen to Chaisang this time, I wanted to put him under house arrest.

When Xuande and I won Jingzhou, Xuande was originally in the serenade, and in the land of Jingzhou, Xuande had to put away greed. ”

“As far as Xuande, Ma Chen is concerned, he is just an upright son. Xuande has parents and children, how can he abandon the land of Jingxiang Nine County just because he is alone?” Zhang Zhao obviously disagrees with Sun Quan. View

0……for flowers…

“My View Ma Chen” has the same talent as Gong Jin. This time house arrest Ma Chen is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone.

If Xuande really values ​​Ma Chen, it would not dare to argue with me on the land of Jingzhou if Xuande does not care about Ma Chen anyway.


It is difficult to compete with me in Jiangdong for the land of Jingzhou, no matter who owns the land of Jingzhou, I can sneak in and teach it to be in Jiangdong! Work for me”

Sun Quan said that he looked happy on the surface, and this tactic is obviously self-confident.

Zhang Zhao was very moved when he heard this. He said: “Ma Chen is a talented and brave man, but if the owner wants him to work in Jiangdong, he is afraid of raising tigers in the future.

Sun Quan was obviously prepared for Zhang Zhao’s cautious attitude.

After listening, he smiled and said mysteriously: “I know Ma Chen is difficult to control, but there is a good way to make Ma Chen come back to Jiangdong with me!”

When Zhang Zhao saw Sun Quan’s confident expression, he did not ask any questions.

Sun Quan was able to think about this level and figure out countermeasures, which was enough in Zhang Zhao’s eyes. Down,

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