Chapter 767 Watch the sky

“The military division’s words sound very reasonable.

The seal had never seen Zhou Yu in Chaisang before, and didn’t know much about Zhou Yu, but Jiangdong’s military commander did not take it seriously.

If the Dragon King is going to meet that guy, Feng Hui will go with the Dragon King.

No matter what happens, the Dragon King will return safely. I think in scruples, Zhou Yu’s Sima Yi army has not retreated yet.

Even if you have a plan in your mind, you will shrink when you know it. If you don’t go to the Dragon King, you can also go to the Dragon King to get to know Zhou Yu’s talents.”

This sentence once again progressed and retreated to a certain extent. It did not give the red pine nuts any ammunition, but it made Xuande very satisfied.

Xuande had been a soldier for half his life and nearly died in the hands of the enemy several times. At this time, he naturally wouldn’t be discouraged by Zhou Yu’s invitation.

He thought for a while, and said to Chisongzi: “This time, we cannot weaken our army’s combat effectiveness in front of the people in Jiangdong.

Otherwise, when you compete with Jingzhou, you may fall into trouble.

According to the rumors, Zhou Yu, who is like Sun Ce, is not small. ”

“Master, if you want to take risks, be careful!” At this moment, seeing the red pine nuts is almost a foregone conclusion, I can only sigh and warn at last.

“Although military advisers can rest assured, I am not a person who will die without hesitation.

When I went to the Jiangdong Navy account this time, I was still accompanied by Ziwei and Ma Chao, and Ziwei brought only a hundred non-commissioned officers from the headquarters. ”

But I said that I had listened, and hurriedly stepped forward to pay and said: “”Feng Ke stayed the Dragon King, but only left more than 300 sergeants, each with two warships to respond.

If something goes wrong, he can quit with confidence. ”

“According to Ziwei’s words and deeds, this matter from the soldiers will bother the military divisions.

Only the famous sergeant stayed in Liu Qixian and was taught to wait for news in Jiangxia County. Once Sima Zi withdraws, he can retake Jingzhou

Seeing that Zhu Chisongzi made up his mind, he stopped persuading him. He just looked at Ma Chen and anxiously accepted Xuande’s order.

When Chisongzi looked like this, people knew that it was not worried about Xuande’s safety in the camp where he was going to Zhou Yu, but worried about the alliance against Sima Yi with Sun Quan, and he won the first hand with Ma Chen.

Now, Ma Chen ordered Xuande to go to Jiangdong Army to attend the meeting.

Once Zhou Yu had a strong desire for Xuande, but was broken by Ma Chen, then Ma Chen’s position in Xuande’s mind would rise again.

“Military officers don’t have to worry.

If the seal cannot guarantee the safety of the dragon king, it will be cut in front of the dragon king. Therefore, the military division can only rectify the military horse.

Once it and Zhou Yu have agreed on some plans, it will be called Sima Yi.

The army came and went. ”

“General Ziwei doesn’t need to worry about the army and horses, as long as the owner’s safety is guaranteed.”

0……for flowers…

Zhu Chisongzi replied indifferently, and then bid farewell to rectify the soldiers and horses. Except for the five thousand sergeants in Liu Qi’s hands.

This time Xuande had ordered all Jiangxia’s infantry and about 20,000 navy troops to move to Fankouluo. Once Fankou’s Sun Quan changed, Xuande’s Wanshui Army would be attacked before and after.

Therefore, Xuande did not dare to ignore Zhou Yu’s invitation.


Although it was extremely dangerous, he still had to figure it out.

Ma Chen and Xuande said goodbye to Chisongzi, and then they boarded a battleship.

Ma Chen ordered Wei Yan to lead a hundred infantry to accompany them on the ship, and invited Ma Chao to board the ship together, then disembark and arrange a meeting.

Zhou Yu minded that Ma Chen naturally had no confidence, so he could only divide the remaining 300 sergeants into two teams, before they were all handed over to Ma Chao’s command at Mangdang Mountain.

He boarded a light boat and patrolled between Fankou and Zhou Yu station, while Li Jian led many people on a warship, avoiding Zhou Yu patrol boat, and lying in ambush near Zhou Yu station.

Once something went wrong, Xuande could be safely sent back to Fankou. After Li Chuang told Li Chuang and Ma Chao of this arrangement, his life was naturally ended.

But Ma Chao looked worried: “The general arranged so carefully, do you doubt that Zhou Yu will take action?”

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