Chapter 758 Give a name

Ma Chao saw Sun Xin’s extreme recognition of Ma Chen, so he stopped talking.

As for Ma Chen and Sun Shangxiang, Ma Chao hesitated, but since Sun acquiesced in this matter, Ma Chao didn’t say much.

Things like this, once used properly, are great things.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang had taken Ma Chen to an elegant restaurant. They sat in the room upstairs, relatively speechless.

“I don’t know when the general will go to Jiangxia this time, and when will he go to Jiangdong?”

Sun Shangxiang looked at Ma Chen for a long time. When he saw Ma Chen, he just kept drinking tea on the table. He was very upset, but he still took the lead in asking.

“Sun has this question, did it deliberately block it?” Ma Chen listened to Sun Shangxiang’s question, showing a thick smile, looked at Sun Shangxiang without evasiveness, and asked.

Sun Shangxiang didn’t expect that the etiquette in front of Ma Chen suddenly changed, and then he thought of the scene where Ma Chen looked at her bare thighs unscrupulously on the day of the rescue.

He couldn’t help but fought a cold war in his heart, and for a while he was speechless to Ma Chen.

“Is the girl confused? She wants to reject the girl’s kindness before being sealed. Here, she has changed again?”

Ma Chen asked Sun Shangxiang with a look of suspicion, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Sun Shangxiang nodded softly when he saw Ma Chen’s question. In her heart, she was really puzzled by Ma Chen’s performance.

“If Feng said that she met the girl in the first place, and she had already been dumped by that girl’s beauty, she would have escaped several times today, just because she was afraid that she would not be able to be herself when facing that girl. Girl’s letter ?”

After that, Ma Chen stretched out his right hand, holding the sachet left by Sun Shangxiang that day in both hands.

When Sun Shangxiang saw what Xiang Ma Chen was holding in his hand, his eyes suddenly filled with emotion.

After returning that day, she explained to Sun Quan what the slave girl had saved her, and told her that the sword in the slave girl’s hand was very delicate and her name was Qingyong.

As we all know, the Green Rainbow Sword belongs to Sima Yi, but how did Sima Yi Sword appear in Jiangdong and be held by a Fang Chen ranger?

For Sun Quan, this is a mystery.

After Sun Quan told Sun Shangxiang about this, Sun Shangxiang was also very upset because he could not secretly follow the Ma Chen to find his residence.

Ma Chen’s heroic gesture with a sword has been deeply rooted in Sun Shangxiang’s mind. In the six counties of Jiangdong, Sun Shangxiang did not lack admirers, but on that day, he saw Ma Chen.

Those Jiangdong children seemed to have lost their magic in Sun Shangxiang’s eyes. She just wants to meet Ma Chen again 0

After Sun Quan searched for a day to no avail, he met Ma Chen and others in front of the court.

When Ma Chen retired from Zhang Zhao and took out the Qinghong sword, Sun Quan was also very happy.

He is looking forward to forming an alliance with Xuande, and the person Sun Shangxiang is looking for is the righteous son of Xuande, Ma Chen, how can he not like it in his heart?

He should tell Sun Shangxiang immediately

Sun Shangxiang, after arriving, he watched quietly after class, only to see Ma Chen and Zhang Ziyi.

When he saw that this person was the one who saved her that day, his heart beat wildly.

He waited patiently until Sun Quan met Ma Chen, and then he came out of the house.

“Did you carry this sachet these two days?

When Sun Shangxiang saw Ma Chen, he took out the sachet as a gift to him, the expression on his face was uncontrollable. Now he is very excited, 1.4 asked.

“I have never left my body. The girl is smiling and sleeping, so I can only pin my mind on this sachet.

On that day, because of the important mission of the alliance, the road ahead was not clear, and I did not dare to have anything to do with the girl.

Today, the issue of alliance with General Sun has been resolved.

Therefore, I learned that this girl is Sun, the general’s sister, so I dared to be invited.

I wonder if the girl has complaints in her heart?”.

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