Chapter 753 Gongcheng

The people in front of the court are all battle-tested people. Do you know that this statement is just to save Zhang Ziyi’s face?

If you want to work hard right away, you can seriously hurt Wei Yan and Xu Chu, how can you compare with Jian?

“General Ziwei doesn’t want to make fun of me anymore. If he loses, he loses.

He didn’t believe all kinds of rumors before. Today, he was able to learn what he believed in from General Zhang Ziyi.

If Jiang Dong can get the help of Ziwei and the “Zero Six Zero” army, he will definitely defeat Cao Jun! Zhang Ziyi is obviously not a narrow-minded person.

He only looked ugly for a while, then he held a fist at Ma Chen and said in words that he was not domineering before, but seeing Ma Chen’s swordsmanship deeply moved Zhang Ziyi.

Everyone was surprised to see that Zhang Ziyi admired Ma Chen so much. Zhang Ziyi is well-known in Jiangdong, he is called Jinfan thief.

Although he is the most proficient in water warfare, he performed well in Jiangdong, and now he is defeated by Ma Chen.

They know that the previous rumors about Ma Chen are not far from the topic, Ma Chen is very brave, so it is difficult to have enemies.

“General Xingba delivered a heavy speech. If Feng Ruo can fight side by side, he must have done a lot. Then Sima Yi’s army and land war are acceptable. If it is a water battle, I am afraid it is not as good as the Jiangdong navy.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of Jiangdong’s ministers improved a little, but Sun Quan raised his eyebrows and asked loudly, “In this case, General Ziwei thought, what is the fighting strength of Sima Yi’s army?”

When Sun Quan’s words came out, Lu Su, not far from the Ma Chen, repeatedly signaled Ma Chen.

Before that, Lu Su told Ma Chen several times on the ship and in the post.

Never talk about how brave Sima Yi’s army is in front of Sun Quan, just say that it is fragile.

But contrary to expectations, Ma Chen didn’t seem to see Lu Su. When he stood up, he said something that shocked Lu Su

“General Sun and Sima Yi did not confront each other head-on, but Sima Yi who ruled the north and killed Yuan Shao, the army is the tiger and wolf division!”

Ma Chen said that, among the ministers, it caused quite a sensation. The ministers in Jiangdong were talked about, and Sun Quan was frozen.

Obviously, it did not expect Ma Chen to say that. Lu Su has a serious expression and looks directly at Ma Chen

“General, General Ziwei is so brave, but he calls Sima Yi’s army the tiger and wolf division.

The strength of Sima Yi’s army is evident.

If the general does not hand this letter to Sima Yi immediately, the people of Jiangdong will be rescued from the shackles of this pond fish.

Zhang Zhao was already standing there in frustration.

Seeing that Ma Chen actually said that Sima Yi’s army was the teacher of tigers and wolves, he immediately walked out of the queue happily.

His words urged him earnestly.

Sun Quan listened and made no sound. He just looked at Ma Chen, as if he was very considerate.

Seeing that Ma Chen was already full of confidence, he asked: “If Sima Yi’s army is the tiger and wolf’s division, then Liu Yuzhou has mismanaged the army and Cao retired to Jiangxia.”

Ma Chen seems to already know that Sun Quan can ask this question.

He smiled and said: “When Dragon King first arrived in Jingzhou, he had only more than 1,000 sergeants.

In order not to make Liu Jingsheng feel uncomfortable, he is willing to settle and recuperate in the small county town of Xinye.

The teacher of Sima Yi’s 1.4 who drove away tigers and wolves was very resolute, but he was very resolute in regard to Liu Jingsheng’s long death and his youngest son who was bewitched by Long Ouyu and Zhang Yunzhi.

He fell to Sima Yi. The Dragon King had never come this far. Even so, the Dragon King still felt the kindness that Liu Jingsheng knew him, and did not compete with Liu Cong’s children.

Otherwise, why did the land of Jingzhizhou fall into the hands of Sima Yi, and the Dragon King took away thousands of benevolent and righteous teachers. .

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