Chapter 749 argue

Ma Chen came to the hall and looked up and saw the person sitting in front of him with a generous face and dark complexion.

He has a sense of perseverance. He looked at his age, but he had thick beard and hair.

He wanted to go to Sun Quan. When he saw this situation, he was born in Sun Quan’s heart.

It’s really ugly, and it doesn’t have the blue eyes and purple beards mentioned in the previous book.

“The righteous son Ma Chen, and Ma Chao, the general meet with Sun! After the general Ma Chen and Ma Chao stood up, they raised their hands and shouted at the same time, and at the same time worshiped Sun Quan with Qi Qi and Ma Chao.

At this time, Sun Quan waved his hand, which was regarded as a response. He said: “You two have come here tirelessly. All 08 ministers, Jiang Dong is very grateful. I don’t know how Uncle Huang is now?”

“The Dragon King has always been safe.

The only sigh is that General Sun was sitting on the land of Liujun, Jiangdong, and this state, but he watched Jingxiang nine county fall into Sima Yi’s hands.

When Sun Quan heard this, his face froze.

While talking, another person in the hall walked out angrily and said, “Is there no one under Xuande’s account? I sent such a child here to make a big noise.

How can my Jiangdong hero let you go?”

At first glance, this person is only years old, but his words are very old-fashioned, so he knows that he is Lu Ji.

Now he smiled calmly and said: “General Sun was only years old when his brother took over everything in Jiangdong.

Feng is now close to the year of a weak crown. Why not come here? It is Xiong Lu, who knew filial piety when he was six years old. ”

When the man heard this, he turned around in shame and retreated to the civil and military circle, and stopped speaking.

When the ministers, Jiang Dong, heard this joke about Ma Chen, he was shocked. Both Ben and Ma Chao are military commanders.

They shouldn’t be good at talking. They would leave after being humiliated, but they didn’t know that Ma Chen caused Lu Ji a lot of trouble as soon as he arrived.

When Jiang Dong saw nothing but a word, he retired from Lu Ji, looking at each other, knowing that Ma Chen is not an easy person to get along with.

At that time, no one dared to stand up for fear of being humiliated by people who had nothing.

Seeing this, he snorted and went out to see him. With a rebellious color, he said, “The land is the place to rush. Since he arrived, he didn’t want to help his son.

Only living in Xinye, when Sima Yi’s army attacked, they lost Xinye, first lost to Fancheng, and then Xuande claimed to be a world hero.

In this case, he said, my general should not stand by and watch Jingzhou’s troubles, but I don’t know how to think about it!”

When you look at this person, you will know that this is Zhang Zhao, Sun Quan’s first adviser.

When Sun Quan was young, Zhang Zhao was Sun Quan’s teacher

. Therefore, if Zhang Zhao’s remarks cannot be dumb and speechless, Jiangdong’s trip is likely to be unsuccessful.

Ma Chen just sneered after hearing what Zhang Zhao said.

He turned to Zhang Zhao and replied: “It is no different from the Dragon King, but belongs to the Han Dynasty.

When the Dragon King first arrived in Jingzhou, he commanded fewer soldiers, but there were brave generals, such as General Zhang Guan and General Ma Chao.

This is the posture of a powerful dragon.

Dragon King doesn’t want to teach people vocabulary, so he lives in Xinye temporarily. If Liu Biao and Dragon King are kind, how could Jingzhou not be in my father’s pocket?”

At this point, Ma Chen glared at Zhang Zhao, and Zhang Zhao was about to speak again to refute one or two.

Ma Chen helped Sun Quan 060 again, and continued: “General Sun must know.

Although there were many people in the Cao Jun, I and General Ma Chao killed the ghost and god Cao Zixiao before Fancheng, and then there was Bowang Fire and Baihe River watering.

Which one was not the battle of Sima Yi’s army, and you couldn’t look at each other from end to end?

So although our army is retreating, it is not defeated. Now people are squatting in the gorge, waiting for Sima Yi’s one million army, without fear.

If he can get help from General Sun, Sima Yi will have another million troops. This is also the sorrow of the Yangtze River!”

This sentence was spoken on the floor. Sun Quan listened, only nodded in the seat, but Zhang Zhao’s face turned red.

Although he couldn’t speak, he insisted on saying, “Yellow mouth, kid’s mouth is good. Xuande was chased by Sima Yi’s army. You said that. How did I know when I waited?”.

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