Chapter 556 Take office

After nearly half an hour of hard work, the sun was about to set, and the river was full of blood and corpses. Cao Ren was still standing. Although he was exhausted, no one dared to rush forward.

Lu Fengxian, why do you want to feed yourself? It’s best to leave early!

Pan Zhang panting like an ox, yelling at Cao Ren, regaining his strength.

In Jiangdong, nearby people were casualties, some of them were killed by famous elites, and the nearby people died at the hands of Cao Ren.

In the First World War, almost a thousand people were killed. Such a feat is really scary.

After hearing what Pan Zhang said, Cao Ren laughed and said, “Hahaha! Is Changlu Fengxian the kind of person who surrenders?

Yes, the ants are still alive in vain, but today I really don’t throw your Jiangdong army at Lu Fengxian!

I have to say that this time I was too careless, and I can’t think of a tactic of ambushing on all sides.

But even your Jiangdong army is like this, hahaha!’

Cao Ren was still laughing wildly, he was still so arrogant, as if he didn’t even put Jiangdong army in his eyes.

Although Pan Zhang and others felt insulted by Cao Ren, they no longer dared to talk nonsense, nor did they have any physical nonsense.

On the river, Lu Xun watched all the scenes only half an hour after the war, and was shocked by Cao Ren’s martial arts.

Today he finally understood what it means to become an army and what it means to be invincible in personal martial arts.

Lu Fengxian, he is really a god! I admire, admire, 々!” Lu Xun muttered to himself, the minister behind him was half happy and half shocked.

Today, Cao Ren such a brave person will die, which is a delightful thing.

It is shocking that Cao Ren killed Jiangdong for a thousand children alone.

Ziyi slowed down a lot, stood up straight, and shouted: “Everyone, Cao Ren has ended a fierce battle. Let’s go and avenge General Ling Cao!

With Ziyi’s roar, all the soldiers and infantry rushed forward to kill Cao Ren

Seeing this, Lu Xun frowned and turned back. “Dong Xi, you are a new force. You have helped the generals. End the battle as soon as possible. If you can kill Cao Ren, this red rabbit will reward you.”

Lu Xun narrowed his eyes and played a card behind him. Wugong is no weaker than Pan Zhang, and Dong Xi, a brave general of Lu Xun, will stay by his side in an emergency.

Dong Xi boarded the ship with his saber and landed near Cao Ren under the protection of a group of guards.

Lu Fengxian, eat me!” Dong Xi slashed Cao Ren’s back with a sneak attack, and the sword made a deep wound on his back.

“”Rabbit, eat me!” Cao Ren has been guarding against the sneak attack behind him, but he knows he is exhausted, so he pretends to be unprepared. Cao Ren slashed his backhand and slashed Dong Xi’s thigh and cut his thigh.

“Go together!” Seeing this good opportunity, Ling Tong shouted, and the spear shot directly into Cao Ren’s stomach from the front. (Nuo’s Zhao)

Cao Ren was not afraid of pain, and directly fought back against Ling Tong, pushing him back more than a dozen steps. “Sweep a thousand troops!” A sweep of a thousand troops drove out, and the soldiers within two or three feet of the surrounding area immediately avoided. Many soldiers reacted very slowly and were divided into two by this trick.

“Hahaha! Today, I am in Lu Fengxian! I am very happy that you are not worth taking my life. Today I will die under my own sword!” Cao Ren knew that he was an exhausted power, which was only a temporary phenomenon. .

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