Chapter 525 Cut off

Yang Xiu knew that although his resourcefulness was not weak, his army was not strong. Now General Cao Ren is willing to lead more than 10,000 people, which is naturally a good thing. The current enemy is not the time to protect individual rights.

Dezu, go and rest too! I went to chat with uncle and left. “Wei Yan smiled friendly and told Yang Xiu and Ding Yi to leave first.

A day later, at the Wenpin camp, he received a letter from Cao Ren

“Hey, it’s hard to handle! Ten thousand army, plus Cao Ren’s elite, it’s hard to think of this city. But it doesn’t make sense! Come report to General Xu Rong and ask him to send a cavalry to increase his strength.”

Wen Pin frowned. The situation is a bit troublesome now.

“The army will rest for three days. In a few days, the lobbyists will come over and report the situation to Xu Du in an urgent manner.”

Wen Pin didn’t dare to make his own decision. The King and His Royal Highness Longzi must know whether to retreat or continue the storm.

In Xudu, the city, I frowned when I received an emergency report from Yongliang, a mile away.

Lu Fengxian and Yuan Shao asked Wei Yan to send troops, with only 20,000 elites. Does this lady look down on my Yongliang army?” Ma Chen was very angry and prepared to order a storm of Tianshui

However, Ma Liang frowned. After thinking about it, he said: “Not at all. Yuan Shao, Wei Yan, the disciple is this leader who supports Tianshui, Qin Guolongzi is uncertain, this is a big weakness.

If Wei Yan, counselor Yang Xiu, wants to win the battle of Longzi, what plan will His Highness Longzi come up with?”

Ma Liang thought of Yang Xiu’s plan in half, and he asked with interest.

Ma Chen squinted his eyes and followed Ma Liang’s line of thought and said, “To fight for the dragon is nothing more than defeating Zhou Yu and Wei Yan. We are weak, so we have to create momentum. Strengthening oneself means retreating my Yongliang army without any blood.

To weaken Zhou Yu is to defeat Xia Houyuan and Ma Chao?” Suddenly thinking of the White Robe Army, Ma Chen asked involuntarily.

“Yes! Xiahouyuan and Duwei are fighters of the Qin clan who support Zhou Yu. Their military prestige is extremely high. Although Xiahou is a general of Qin, he belongs directly to Yuan Shao.

If the White-robed Army defeated Xia Houyuan, Du Wei, or Ma Chao, it would be facing Zhou Yu in front of the people. At that time, our army will retreat without blood, and his natural reputation will be huge!” Ma Liang nodded and explained.

After listening to Ma Liang’s explanation, he smiled disdainfully, thinking that Yang Xiu was really naive. If the skin does not exist, how will the hair adhere?

Even if he succeeded in making Wei Yan the next king of Qin, only Jin would rule this country.

“That’s it! Let Yang Xiu fight with his people, and see if Ma Yanzhang is better or Yang Xiu is better! Let’s sit quietly and watch this scene! The East Palace will make Wenpin withdraw the army miles and stay in Liang for the time being. Brave.

I want to know the deployment of the army in Xia Houyuan and the captain and the date of their reinstatement. “Turn around and let Ma Liang do it.

The next morning, I listened to politics class in the concert hall at Ma Chen. Today I finally got what I’ve always wanted to hear: – the electoral system!

Now that Jin State has been established, officials need to be adjusted, and rookies need to be selected. Although the previous official selection system is relatively close to the nine-pin Zhongzheng system in history, Ma Chen believes that there are still imperfections.

For the establishment of a royal power, it is impossible to have any party power in order to maintain long-term stability from within. Now Ma Chen is considering how to stabilize the country from the 890 system once the country is unified and the next generation succeeds.

If you have imperial power, you will face corruption. Therefore, Ma Chen must continue to push the election system to new heights!

“The minister is very weak, but the minister is also from the clan of the demon clan Yingchuan, so this memorial also represents what the demon clan said.” Chen Qun sent the throne, and the big inner tube sent it to Lin Jun

I haven’t read Chen Qun’s throne, but he can roughly think of what the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng system is.

“Enlightenment, Royal Highness Longzi, I think this country still has foreign troubles. If the election system of hundreds of years is adapted at this time, it will cause civil strife and fear.” Tian Feng was the first person to stand up. He expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Qun’s electoral system

Cui Yan also stood up to deny Chen Qun’s official selection system, but he was very keen on Chen Qun’s official selection system and thought it could be adopted, but it was not comprehensive.

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