Chapter 494 Don’t take the trouble

After listening to Yan Liang’s words, Jiangdong soldiers hardly hesitated.

After all, for the soldiers in Jiangdong, most of them join the army to feed themselves. For two days, they will naturally not join the army.

“Don’t listen to the enemy’s muttering! You are Jiangdong’s children. Going to the north, you can only be slaves and humble servants!” In order to stabilize the military’s mind, Pan Zhang could not let Yan Liang disturb the army at this time.

“Jiangdong soldiers, Jizhou’s army is three times the size of Jiangdong’s “August Three” army. Three meals a day. Every meal has meat!” Yan Liang shouted at the front row soldiers again, disturbing the morale of Jiangdong’s army.

“Brothers, break through!” When some soldiers in the front row of Jiangdong Army had the intention of retreating, Yan Liang directly ordered them to break through with these people.

“Let the arrow!” Gong Jin squinted his eyes and hit the arrow directly.

The soldiers in the front row of his own army began to retreat, which Gong Jin expected. It is impossible for Yan Liang to break through.

Gong Jin’s goal was to annex this elite navy in Jizhou, so he arranged the old and weak soldiers in the center.

The main task of the central soldier is to resist the enemy’s impact. Now they are neither young nor strong, so Gong Jin can put an arrow in his heart!

“General, let us down now, our soldiers.” The lieutenant gritted his teeth and asked Gong Jin again.

Gong Jin narrowed his eyes and snorted. “Archery!”

The lieutenant did not dare to disobey the order and directly ordered arrows to be shot at Yan Liang’s army.


Arrows shot out all over the sky, Yan Liang was shocked, and quickly grabbed the shields of enemy soldiers to defend.


“General, you can’t shoot arrows, we are still here!”

Jiangdong soldiers were grumbling, and Yan Liang soldiers also shot arrows.

Yan Liang guessed that Gong Jin would kill, but he didn’t expect to bite to the point of ignoring his own people.

“Everyone, have you seen Gong Jin’s behavior? They did not treat you as a soldier, but as a slave! It is decent to say that you kill. Every general in the Jizhou Army loves soldiers like a child, and is with me Break through and go to Jizhou to eat wine and delicacies!”

Yan Liang was angry and once again disturbed Jiangdong’s morale. The peripheral soldiers were Gong Jin’s confidantes. They would not be rebelled by Yan Liang’s words. But those old and weak soldiers and recruits in Zhongjian hesitated, and dozens of people began to fight back!

“I am willing to be with Qi! Brother general breaks through, axiom is not upright, we will not follow him!”

“Yes! Reverse!”

From dozens to hundreds, recent soldiers and recruits from the old and weak were opposed by Yan Liang

Gong Jin smiled and said, “Go on shooting! The peripheral soldiers formed an array to kill Yan Liang. Yan Liang can run, but his part must remain 0.

Gong Jin coughed and made Pan Zhang order to shoot with the rebel soldiers.

“Let the arrow!”


In another volley, Yan Liangduo’s soldier fell to the ground with an arrow, but he did not go to the rescue.

If it breaks, you will be disturbed! Although Yan Liang is a benevolent general who loves soldiers, he also knows that the current situation cannot hesitate.

“Brothers, continue to break through!” Yan Liang roared and opened the siege of his Jiangdong soldiers while holding a gun. At the same time, he and Suwei broke through.

Soldiers continued to fall, Yan Liang, the number of soldiers around him became less and less, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.

After the bloody battle broke through, Yan Liang led the troops to tear apart the Jiangdong army lineup and blaze a trail.

“Today, when I die!” Yan Liang was covered in blood, most of them belonged to the enemy, and a few belonged to his own.

“The general guard breaks through!

Yan Liang’s elite Rocky Guards protected him, using his flesh as a shield to protect Yan Liang’s horse from harm.

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