Chapter 425 Under the cannon, no one survived!

“Go on!”

“Kill them!!

The few generals behind took up the weapons on their hands and rushed directly.

Those generals were obviously afraid, but they couldn’t help it. Under the military order, no one dared to obey.

Everyone will wait and see.

They swallowed, their eyes shifted from Ma Chen’s body to the towering city wall, Guiguzi’s expressions of horror.

That Guiguzi gritted his teeth and was very distressed and unwilling. Maybe there is no way. The 10 fierce players on Ma Chen’s hand are indeed much more powerful than he thought.

The 10 fierce generals crossed the sea like eight immortals, each showing their magical powers.

Judging by this logic, they are all for a while. There is no way to fight against them.

08 is obviously much stronger in a kind of confrontation than before, so they are hesitating.

That being the case, they wanted to take a look at their hands. Obviously much stronger than before.

The leader of Ma Chen grabbed the sweaty BMW.

Taking the BMW up and struggling desperately, a horse hoof was thrown over, Ma Chen reflexively jumped to the highest point, and then picked up his spear knife?

The distance that the spear knife throws is much rounder than before. It is obvious that Ma Chen can easily control the opponent’s attack position.

The opponent’s attack position is much longer than before, so they must pinch the timing before such an attack position.

After grasping this opportunity, they can proceed with the attack naturally.

Those various positions are very good and provide a distance for Ma Chen to avoid.

Before they grasped the timing, they changed back and forth many times, only to find that the distance of this transformation was much more than the distance of the previous transformation.

In the blink of an eye. Their distance is obviously changing a lot more than just now. Judging by such a way of changing the distance, they can indeed control each other’s position easily and adopt a certain method.

“This attack method must be active to passive!”

“It shouldn’t be like this at the beginning, but they couldn’t help it!”

Several generals began to discuss.

Because the total attack is launched from the left and back, there is no way to get out.

This is an overwhelming force. If the attacks of the first three paragraphs cannot be played out, then the attacks of the next few paragraphs are of no avail.

Although Ma Chen has already contained the sweat and blood of the general BMW, there is no way to defeat the general BMW just by himself.

“Yes, he shouldn’t be on the side of Guiguzi!”

“Why are you so scared?”

Huang Zhong looked pretty, so he glanced at Zhao Yun.

It can be seen that the next attack state is much stronger than they thought. Under such an attack state, they can do nothing. 827

Follow just now. Judging from the field they divided, they can follow the attack state of the first layer, and then also regenerate the other attack states.

“The Art of Resurrection…”

At this moment, in Ma Chen’s mind, the system suddenly rang a voice, which was very strange.

He felt the place where the voice appeared, and then turned his head to find that the sweaty general had appeared.

The other fierce generals also gradually launched a general attack in the direction of Ma Chen.

Obviously those generals will stay here forever, but the way they stay here is completely different from just now. .

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