Chapter 332 Alliance Southern Barbarian, rush to aid Berkshire

The words of Huang Quan, the master, seemed to make Liu Zhang grasp the straw.

He looked at Huang Quan and hurriedly asked: “What’s the good plan for Mr.?”

When Huang Quan heard the words, he stood up, pointed to the map of Bajun, and said to Liu Zhang: “Lord, although the king of Han Ma Chen and Fa Zhengyan invaded Bajun, our Bajun is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Now, it is better to send a few generals to guard in Ba County. At that time, according to the favorable terrain of Ba County, the Han King Ma Chen can be defeated.

Liu Zhang frowned upon hearing this, and asked: “Then Ma Chen is under the command, but there is a celebrity in Yingchuan, how can you do it?

Huang Quan heard this and smiled arrogantly: “A famous person in Yingchuan? In my eyes, it’s just like an ant.” 733

That Huang Quan’s words made everyone in the chamber feel that this person was too arrogant.

When Liu Zhang saw this, he said: “Of course I know that my husband is very powerful, but Ma Chen has destroyed so many princes, how can I stop my Yizhou?”

Obviously, Liu Zhang did not believe in Huang Quan’s words.

Huang Quan heard this and said with a smile: “Master, you don’t know that the Guishuang Dynasty has already approached the Western Regions Protector House. Now, Ma Chen is in a state of exhaustion. His subordinates thought that the master could contact Nanban and let them attack Jingzhou. Today’s Jingzhou must be very empty.”

(aibd) As soon as this remark came out, Liu Zhang’s eyes sank, as if thinking of something.

He then said solemnly: “Then Nanban can really form an alliance with me? Let’s fight Ma Chen together?”

Nanban has always been a foreign attack in Yizhou, so hearing Huang Quan’s words made Liu Zhang somewhat less confident.

Huang Quan heard the words and said with a smile: “The subordinates are willing to go to Nanban, knowing the reason and moving with affection. After all, Nanban and Yizhou have a cold mouth and a cold tooth.”

Hearing this, Liu Zhang’s eyes sank and he said solemnly: “In that case, Mr. can go to the land of Nanban tomorrow, as for Ba County.

He wanted to speak but stopped, but saw the generals in the Chamber, such as Lingbao, Yang Huai, Gao Pei, Zhang Ren, and other generals, and said to Liu Zhang in unison: “Master, I am waiting to go to Ba County.”

As soon as he said this, he saw that Liu Zhang showed a grateful look. He suddenly stretched out his sleeves, wiped his tears, and said: “All generals, for the sake of Yizhou’s birth and death, I am very grateful. Now, all generals, you can go to guard Pakistan. County, if I block Ma Chen, I will be rewarded many times. However, if I lose to Ma Chen, the generals must retreat and return to Yizhou.”

Liu Zhang’s words made his generals such as Gao Pei, Zhang Ren, Yang Huai, and Leng Bao, say in unison: “The lord can rest assured that I will definitely take the head of the king of Han Ma Chen.”

“Lord, I am waiting for the Lord’s favor, and now, I will definitely keep Yizhou.,

The words of everyone moved Liu Zhang. He saluted everyone and said: “Everyone, generals, it’s hard work.”


At this time, I saw military commanders such as Lingbao, Gao Pei, Yang Huai, and Zhang Ren, leading tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, leaving Chengdu, and heading to Ba County.

And seeing the generals leaving, Huang Quan, the master book, also hurried away, went to the land of the Nanban, and persuaded the Nanban tribes.

Looking at the empty chamber, Liu Zhang couldn’t help but said in a deep voice: “Han Wang Ma Chen, I will let you defeat Yizhou.”

At this moment, Liu Zhang flashed a ruthless look in his eyes.

He knew that once Ma Chen defeated Yizhou, he could go straight to the Central Plains and occupy Changan Luoyang.

At that time, the thirteen states of Dahan will fall into his hands, Liu Zhang.

At this time, he even thought that Napa County was so solid that Ma Chen would inevitably make Ma Chen fall outside the city of Ba County. .

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