Chapter 289 Heroine Liang Hongyu



Outside the city, there was a cry for killing, and the soldiers under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen slew to Danyang City.

Danyang City, although not as good as that of Lujiang County, is also extremely dangerous.

At this time, on the Danyang County city, Yan Baihu’s generals were seen, commanding the defenders to shoot rows of crossbow arrows down the city.

Whoosh whoosh!

Above and below the city, that rain of arrows, intertwined with each other, like a big net.

Many Soochow soldiers have not yet responded. He died under the crossbow arrows of Lieyang Bowrider.

At the same time, hundreds of soldiers under Ma Chen’s command were shot by crossbow arrows.

Then Yan Baihu hurried up to the gate of the city, looked down, and saw the soldiers and horses under the city, struggling to kill them.

The ladders were erected on the city wall.

Na Yan Baihu shouted in a deep voice: “All the soldiers, stand it up for me.”


At this moment, the soldiers and horses under Yan Bai’s “Seventy Three” Tiger also felt something.

But seeing them struggling to block the soldiers and horses that came over.

But seeing Ma Chen’s subordinates, Na Dianwei and Xu Chu two generals, it is like entering the land of no one.

With a loud shout, the second general went up to the gate tower from the ladder.

With a bang, Hu Zhixu Chu punched a soldier who had come to death.

The other general was shocked. Before he swung his knife, he was stabbed on the spot by Dian Wei’s double iron halberd.

With a puff, I saw that the military commander fell from the city like an upside-down scallion.

Yan Baihu’s expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly ordered the defenders to kill.

Although the two generals Xu Chu and Dianwei boarded the gate tower, there were many soldiers under Yan Baihu’s command.

The second general’s eyes sank, and he backed away.

Then Yan Baihu shouted: “Quick, kill quickly, they can’t resist it anymore.”


Hundreds of defenders killed Xu Chu and Dianwei, but were shot by the crossbow arrows of the Lieyang archer, causing all of the hundreds of defenders to be hit by arrows.

This gave Xu Chu and Dian Wei a chance to evacuate safely.

The second will go down town without incident.

Yan Baihu’s eyes were gloomy, and he did not expect that the generals under Han Wang Ma Chen could actually retreat under the siege of his tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

There was a burst of anxiety in Yan Baihu’s heart. He looked at the soldiers and horses outside the city and said with hatred: “Kill!”

After more than 10,000 soldiers and horses were damaged, Yan Baihu’s soldiers and horses were already unstable.

At this time, I saw those soldiers and horses, and their morale was low.

Yan Baihu looked out of the city very furiously. Had he not been afraid of Han Wang Ma Chen, he would have rushed out of the city a long time ago.

Now, he who is afraid of Ma Chen can only stay in Danyang County.

At this moment, Yan Baihu said in a deep voice: “All the soldiers, if you can defeat Ma Chen, I will have many rewards. ”

Immediately, Yan Baihu heard the soldiers and said weakly, “No!”

Hearing this, he sighed and returned to the mansion.

The counselor beside him said to him: “Master, you can arrive at Qu’a tonight. At that time, you can let Liu Yao from Na Qu’a come to help out.

Hearing this, Yan Baihu said indifferently: “It is so, so good.

And outside the city, at the camp of King Han Ma Chen, he saw King Ma Chen, looked at his military commanders, and said in a deep voice: “All the soldiers, I will take Danyang County tonight.”



The soldiers responded in unison after hearing the words.

Immediately, according to Xu Shu’s plan, the soldiers acted individually.

At this time, I saw Ma Chen and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, quietly withdrawing from the camp.

In the middle of the night, the night is dark and the wind is high.

In Danyang County, suddenly a figure walked quickly, saw Yan Baihu, and said: “Master, Liu Youzhou Mu, led by the army, is outside the city and touched Ma Chen’s camp.”

As soon as he said this, Yan Baihu couldn’t help showing a triumphant look. He immediately summoned his subordinates and said in a deep voice: “Everyone, Liu Yaozhou Mu has led the army. I will wait and win Ma Chen.”

The generals heard the words and said in unison to Yan Baihu: “No!”

Immediately, Na Yan Baihu led the soldiers and prepared to leave Danyang County and go outside the city.

But he saw the counselor step forward, clasping his fist and saying, “Master, be careful of fraud.

As soon as these words came out, Yan Baihu showed a very surprised look, and asked: “Is there a fraud? Mr. worry too much.,

The counselor wanted to say something, but when he saw Yan Baihu’s look, he agreed and stopped talking.

And that Yan Baihu led the soldiers and secretly opened the Danyang city gate and went outside the city.

Tens of thousands of troops followed Yan Baihu to Ma Chen’s camp.

According to the latest news, Liu Yao is about to arrive at Ma Chen’s camp.

At that time, it can be flanked on both sides to kill Ma Chen.

Immediately, Yan Baihu showed a smug look.

Soon, I was five miles away from Ma Chen Camp.

Yan Baihu and the generals under his command felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Ma Chen’s camp was so dark that he couldn’t see anything at all.

Moreover, Ma Chen’s camp was not guarded at all.

Such a weird scene made Yan Baihu look at the generals in a daze.

One of the military officers was interested, and he immediately patted his horse and left.

At this time, the military commander came to the entrance of the camp where Ma Chen was located and went inside.

But when he heard a swish, a crossbow arrow went directly into his throat.

The general yelled. Died unfavorably.

The expressions of Yan Baihu and the soldiers changed slightly, and they all showed horror.

He looked at the camp and saw thousands of Lieyang bow riders suddenly arriving.

Whoosh whoosh!

The crossbow arrows of the thousands of Lieyang archers were extremely fast, causing the soldiers and horses under Yan Baihu Demon to be shot and killed on the spot before they reacted.

Yan Baihu’s expression changed suddenly. He looked at him in shock, and said in shock: “No, I was in an ambush, retreat, retreat.

In the shout, he ordered the soldiers and horses under his command to retreat to Danyang City.

At this time, I saw the two sides shouting for killing, and the Qi Family Army and Yue Family Army under Ma Chen tried their best to kill.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses fell into it immediately.

Yan Baihu was escorted by several generals and went straight to Danyang City.

He had lingering fears and was very flustered, only to feel that this time he underestimated the enemy too much.

Moreover, Liu Yao’s soldiers and horses were not seen everywhere, could it be that he was in the midst of it?

1.3 As soon as he thought of this, Yan Baihu hurried away.

Soon, Yan Baihu led hundreds of soldiers and fled to Danyang City in a hurry.

Thinking of the scene in Lujiang County, he felt confused and looked up.

I saw a heroine in Danyang City, majestic and majestic, looking at Yan Baihu.

Yan Baihu was taken aback. He saw that the heroine was the heroine of Han Wang Ma Chen.

He couldn’t help shouting: “You, who are you?”

Hearing the words, the military commander sneered and said: “Yan Baihu, I am Qin Liangyu, a female general under the Han king. Today, your death date has come.”

Before the sound fell, I saw that on the left side outside the city, Liang Hongyu led a soldier and horse, and suddenly arrived.

Yan Baihu was taken aback and hurriedly fled, but Liang Hongyu rushed forward, and the flintlock shot directly hit Yan Baihu’s back.

Yan Baihu yelled, rolled over and fell from his horse, struggling a few times.

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