Chapter 287 Danyang County, Dianwei double halberd kills Zhang Ying

At this time, Yan Baihu, who was heading to Danyang, and the tens of thousands of defeated troops under him, met Zhang Ying who was about to arrive thirty miles outside Danyang City.

A detective horse came hurriedly, saw Yan Baihu, and hurriedly said: “Master, General Zhang Ying seems to be in front of him.

As soon as the words came out, Yan Baihu looked blankly and hurriedly said: “Hurry up and meet General Zhang Ying.

He followed the soldiers and went straight ahead.

Sure enough, Zhang Ying led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to Yan Baihu’s front.

He clasped his fist neither arrogantly nor humblely and said, “See the general.”

Yan Baihu hurriedly asked, “I don’t know my brother Liu Yao, where is it now?”

Before, he looked down on Liu Yu, because of his identity, he was a bandit, and Liu Yu was a relative of the Han family.

Now that he has broken many soldiers and horses, he asked Zhang Ying.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ying said: “My lord justice is in Qu’a.

“It turns out that my elder brother is in Qu’a, General Zhang Ying, this time I returned with a terrible defeat.”

Zhang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked Yan Baihu: “General, could it be that Lujiang County was lost?”

Yan Baihu said bitterly: “The old man’s brother Yan Yu died outside Lujiang County, and the guard of Lujiang County has already taken refuge in King Ma Chen.”

As soon as these 703 words came out, Zhang Ying’s expression suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: “Now, I defeat Ma Chen together with the general.”

Yan Baihu persuaded: “General Zhang Ying, the King of Han, Ma Chen, is extraordinary. It’s better to go to Danyang County first, and then ask the brother Liu Yao who is stationed in Qu’a.”

Zhang Ying heard the words, pondered for a moment, and then said: “What the general said is extremely true.” Immediately, Zhang Ying and Yan Baihu joined forces and headed for Danyang County.

Soon, he went outside Danyang County.

The Danyang County guard heard it and hurried out of the city to greet him.

“Meet General Zhang Ying, General Baihu.”

He knew that Zhang Ying was a military commander of Yangzhou Mu Liuyou.

And Yan Baihu is known as the existence of the King of Soochow.

Zhang Ying nodded slightly, and went to the mansion in the city with Yan Baihu.

Immediately, they sent people to Qu’a to inform the lord Liu Yao of the matter.

At the same time, Zhang Ying and Yan Baihu stationed in Danyang County.

The soldiers under the leadership of Han Wang Ma Chen are about to arrive in Danyang County.

Outside Danyang County, I saw Ma Chen under the command of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses surrounding Danyang County.

Nahan King Ma Chen led his military commanders to Danyang County.

Upstairs of the city gate, Zhang Ying and Yan Baihu looked down the city together.

But seeing the generals under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen is very tyrannical.

In Zhang Ying’s heart, a flash of shock could not help.

But he then showed a hint of coldness.

After all, he is the military commander of Yangzhou.

But when Zhang Ying went down the city, he shouted: “Han Wang Ma Chen, you have committed Yangzhou for no reason, Damn it.”

Ma Chen sneered when he heard the words. Xu Shu beside him heard the words and said in a deep voice: “Under the whole world, is it not the king’s land, is it not the king’s court, my lord Han King Ma Chen, is the son of the first emperor, the prince of the Han Dynasty. .Your lord Liu You, as a Han chen and even a Han family clan, has segregated Yangzhou. Now, my lord has established the army of the world and conquered Yangzhou. If you wait for surrender,

Forget the past. ”

When Yan Baihu heard the words, he cursed: “Don’t blame the past? So Cao Cao, Yuan Shu and others, weren’t they also princes, died in the hands of Ma Chen?”

Zhang Ying frowned when he heard the words, and said: “Since this is the case, it is useless to say more, so who dares to fight with me under the Han king?”

Zhang Ying shouted and went straight down the city.

He strode out to the outside of the city, holding a weapon, and looking at the generals under Ma Chen.

I saw that Zhang Ying said proudly: “Who dare to fight me?”

He was holding a weapon in his hand, majestic and majestic, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

Ma Chen’s subordinate, but seeing Dian Wei holding a double iron carrier, like an iron tower, he shouted in a deep voice: “I’ll fight you.”

Seeing Dian Wei shouting, the pair of iron loads went straight to kill Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying saw that Dian Wei was very powerful, and she couldn’t help showing a touch of surprise.

Suddenly he had a plan to kill Dian Wei with a drag knife.

Thinking of this, that Zhang (aibd) Ying yelled, and suddenly followed him with the big knife in his hand.

When Xu Shu saw this, he said: “This kind of trickery is just to deceive the baby.”

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Ying showed a very annoyed look, but Xu Shu would have noticed it.

He shouted and killed Na Dianwei.

But seeing Dianwei catching up, he kicked Zhang Ying to the ground.

Immediately, he took a step, with double iron in his hands, and without waiting for Zhang Ying’s response, he cut off his head.

Upon seeing this, Yan Baihu hurriedly said, “Quickly, close the door.

Seeing Zhang Ying was killed, Yan Baihu looked at Ma Chen in horror.

He hurriedly ordered people to close the city gate and put up the free card.

At this time, Yan Baihu felt that he could not compare to Hanwang Ma Chen.

Yan Baihu’s actions were also seen by Ma Chen, and immediately ordered the soldiers to surround Danyang County.

And in Qua.

Yangzhou Mu Liu Yao is discussing something with his counselor.

Suddenly, an urgent report came.

I saw a swift trot and said: “Master, the big matter is not good, that Lujiang County fell, Yan Baihu retreated to Danyang County, and joined General Zhang Ying.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yao was furious, and he shouted in a deep voice: “How could this be? Lujiang County fell, what about Danyang County?”

“Danyang County is not optimistic either. The King of Han, Ma Chen, has already taken people to attack Danyang County.

“Damn it!”

Liu You came up with the crime, showing a very shocked look.

Xue Li next to Liu Yao heard the words and said, “Master, don’t worry. With General Zhang Ying here, I will be able to stop Ma Chen.

Zhang Ying is a military commander under Liu Yao’s command, and even the number one military commander in Yangzhou.

This time, Liu Yao sent Zhang Ying there, but there is actually another task.

Taking advantage of that Yan Baihu was unprepared, he suddenly beheaded Yan Baihu.

But Liu You didn’t know that Zhang Ying hadn’t had time to kill Yan Baihu, and he had already died at the hands of Ma Chen’s Dianwei.

At this time, I saw Liu Yu said in a deep voice: “That’s it, wait a minute, once Zhang Ying and Yan Baihu repel Ma Chen, I will attack Xuzhou from here.”


Under Liu You’s command, the generals agreed in unison, as if Xuzhou was already occupied by them.

And Liu Yao seemed to be looking forward to something.

At this moment, a worker came from outside the city with an anxious look on his eyes.

I saw that walking slowly, and seeing Liu Yao, hurriedly said, “Master, the big thing is not good.”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yao, who was proud, suddenly his face sank and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Lord, that General Zhang Ying died in the city of Danyang County.


It was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, which made Liu Yao shocked. He hurriedly reached out and grabbed Xizuo, and shouted, “Is this true?”

Hearing this, Na Xizuo hurriedly said: “Master, this matter is absolutely true. General Yan Baihu has put up a waiver card in Danyang County, and he will not leave the city when the city is closed.”

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