Chapter 281 Reform, abolish the family, destroy the tycoon

late at night.

Ma Chen’s residence.

That Zhang Juzheng, Wang Anshi, Liu Muzhi, Guo Jia and other civil servants gathered together.

Ma Chen looked at the crowd and asked, “Everyone, how about the formulation?”

This time, in addition to occupying the thirteen states of the Great Han, Ma Chen also had to eliminate all the shortcomings of the Han.

Therefore, as soon as his voice fell, he looked towards the generals.

After hearing the words, the generals looked at Ma Chen together.

“The lord, the minister thinks that if you want to abolish the evils of the big man, you must start from those powerful families.”

When Ma Chen heard the words, there was a glint in his eyes. He asked Wang Anshi: “Jie Fu, how do you start with these powerful families?”

“The lord, you can send someone to re-measure the land, and if there are rebels, they will be arrested. Strictly govern, so that the powerful families can be contained.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Juzheng said: “Why force the system to directly quell these powerful families.”

At this time, seeing a person coming in stride outside the door, he smiled and said: “If you can pacify these powerful families, I will be the first to respond to the King of Han in Taiyuan.”

The one who walked in was the father-in-law of Han Wang Ma Chen, Situ Wang Yun.

I saw Situ Wang Yun and everyone looking at him, with a firm expression between his eyebrows.

In history, Lord Situ was a very simple descendant of a family.

Some people even pushed the demise of the big man on him.

Now, under the influence of Ma Chen, Wang Yun is no longer as inspiring as before.

Therefore, at this time, Wang Yun was the first to stand in line.

When Guo Jia, Zhang Juzheng and others heard the words, they laughed in unison: “I will wait to see Lord Situ.”

Everyone knows that Lord Situ is the father-in-law of Han Wang Ma Chen.

His beloved daughter Diao Chan is the wife of King Han.

Therefore, they are full of respect for Wang Yun.

Wang Yun can also feel this kind of respect.

But he knew that all of this was related to Ma Chen.

Immediately, Wang Yun said to the people: “The aristocratic family, annexing the land, was very serious when Emperor Guangwu, and he relied on these aristocratic families to ascend the position of God. Nowadays, the Han king occupies more than half of the world. For those aristocratic families The big clan, if it can be destroyed, it will be destroyed, otherwise, it will have to grow again savagely. 々.

Although Wang Yun is the Wang clan of Taiyuan, he has been loyal to Ma Chen, so he decided to let the Wang clan of Taiyuan first submit to Ma Chen.

Even, it became the symbol of Ma Chen’s peace of the family.

Ma Chen heard the words, looked at Wang Yun, and then looked at Zhang Juzheng again, and asked: “That’s it. Uncle, what do you think!”

I saw that Zhang Juzheng heard the words and said: “Master, I very much agree with Jie Fu’s words. Re-measure the land, divide the land according to the population, and so on.

Wang Anshi stood up and said, “Lord, besides, encouraging farmers to live and work in peace and contentment is the foundation of governing the country.”

After hearing the words, everyone nodded.

Wang Anshi’s words really touched everyone’s hearts.

People live and work in peace and contentment, which is the foundation of governing the country.

Throughout the dynasties, only when the people are put first, the dynasties will last for a long time.

And those emperors who died were eventually submerged under the rolling wheels of history because the officials forced the people to rebel.

In this regard, the king of Han Ma Chen, who is familiar with history, also showed a firm look.

At this time, Ma Chen looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: “Not only is the farming and mulberry field reformed and measured, the family and the family will completely disappear after the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty are put down.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone said in unison: “No!”

From then on, that family family disappeared forever.

“The lord, the way of reform must be sustained. The subordinates believe that governing by law, insisting on punishment and reward, upholding justice, only by upholding the morals, will the world be convinced.’

Hearing this, Ma Chen’s eyes sank, and he said: “This king has this intention. In the past few days, you have drafted a talent form for all counties and counties to establish a complete performance evaluation system.”

“The lord, his subordinates thought that the frontier defense must be guarded with heavy soldiers, and each county also has soldiers and horses that belong to the lord. Once the state and county are in chaos, the lord can order the soldiers to guard the state and county. Horse, calm down first, and it can also stop those with ulterior motives from thinking about it.”

Ma Chen heard the words and nodded slightly.

In terms of border defense, nothing more than the Nazhu and Guishuang dynasties.

He put down the Xiongnu Xianbei and occupied the northern land. The Great Wall was no longer useful.

As for the Dongying Japanese slaves, they are now catching heavy lice in the cave.

The Guishuang Dynasty and Tianzhu were also in Ma Chen’s plan.

Therefore, Ma Chen decided to wait for the settlement of the Thirteen States of the Great Han Dynasty, and then redeployed so that the soldiers under his command could be properly arranged, so that the world he occupied was as solid as gold.

After that, everyone discussed iron smelting, salt making, mining and so on.

Wang Anshi said: “The lord, salt is the foundation of all things, and salt mines must not be controlled by private individuals. I implore the lord to nationalize the production of salt from salt mines and combat private salt, so as to ensure the safety of salt production.”

Hearing this, Ma Chen said solemnly: “”This king has this intention. There are many salt mines in the Han Dynasty, and salt is an indispensable seasoning in life. In this case, you can send people to occupy the salt mines, and send salt officials to inspect everywhere, and there are people who sell illegal salt to rectify the law on the spot. ”


Guo Jia heard this and said: “If there are powerful families occupying the salt mines, they will also be hit hard.”

“What Feng Xiao said is extremely true, this king has this intention.”

At this time, Zhang Juzheng said: “The lord, after measuring the land and allocating the land, he needs farming cattle and agricultural tools. Iron smelting can be divided into military and civilian use.

Ma Chen hummed, and said: “Okay, you go down to arrange these things, and make a detailed plan for this king in a few days. This king plans to go to Yangzhou and personally kill Yangzhou Liu Yao and Yan Baihu. With Wang Lang.”

As soon as this statement came out, the generals said in unison: “Master, I am waiting to go.”

Ma Chen waved (Wang Qian Zhao), waved his hand, smiled and said: “In the land of Huainan, there are two generals Qi Jiguang and Yue Yun. This time, this king will bring Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu, Dian Wei, and Xu Chu without many.

“I will obey my orders at the end!”

“I will obey at last!”

At this time, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu who had returned from Nanyang responded in unison.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Wang Ma Chen, led by Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu, Dianwei, Xu Chu and other generals, led 10,000 tigers and Lieyang archers, and ordered Yu Dayou to come from Han River to Huainan.

Soon, Ma Chen led the soldiers and left Luoyang and entered Yuzhou.

From Yuzhou, came to the land of Huainan.

But Yu Dayou learned that he led 10,000 Daming navy divisions from Hanshui to Huainan.

At this time, the army under Ma Chen gathered in Huainan.

This incident has already alarmed Yangzhou Mu Liuyou, Yan Baihu, Wang Lang and others in Yangzhou.

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