Chapter 274 Tune the tiger away from the mountain, cut Zhang Lu, and occupy Hanzhong

At night, in the city.

The Tan Ma ran all the way to Zhang Lu’s mansion, and immediately said, “Master, a happy event.

At this time, Zhang Lu was discussing with Yan Gu how to deal with the soldiers and horses of the Han King outside the city.

He heard what the detective horse said, and asked: “What’s the matter?”

He seemed to have thought of something, but he was not sure in his heart.

The Tanma said, “Master, the soldiers and horses outside the city are ready to retreat.”

Zhang Lu was overjoyed when he heard this, he stood up and asked, “Should this be true?”

However, Yan Pu frowned and said, “Master, is this Xu Yuanzhi’s strategy?”

Zhang Lu looked at Jianpu for a moment when he heard the words, and asked, “Sir, why are you saying these things?”

Yan Pu clasped his fist and said: “Lord, Xu Shu is a celebrity in Yingchuan Academy, resourceful and resourceful. His subordinates thought that this might be Xu Shu’s strategy.

When he heard about the horse, he said “six or eighty-seven”: “Military officer, this is what I heard with my own ears. That Li Ru from Chang’an learned that Xu Shu and others were attacking Hanzhong, and he was about to send troops from Ziwu Valley to attack Xu Shu. Xu Shu knew, so they retreated and left.”

Yan Gu frowned when he heard the words, and sighed, “Xu Shu has a cautious character. Didn’t he leave a heavy army when he left Chang’an?”

Zhang Lu looked at Jianpu and said with a smile: “Sir, you are too cautious. Although you are very cautious, I think I can wait for the soldiers of the Han King to retreat at this time. I will rush out and fight from behind. ”

Yan Pu pondered for a moment, then said: “Lord, that’s the case, you can send General Zhang Wei to go, and the lord sits in Hanzhong.”

Zhang Lu knew that Yan Pu’s remarks were also for the sake of caution.

Immediately, he smiled and said: “Sir, why do so much? I personally led my troops to take down Xu Shu.

Zhang Lu is now dazzled by intelligence. He thinks that once Xu Shu and the others retreat, he will be able to get out of the city and kill them by surprise.

Yan Gu helplessly said: “The Lord’s words are extremely true.”

That night, in the city, news came from time to time about retreating troops outside the city.

At the same time, the defending army guarding the gate tower suddenly saw the noise outside the city.

Immediately, he came to the city and hugged Zhang Lu and said: “Master, soldiers are retreating outside the city.”

Zhang Lu heard the words, stood up, looked at the soldiers, and said in a deep voice: “That’s it, the soldiers will act tonight, and they must kill the soldiers and horses outside the city.,

When Zhang Wei and other generals heard the words, they said in unison: “Nuo Ruo!”

Unconsciously, it was late at night.

The defenders of the city came to report: “Master, the retreat outside the city seems to have lost their helmets and armor.”

Wearing a battle armor and holding a saber in hand, Zhang Lu said in a deep voice, “That’s it, kill with me.”

As soon as this statement came out, the generals, soldiers and horses under Lu’s command said in unison: “Kill!”

With a bang, as the city gate opened wide, Zhang Lu led his soldiers and went straight to kill outside the city.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses followed Zhang Lu from Hanzhong to Ziwu Valley.

In the meantime, Na Yan Gu’s heart trembled. He felt that the speed of Xu Shu and the others retreating was too fast.

Arrived in Ziwu Valley, looking at the ruined camp, and thinking of Yang Ren Yang Ang Second General, Zhang Lu solemnly shouted: “All the soldiers, kill with me!



Tens of thousands of soldiers followed Zhang Lu and went to Ziwu Valley to kill.

But when he entered the pavilion of Ziwu Valley, he became more and more frightened.

He seemed to have thought of something, and felt extremely afraid in his heart.

Ge Ran, on both sides of the Ziwu Valley, suddenly rolled down a lot of wooden rolling stones.

Countless fireballs were pushed down and hit the valley.

That Zhang Lu led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, crowded in the Ziwu Valley.

And these fireballs made Zhang Lu’s soldiers and horses too late to dodge.

But seeing Zhang Lu’s expression suddenly changed, he said in surprise: “Not good.”

He looked at Jianpu, Jiangu was also taken aback, and said, “Retreat, retreat.”

Before the sound fell, I saw countless rockets shooting from both sides.

Whoosh whoosh!

It seemed that the voice of the god of death made the soldiers and horses of Hanzhong unable to dodge.

At this time, they saw all the soldiers escorting Zhang Lu and fleeing out of Ziwu Valley.

But at the entrance of Ziwu Valley, I saw a young general in white robe, and he said in a deep voice: “Zhang Lu, where are you going to escape?”

It is Changshan Zhao Zilong who is holding a silver gentian spear.

Next to Zhang Lu, that Zhang Wei shouted, holding a weapon, and killing Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun sneered, and the gentian bright silver spear was sent forward. Suddenly, Zhang Wei yelled and was stabbed to death by a gun.

Zhang Lu’s expression changed suddenly, and he said in surprise, “Brother!”

He looked at Zhao Yun with great anger, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

The generals beside Zhang Lu shouted loudly, and the seven generals, like turning a lamp, killed Zhao Yun 0.

Zhao Yun held a gentian bright silver spear, openly not afraid.

At this moment, there were only less than 20,000 soldiers left to escort Zhang Lu to escape from Ion Wugu.

Na Yan Pu wanted to escape, but was cut off by the head of a soldier Wei Wu.

Poor, the counselor who gave advice, died unexpectedly.

Zhang Lu fled all the way to Hanzhong in a hurry.

And Zhao Yun held a gentian silver spear in his hand and showed his power, causing seven or eight generals to die under his spear.

Changshan Zhao Zilong has a well-deserved reputation.

At this time, not far away, Xu Shu came on horseback, saw Zhao Yun, and said: “Zilong, I will wait to meet Mengqi.”


Zhao Yun agreed and ordered five thousand mysterious armored cavalry and Wei Wusher to kill Hanzhong.

At this time, Zhang Lu and the demon’s defeated army headed straight for Hanzhong.

When he arrived at the bottom of the city, Zhang Lu saw that the city gate was closed and it was pitch black, and he said, “Open the door, open the door.,

He looked anxious, for fear that Zhao Yun and others would kill him, so he ordered people to shoot the door desperately.

Before the sound fell, he saw the torch reflecting in the sky and the banner of the Han King appearing in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Lu said in surprise: “Not good.”

He finally understood that this was a way to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

He shouted with great anger: “Beat the city, siege the city!”

Behind him, the Hanzhong defeated army looked at the banner of the King of Han upstairs in the city gate, how dare to move?

But at this moment, I saw a military commander, led thousands of soldiers and horses, as if killing a god, rushed into it.

This person 1.3 is Jinma Chao!

Ma Chao yelled, as if entering an uninhabited state, Zhang Lu was shocked. He hurriedly led the defeated army to Xichuan and fled.

But when he saw a military commander next to him, he shouted in a deep voice: “How can you achieve great things while fleeing like this?”

With a loud shout, Zhang Lu’s head was cut off with a single knife.

Zhang Lu was racing wildly with his horse, and the first stage was broken. The horse was carrying his body and rushing forward, and the blood rushed to the neck.

Seeing that Zhang Lu was killed, those Hanzhong defeated troops hurriedly knelt on the ground and surrendered to Ma Chao.

But Zhao Yun and Xu Shu arrived late and came to the city.

Since then, the king of Han Ma Chen occupied Hanzhong, and Ma Chen led 10,000 mysterious armored horses to calm down the rest of Hanzhong. Xu Shu and Zhao Yun went from Ziwu Valley to Chang’an.

Zhang Lu was killed, Hanzhong was calmed down, and he had already traveled to Yizhou in detail.

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