Chapter 271 Gossip array, kill Yang Ang

Ziwu Valley is the main route between Chang’an and Hanzhong.

At this time, Yang Ren and Yang Ang didn’t know, their every move was detected by the Black Ice Platform, and Pegasus informed the Ma Chao, Zhao Yun and others who were coming to the Ziwu Valley.

“Report to the generals and military divisions that the two generals Yang Ren, and Yang Ang under Zhang Lu’s command in Hanzhong led 20,000 soldiers in the Han Dynasty to guard the Ziwu Valley. Moreover, there are 18 camps in the Ziwu Valley, just like a city. ”

At this time, the black ice platform informed the Xu Shu and others of the information it had detected.

When Xu Shu heard the words, his eyes sank, and he sneered: “Although Yang Ren and Yang Ang are famous generals in Hanzhong, they are like building ants in the eyes of the two generals, Zilong and Mengqi.

At this time, Zhao Yun heard the words, clasped his fist and said: “I am willing to kill Yang Ren and Yang Ang.

Upon hearing this, Xu Shu said solemnly: “General Zilong, don’t be impatient. In front of Yang Ren and Yang Ang, there are eighteen chain camps, just like a city, you can’t underestimate the enemy.

Ma Chao was taken aback when he heard the words, he pondered for a moment, and then said: “Military officer, since this is the case, it is better to kill him by surprise from both sides of the Ziwu Valley.

Xu Shu looked at Zhao Yun and Ma Chao, and said with a smile: “Two generals, you two lead people to kill on both sides, so so.”

When Zhao Yun and Ma heard this, they suddenly felt their eyes bright, and the two generals said in unison: “No!”

Immediately, Zhao Yun led the five-thousand profound armored cavalry to the left of Ziwu Valley.

Na Ma Chao led a five-thousand profound armored cavalry, and went from the right side of Ziwu Valley.

Xu Shu led ten thousand soldiers from Wei to come from the front.

The 10,000 soldiers of the Wei Dynasty had already been informed by the Hanzhong inspector that the flying horse came to the Yingzhai and informed Yang Ren Yangang of this matter.

“Report to the two generals that there were about 10,000 heavy infantry in the Ziwu Valley.

As soon as this statement came out, two generals Yang Ren and Yang Ang said in a deep voice, “Ten thousand heavy infantry?”

Yang Ren then said solemnly: “Now, who can have 10,000 heavy infantry soldiers, besides the Han King Ma Chen, who else can there be?”

“The king of Han, Ma Chen, is under his command, not attacking Chang’an? How come from Ziwu Valley, 々?

“No, they are attacking Chang’an on the open. But secretly they want to occupy Hanzhong.”

Yang Ren and Yang Ang finally figured out. They knew why the soldiers and horses under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen suddenly appeared in the Hanzhong Ziwu Valley.

Then Yang Ren said bitterly: “In that case, what are we waiting for? It’s better to kill it directly and take this person.

Yang Ang’s character is suspicious, his gaze sinks, he looks at the guard, and asks, “Are there any other soldiers behind the ten thousand heavy infantry?’

Tan Ma heard this, thought about it carefully, and said: “Except for the 10,000 heavy infantry, there is no one else.”

Yang Ren and Yang Ang looked at each other, and the two couldn’t help showing a sneer.

Then I saw Yang Ang clasped his fist and said: “In that case, I might as well wait to get out of the camp.”

“Also, I heard that the generals under Han Wang Ma Chen are extremely powerful. I have to be careful when I wait.”

“That’s just 10,000 heavy infantry.”

Yang Ren and Yang Ang looked at each other, and the two seemed to have thought of something immediately. They saw that the two men led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under Mo, opened the gate of the village, and killed them.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Yang Ren asked Yang Ang, “I’m waiting to go together, who will guard the camp?”

There was a look of worry on his face.

Yang Ang heard the words and said: “If this is the case, you will guard the camp. I will come as soon as I go.”

The two were divided and deployed, and then Yang Ang led 10,000 soldiers and horses and went straight to Ziwu Valley.

The sides of the Ziwu Valley are steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Xu Shu led 10,000 soldiers of Wei Wei and was about to arrive at the Yingzhai of Hanzhong.

Suddenly, the dust was flying ahead, but Yang Ang, led by ten thousand soldiers and horses, hurriedly arrived.

Yang Ang held a weapon and saw that Xu Shunai was an unarmed Confucian scholar. He couldn’t help but said in a deep voice, “You are under the Han King? Humph. Then, under the Han King, there are no generals available? Sent you?”

He looked at Xu Shu with a contemptuous expression on his face.

When Xu Shu heard the words, he gave a faint smile and said, “Really?”

Immediately, he shouted to the ten thousand Wei Wushou: “Kill!”


As if a thunderstorm sounded, the ten thousand Wei Wu soldiers shouted loudly and killed Yang Ang’s troops.

Whoosh whoosh!

First, some soldiers and horses of Hanzhong were killed by Wei Wushu’s crossbow arrows for some unknown reasons.

These Wei Wu pawns showed very powerful combat power, which made Yang Ang’s heart startled and said: “How can this heavy infantry be so terrifying?”

He seemed to think of something. With a loud shout, he led his army to kill Xu Shu.


I saw 10,000 soldiers of Wei Wei, and set up a battle in the Ziwu Valley.

At this time, this group of Wei Wu soldiers surrounded Xu Shu on the third floor inside and the third floor outside.

It seems to be surrounded, but like a military formation.

Yang Ang didn’t know why, and hurriedly led his army to kill Xu Shu.


He led the soldiers and horses of Hanzhong to rush into the opened military formation door.

At the same time, I saw that Wei Wushu closed the gate and isolated the soldiers and horses of Hanzhong outside the formation.

When Yang Ang saw this, he was shocked and yelled badly.

He hurriedly led his army along the road, but saw that the way he went was gone.

Then Yang Ang said angrily: “,” Xu Shu. Do you dare to deceive me like this?”

When Xu Shu heard this, he sneered and said: “Yang Ang, your death date has come, don’t you know it?”

He picked up the flag and shook it from side to side.

I saw those Wei Wu pawns suddenly moved, making Yang Ang completely lost.

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows shot out, shooting the soldiers and horses of Hanzhong next to Yang Ang to death on the spot.

In this way, Yang Ang was like a lonely family. He wanted to retreat but couldn’t retreat.

He suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: “This is a military formation!”

It was nothing more than that he was so shocked, this was indeed a military formation.

Although he is comparable to Xu Shu in force and resourcefulness, he is not at all comparable.

Once caught in the battle, Yang Ang was flustered and intended to break out.

Suddenly, Yang Ang hung down his horse, looked up to the sky in grief, and threw him directly to the ground.

Yang Ang was taken aback. Just about to stand up, he saw a soldier Wei Wu, and suddenly stepped him on the ground. Then he saw the soldier Wei Wu yell and cut off the head of Yang Ang. .

Yang Ang yelled and died unexpectedly.

Upon seeing this, Xu Shu ordered the withdrawal of the army, and immediately, the army rested and reformed its bowels.

But Hanzhong inspected the horse and hurriedly informed Yang Ren about the matter.

Yang Ren was in the camp, and he heard the Tan Ma said: “Report to the general, it’s not a good thing.”

As soon as this statement came out, Yang Ren looked stunned, and asked, “What’s the matter? Could it be that General Yang Ang was he

He wanted to say something but stopped, and he saw the Tan Ma hesitatingly said: “General, General Yang Ang was killed.,

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Ren prepared in advance, but he still spouted a mouthful of blood.

He was extremely angry and said: “Han Wang Ma Chen’s military commander, dare to kill Yang Ang, I want him to die.”

In fact, Yang Ren didn’t know that Yang Ang was trapped in Xu Shu’s gossip array and was killed by Wei Wu.

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