Chapter 259 Send troops to Chang’an, Wuling Man Anti [8/10, Guiqiu customized]

At this time, all parties within Dahan’s territory shook.

Guiguzi, the black hand behind the Yellow Turban Rebellion, went to the Guishuang Dynasty.

Lingling Prefect Liu Du and Jiaozhou Shepherd Xie alliance.

And Shi Xie accepted Lu Bu as his son in God of War.

In Jingzhou, the Wuling Man also suddenly rebelled, captured Wuling, killed the Wuling Prefect, and attacked Jiangling.

At the same time, Li Ru formed an alliance with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong.

In the territory of the Han Dynasty, the situation is surging.

And in Luoyang.

King Ma Chen ordered Zhou Yu to return to Jiangdong as the governor of Jiangdong.

Zhou Yu was also asked to settle Madam Sun and Sun Quan.

Afterwards, Ma Chen heard the report from the Black Ice Terrace: “Master, I am waiting for something to be announced.”

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen asked Black Ice Terrace: “What’s the matter?

At this time, Ma Chen did not know that Dong Zhuo had been killed and that Chang’an had been breached by Niu Fu and Li Ru.

“Lord, Chang’an has changed dramatically. “Zero 13″ Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo, causing Niu Fu to attack Chang’an.”

“My two father-in-law, and two adults, Huangfusong and Lu Zhi, can they be settled?”

“Lord, all the adults were escorted by the Black Ice Platform and came straight to Luoyang.

Ma Chen nodded slightly and looked at the black ice platform.

Dong Zhuo was killed in his expectation.

The secret letter that Wang Yun Cai Yong gave him told him the plan of the two.

Today, Ma Chen is not surprised that Dong Zhuo was killed.

Is he caring about his father-in-law Wang Yun and Cai Yong.

As for Lu Bu, he is like a dog in the mourning family.

At the beginning, Ma Chen wanted to accept Lu Bu, not wanting him to repeat the same mistakes, but his Lu Bu did not do so, instead he rejected Ma Chen.

Now, everything about Lu Bu is the result of his own answer.

“The lord, Niu Fu and others killed Liu Xie and drove away Lu Bu.”

“Kill Liu Xie?

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen smiled coldly.

Niu Fu’s move is tantamount to setting fire to himself.

He asked in a deep voice, “Do you know where Lu Bu is going?”

“My lord, Lu Bu led the trapped camp to break the army and went straight to the south. Hei Bingtai was spying on where he was going, but Na Lu Bu was outside Chang’an City and met an old man with a fairy-like character. .”

“Old man?”

Ma Chen was taken aback when he heard the words and looked at the Black Ice Platform. He didn’t know what old man Lu Bu had encountered.

“Lord. The old man Lu Bu met was named Guiguzi.

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Chen seemed to think of something.

On the spot, during the Guangzong Yellow Turban Rebellion, the old Nanhua immortal beheaded Zhang Jiao and came to claim credit.

And he killed Nanhua Lao Xian, and before Nanhua Lao Xian was killed, he did mention one person.

It’s that Guiguzi!

The appearance of Guiguzi made Ma Chen’s gaze sink. Until now, he still doesn’t know who Guiguzi is?

Since ancient times, many Guiguzi have appeared.

But there is only one real Guiguzi, and the rest are just false names.

Now, what is Guiguzi who is behind the Yellow Turban Rebellion?

What is his purpose?

And Ma Chen knew that Guiguzi launched the Yellow Scarf Rebellion, and they were linked together.

His eyes sank, he looked at the Black Ice Platform, and said solemnly: “Where is Guiguzi going?”

“Report to the lord, Guiguzi went west.

“To the west?”

Ma Chen seemed to have thought of something, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

He said solemnly: “Send the Black Ice Platform to monitor it, and let me know whenever there is a situation.”


Hei Bingtai agreed and walked away quickly.

At the same time, I saw another black ice platform approaching and saying: “The lord, Li Ru secretly colluded with Hanzhong Zhang Lu, intending to block the lord.”

Hearing this, Ma Chen said coldly: “If this is the case, this king will destroy Niu Fu and Li Ru in Chang’an.

Since Li Ru colluded with Zhang Lu, when he destroyed Chang’an, he went straight to Hanzhong from Ziwu Valley.

At that time, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong will be wiped out, threatening to threaten Xichuan.

Immediately, Ma Chen summoned the generals and counselors to come to discuss.

But see Luo Cheng, Wang Xuance, Zhao Yun and other generals, and Guo Jia, Xu Shu and other advisers, walking quickly.

The crowd will come to the chamber and take their seats separately.

Ma Chen looked at the generals and said in a deep voice: “Generals, now that Dong Zhuo is killed and Chang’an is in chaos, it is the time when this king took Chang’an.”

Upon hearing this, all the soldiers said in unison: “No.”

Guo Jia reported to Ma Chen: “Lord, I am waiting to go to Chang’an and take down Chang’an.”

Hearing this, Ma Chen nodded slightly and said, “Okay, there are only tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry in the city of Chang’an. Now, the king sends people to Liangzhou to let Meng Qi lead troops from Liangzhou to attack Chang’an with you.”

Xu Shu heard the words, pondered for a moment, and then said: “The lord, his subordinates thought that Li Ru might have gone to Hanzhong, and Zhang Lu in Hanzhong of the alliance

Hearing this, Ma Chen looked at Xu Shu and said solemnly: “It is just Li Ru Niu Fu, which is not enough to cause trouble. In addition, Li Ru has formed an alliance with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong to resist the king. That is the case, Zilong and Xuance.”

When Zhao Yun and Wang Xuance heard the words, they strode out and said in unison: “Master!””

“You two can lead 10,000 Wei soldiers and 10,000 black armored cavalry to go to Chang’an. You must win Liangzhou for your king.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Xuance and Zhao Yun said in unison: “No!”

At this time, Ma Chen looked at Xu Shu and said: “Yuan Zhi, you follow Zilong and Xuance to make plans. After all, Li Ru is also a counselor.”

Xu Shu said solemnly: “Nuo Ruo!”

Immediately, Xu Shu followed Zhao Yun and Wang Xuance, leading 10,000 Wei soldiers and 10,000 black armored cavalry, and went straight to Chang’an.

Watching the soldiers leave, Ma Chen asked Na Guo Jia and others: “What’s going on in Jingzhou?”

Guo Jia heard this and said to Ma Chen cupped fist: “The lord, Mu Guiying, Li Siye, Yuan Chonghuan and other generals are all in the Jiangling area, waiting for the master’s announcement, they will go straight to the four counties of Jingnan.”

Hearing this, Ma Chen said solemnly: “Jingxiang nine counties, the king has already got half, and then the four Jingnan counties, let Mu Guiying, Li Siye and other generals act by chance.

“Lord, Liu Du from Lingling sent someone to Jiaozhou.”

Hearing this, Ma Chen gave a faint smile and said: “Jiaozhou? Jiaozhou Shixie?”

Jiaozhou Shixie is Jiaozhou Mu.

Guo Jia heard the words, and said: “The scholar’s family is a powerful Jiaozhou, and Shi Xie is also the master of Jiaozhou. 5.4 Now, can the lord want to take Jiaozhou?

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen gave a faint smile and said: “Don’t worry, first pacify Jingzhou, Yizhou, and Yangzhou, and then contact Jiaozhou.”

“Lord. If you seize the remaining states and counties, Jiaozhou will learn that Tianzhu must be alliance.

Hearing this, Ma Chen sneered and said: “This king is trying to make the Jiaozhou Union Tianzhu, when the time comes, Tianzhu will also be wiped out.”

As soon as this statement was made, the soldiers finally understood.

Why did the lord only break into Jiaozhou in the end? It turned out that Jiaozhou became a bait to catch Tianzhu.

At this moment, all the soldiers woke up and showed respect in their eyes.

Just then, outside the mansion. A black ice platform walked quickly and saw Ma Chen. Complications: “Master. Wu Ling is rebellious.

“Wuling Man occupies Wuling, intending to capture Jiangling.”

Heibingtai said to Ma Chen cupped fist. .


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