Chapter 248 Rumors in the army, Liu Biao retreats in a hurry [Kneel for full order]


But on the surface of the river, warships gathered, like a great wall on the river.

On the side of the river, there are endless water villages, but seeing Mu Liubiao in Jingzhou, with several military commanders and counsellors beside him, he looks towards Jiangdong.

The Jiangdong water villages are connected, and tens of thousands of Jiangdong soldiers are standing by, making Liu Biao dare not rush into the army.

At this time, Huang Gai Cheng Pu and others were standing outside the water village.

And that Sun Ce’s body has been placed in the city.

In the land of Jiangdong, two successive generations of lord were damaged, which made the morale of Jiangdong soldiers more or less reduced.

Moreover, Sun Quan, the current Lord of Jiangdong, is only a few years old.

In the whole Jiangdong, the main army is weak, and I am afraid it is difficult to deal with the Jingzhou army.

In the camp of the water village, Zhou Yu was wearing a battle armor, and his eyes were full of smoke.

He said solemnly: “Please, General Huang and General Cheng.


A Jiangdong Chuan Lingbing agreed and walked away quickly.

Jiang Feng was fading slowly, but he was full of murderous air.

In the distance, the warship is like a city.

The soldier stepped forward a few steps and said: “General Huang, General Cheng, all superintendents are pleased.”

Today, Sun Ce passed away, and Zhou Yu temporarily became the governor of Jiangdong.

Second General Huang Gai Cheng Pu heard this, his eyes sank, and he said solemnly: “No!”

Immediately, the two generals took a stride and came to Zhou Yu’s camp.

When the two saw Zhou Yu, the cupped fist said, “The governor.”

Huang Gai leaned over and said, “The governor, how can Liu Biao from Jingzhou lead an army to come here?”

Obviously, Huang Gai has no idea now, after all, the situation is urgent now.

Once Jiangdong is broken, I am afraid that Sun Jian’s foundation will be destroyed.

Even the entire Jiangdong soldiers will die in misfortune.

At this time, the autumn of survival is critical.

Cheng Pu heard the words and said solemnly: “It’s better to go and ask Hanwang Ma Chen to come and help.”

Zhou Yu smiled faintly, as if thinking of something.

Upon seeing this, Huang Gai said anxiously: “Captain, what are you laughing at? How is this matter?”

Zhou Yu smiled and said: “General Huang, General Cheng, don’t worry, Liu Biao will definitely leave soon after coming this time.

Second General Huang Gai Cheng Pu looked surprised and asked, “Why? Isn’t Liu Biao just to win Jiangdong this time?

Zhou Yu heard the words, looked at the two of them, and said: “Although Liu Biao led the army this time, he forgot Han Wang Ma Chen, and he was in Xuzhou. He came to Jiangdong this time, Han Wang would definitely send troops to attack Xiangfan. As expected, the land of Xiangfan has already fallen into the hands of the King of Han.”

When it comes to the King of Han, Zhou Yu’s voice is full of respect.

When the second general Huang Gai Chengpu heard this, he was startled together, and said: “The land of Xiangfan captured by the Han king?”

Huang Gai sighed: “The Governor, don’t tell me to lie to me, then Liu Biao must be in Xiangfan, and he will be a heavy soldier.

Zhou Yu stood up, looked up, and said with a smile: “The land of Xiangfan is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are also the navy captain Cai Hao and Lu Gong, but the generals of the Han Dynasty are extraordinary. Therefore, Cai Hao is now very likely to be First place.’

Cheng Pu and Huang Gai looked at each other, and the two of them said solemnly: “So, I will beat Liu Biao back later, I don’t know what is the strategy now?”

“You can send someone to sneak into Liu Biao’s camp, spread rumors, and then, pretending to be the defeated army in Xiangfan, go and inform Liu Biao that Xiangfan has fallen. Once Liu Biao believes that it is true, he will inevitably retreat. At that time, I will use fire to attack and discipline. Liu Biao loses his army and loses his generals.

“He is a prince of one party, I am afraid it will be difficult to eliminate this time, so I can only get wise.”

As soon as this statement came out, Huang Gai Cheng Pu and the two people lit up and said in unison: “The Governor, what he said is extremely true.

Immediately, Zhou Yu sent his confidant to sneak into Liu Biao’s camp, waiting for the night to spread rumors.

In the case of Liu Biao’s camp, the soldiers sat separately and looked at Liu Biao together.

Now, they still don’t know the land of Xiangfan, it fell into the hands of Ma Chen.

However, Kuailiang said in a deep voice: “Now the lord has more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and he will surely be able to win Jiangdong in one go.”

Liu Biao heard the words and said with a smile: “Thanks to the help of the public, if you can win Jiangdong, the old man will not be afraid of the Han King Ma Chen.”

But I saw Chen Xiang ponder for a while and asked: “Master, since I arrived in Jiangdong, I have been disturbed. Although General Cai Yuan guards the land of Xiangfan, will Han Wang Ma Chen send troops to attack the land of Xiangfan?”

Liu Biao looked at him for a moment, and asked, “How can I see it?”

“My lord, Ma Chen’s black ice platform is ubiquitous. Even in the land of Xiqiang, I found out the news at the beginning. Now, if I learn that the lord is coming to Jiangdong, the land of Xiangfan is empty, Ma Chen must be informed, with Ma Chen’s ambitions. , Will definitely attack the land of Xiangfan.

Kuailiang heard this and said with an unpleasant expression: “Mr. Xiangfan has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. General Cai Wei is also familiar with water warfare. Most of the horses under the Han king Ma Chen are iron knights. The north is like entering an uninhabited land, but in the south, it is like a land duck, let alone attacking Xiangfan, now that the king of Han Ma Chen, I am afraid that there are not even hundreds of warships.

Without a warship, how to take the land of Xiangfan?

……………Please ask for flowers…

Kuailiang’s words made Liu Biao smile triumphantly and said, “Sir, what he said is extremely true.”

At this moment, I heard a commotion outside the camp.

The general next to Liu Biao strode out and shouted, “What’s the noise?”

Hundreds of people said in unison: “I’m waiting to learn that the land of Xiangfan is occupied by the Han king Ma Chen, and General Cai Hao has already died in a different place.

As soon as this statement came out, Liu Biao and others in the camp had already been alarmed.


Liu looked cold and shouted, “What’s the matter?”

The general did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly said: “Master, in our barracks, there are rumors that the land of Xiangfan has been lost.

Kuailiang smiled upon hearing the words: “Don’t panic, this must be Jiangdong’s trick, deliberately spreading rumors, causing the lord to retreat.”

Liu Biao looked at Kuailiang and thought of something, and said: “We will attack Jiangdong tonight, let’s see what tricks Jiangdong still has.”

The soldiers heard the words and said in unison: “No!

Immediately, when the crowd was about to leave, a figure came quickly.

This person saw Liu Biao, crying and worshipping: “Lord, the big event is not good, the land of Xiangfan is lost, General Cai Hao and General Lu Gong were killed, and tens of thousands of brothers died outside the city. Now, the land of Xiangfan has been killed by the King of Han. Chen occupies.”

Liu Biao suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He covered his chest with one hand, pointed at the man with the other, and shouted: “You, you lie!

With a puff, Liu Biao opened his mouth to vomit blood. He knew that this person was Cai Yuan’s military commander.

His words are by no means false.

When Kuailiang heard this, his expression changed suddenly, and he was shocked: “Lord, for the sake of this plan, it is better to retreat.”

Liu Biao’s eyes sank, and he said bitterly: “Retreat, go to Xiangfan, and avenge General Cai Hao!’

As soon as this statement came out, the army of more than one hundred thousand became busy in an instant.

And when Liu Biao led countless warships and retreated, suddenly, countless boats appeared on both sides, and each boat was filled with firewood, firewood and grass. NS,

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