Chapter 238 Shocked Liu Biao plots to ambush Sun Jian [Kneel for full order]

Jingzhou Office, Xiangyang!

At this time, a fast horse rushed to the city of Xiangyang.

He rushed all the way to the residence of Liu Biao, Zhou Mu.

“Lord, the major event is not good. Suddenly thousands of corpses of tiger~baoying appeared in the land of Jingxiang.

As soon as this statement came out, Liu Biao, who was talking to Bajun, looked blankly and asked: “Cao Cao’s Hubao Camp?”

He knew that Cao Cao occupied Qingzhou, selected people who could conquer good warriors, and formed a very powerful tiger and leopard camp. That’s why he asked.

Tan Ma heard this and hurriedly said: “The lord, what he said is extremely true, thousands of tiger and leopard camps, for some reason, died in the land of Jingxiang.”

Liu Biao looked at Bajun, and asked: “Everyone knows why the Tiger Leopard Camp died in the land of Jingxiang?”

One of the elegant-looking celebrities said to Liu Biao: “The lord, I recently heard that the king of the Han Ma Chen, leading his army, is fighting Cao Cao. Now, the Tiger Leopard Camp is killed in the land of Jingxiang, is it related to Ma Chen?”

Liu Biao couldn’t help but his expression changed when he heard the words. He suddenly stood up and said with hatred: “The King of Han Ma Chen took me from Nanyang in Jingxiang County, Damn it!!

It turned out that two generals Xu Chu and Dianwei occupied Nanyang and killed the Nanyang prefect. Liu Biao had already known about this matter.

Thinking that Nanyang is the gateway to Jingzhou, Liu Biao felt angry.

This sudden attack by Ma Chen made him at a loss.

I wanted to order Cai Wei to fight, but was blocked by Bajun, making Liu Biao not thinking about eating and drinking all day.

The person who spoke was from Bohai, named Fan Kang with the name Zhongzhen, and this person was a celebrity.

Because he had a deep friendship with Liu Biao, he was named Jiang Xia Bajun under his account.

But when he saw that Runan Chen Xiang heard about it, he said: “The lord, the king of Han Ma Chen has a lot of soldiers. If you fight against it, I am afraid that it will be more fierce. Now, I will send someone to find out why Cao Cao’s Tiger and Leopard Camp will be in the land of Jingxiang. , So Cao Cao has been met by accident?’

“I heard that Cao Cao captured Xuzhou and killed Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian, but now Ma Chen has captured Xuzhou again. It seems that Cao Cao came to Huainan or was chased by Ma Chen’s troops and fled here?”

It turned out that Cao Cao sent to Jingzhou to explore the horses, long ago died at the hands of the Black Ice Terrace.

Therefore, Liu appeared to be escorted to Xuzhou without knowing what Cao Cao had captured.

Upon hearing this, Liu Biao shouted to his subordinates to detect the horse: “Hurry up and spy on the news, be sure to spy out clearly.”


Detective horse promised and hurried away.

Liu Biao looked at Jiang Xia Bajun and sighed deeply, and asked, “Everyone, if Ma Chen attacked me in Jingzhou, what would happen?”

Liu appeared in a state of uncertainty. If Ma Chen occupies Xuzhou, he will definitely attack Jingzhou.

Therefore, now the nine counties of Jingxiang must be prepared to prevent Ma Chen from suddenly attacking and being caught off guard.

At this time, behind Liu Biao, a counselor appeared. This person looked at Liu Biao and said: “Master, if Han Wang Ma Chen attacks Jingzhou, the master can retreat to the Jiangnan area.”

This person is the counselor under Liu Biao’s account, Kuai Liang.

“Mr. Zirou, in the south of the Yangtze River, Liu Yao occupies Yangzhou, and Sun Jian occupies Jiangdong. If the old man goes to the south of the Yangtze River, wouldn’t he be more vulnerable?”

When Kuailiang heard the words, he groaned for a while, and said: “Lord, because of this, if Ma Chen attacked Jiangnan, Yangzhou Liu Yu would definitely feel his lips and teeth are chilled. Then, he will help the lord. And the lord does not have to be afraid of Sun Jian. Although Sun Jian is powerful, but Fate is coming soon.”

Liu Biao looked at Kuiliang and asked in surprise, “How did you know that Sun Jian’s life was not long?”

Zhi Liang smiled and said: “Master, his subordinates watched the sky at night and saw that a big star would fall in Jiangdong. Therefore, it is inferred that Sun Jian must die within a few days. Now, people can be sent to Jiangdong to spy on intelligence. Send troops to Jiangdong and join forces with Liu You to win Jiangdong.”

Liu Biao was convinced. He looked at Kuailiang and said, “Mr. is extremely true. In this way, Ma Chen can be blocked according to the Yangtze River moat. I hate Ma Chen’s strength. I can’t hold the land in Xiangfan.

“Lord, once Ma Chen is broken, then, the land of Xiangfan will still be the land of the lord, and even the lord can still occupy the land of Ma Chen. Wouldn’t it be great?”

Now, Na Kuailiang’s words showed a wonderful picture for Liu Biao.

This made Liu Biao caress his beard and smile, very proud.

At this time, I saw a probing horse and suddenly arrived.

He walked quickly and said to Liu Biao cupped fist: “Master, his subordinates found out that Cao Cao led the Tiger Leopard Camp, fled from Xuzhou every day, and went to Shouchun, but was rejected by the Shouchun prefect. Then, Cao Cao. Encountering Sun Jian, he was forced to come to the land of Jingxiang.

……………Look for flowers…

“In the land of Jingxiang, Han Wang Ma Chen’s military commander, Mu Guiying and Li Siye, killed Cao Cao’s Hubao camp, captured Cao Cao, and went to Xuzhou.”

When Liu Biao heard this, he was shocked and said: “Sure enough, Xuzhou was eventually occupied by Ma Chen. Now, the 13 prefectures of Dahan have become Ma Chen’s territory, Damn it, Damn it!”

Chen Xiang heard the words and sighed: “The Central Plains area is actually occupied by Ma Chen. This person is considered to be a real powerful person. Now, it is better to avoid his edge and go to Jiangling.”

But when I saw a military commander, he heard the words and said in a deep voice: “The land of Xiangfan is a special corner of each other. Are you still afraid that Ma Chen will not succeed? I will lead my troops to guard directly in Fancheng Town and stop Ma Chen.”

Everyone looked at it, but it was Mrs. Liu Biao’s Little Brother, and it was Jingzhou military commander Cai Hao.

Cai Yu’s words made Kuai Yue solemnly said: “The land of Xiangfan is more precarious than Xuzhou. Today, it is better to lay down heavy troops in the land of Xiangfan and fight Han Wang Ma Chen to the death.”

At this time, she saw Kuailiang ask Tan Ma in a deep voice, “You said Sun Jian is also in Jingxiang?”

“Exactly, Sun Jian led two generals, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, and 10,000 Jiangdong soldiers, and went straight to Jiangxia.

Liu Biao asked with a surprised look: “Sun Jian this time, is it possible that he has already returned to Ma Chen?”

However, Kuailiang said with a smile: “Lord, nowadays, great things can happen.

Liu Biao asked Kuiliang, “Mr. Zirou, what are your plans?”

“My lord, Sun Jian is in Jingxiang and is about to go to Jiangxia. Why don’t I wait to stop him in Jiangxia and execute him on the spot. After that, I will send troops to attack Jiangdong. At that time, Jiangdong will inevitably be occupied.”

Hearing this, Liu Biao suddenly realized that if he could kill Sun Jian and occupy Jiangdong, then he could advance or retreat, and he would not be afraid of Ma Chen.

But he thought of Sun Jian’s son, and he hesitated: “I heard that Sun Jian’s son, known as the Little Overlord, is a powerful and very powerful man.”

“Sun Ce is brave and intrepid, and it is not worth worrying. Lord, it should not be too late. If it is late, Sun Jian will definitely go to Jiangdong.

Liu Biao heard the words, looked at Jiang Xia Bajun under his command, and then said solemnly: “Send someone to inform General Huang Zu and order him to ambush Sun Jian outside Jiangxia City!”


A detective horse heard about it and left quickly!

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