Chapter 235 The city is broken, and Xuzhou is occupied [9/10, begging for full order]

Under Wei Wuzu’s powerful offensive, the ancient city of Xuzhou trembled.

Above the city gate, the Qingzhou soldiers fell like dumplings one after another.

Outside the city, corpses are already everywhere.

“Broken City!!

“Broken City!”

Ten thousand Wei soldiers shouted in unison, killing upstairs to the city gate.

The momentum is so big that it shakes the world!

Below the city, the Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Mo Dao Army, Guanning Iron Cavalry and other units were also ready to go, and only waited for the city gate to break, they rushed in.


The second general Cao Chun and Li Dian yelled, brandished his weapon, and killed Wei Wu who was on the gate tower.

The appearance of the second general made Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers fought hard to drive out the 10,000 soldiers.

Whoosh whoosh!

Below the city, a burst of crossbow arrows rushed in, but ten thousand mysterious armored cavalry went upstairs to the city gate and shot arrows away.

How did the Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers resist? With a cry, they fell to the city and died unexpectedly.

Li Dian yelled and was shot 19 times in the arm by a crossbow arrow, and hurried back.

Cao Chun was taken aback and asked, “Why is this group of heavily armed infantry so terrifying?”

In the bottom of my heart, I was already anxious.

At this time, I saw that there were more and more soldiers in Wei Wu, like a raging tide, from the gate tower to the city.

Cao Cao was anxious in the mansion, and the guard’s repeated reports made his heart more flustered.

He looked at Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu whispered: “Master, Ma Chen has a lot of soldiers and horses, what if Xuzhou City is broken?”

When Cao Cao heard this, he was also uncertain in his heart. He said in a deep voice, “If the city is broken, do you have to run away again?”

He occupied Xuzhou for only a few days, and now, like a bereaved dog, fleeing away, how can he not hate Ma Chen?

Suddenly, I saw Cao Cao’s eyes sinking, and he said bitterly: “Ma Chen deceived me so much, do you want to drive me out?”

Cheng Yu heard the words, but did not say anything. Of course, he knew that what Ma Chen did was to put the lord to death.

Even destroy all the princes in the Han territory.

Cheng Yu said in his heart: “The King of Han, Ma Chen, is it to dominate the world?”

Thinking that Ma Chen is the prince of the Han Dynasty, Cheng Xian feels uneasy. He only feels that this is the general trend, not the manpower.

On the upper floor of the city gate, Li Siye climbed up. Holding a Mo knife, he led Wei Wu’s pawn and slashed and killed thousands of Qingzhou soldiers like a melon.

Seeing this, Li Dian couldn’t help shouting and slammed Li Siye.

Li Siye smiled coldly, and he swung his sword, like a mountain, causing Li Dian to yell, cutting the sword in the waist, and suddenly his head was in a different place.

Cao Chun’s expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly led the Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers and retreated.

The appearance of Li Siye made the Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers who were panicked even more shocked.

At Cao Cao’s mansion, the guards came to report: “Master, the important matter is not good, General Li Dian was cut in the middle by the enemy.”

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao said in surprise: “How can this be?”

In my heart, I suddenly became anxious.

But when the city shouted for killing, ten thousand Wei Wu pawns rushed in, as if into the land of no one.

At the same time, I saw the black ice platform that had been lurking in the city, suddenly burst out, slashing the Xuzhou soldiers and Qingzhou soldiers guarding the city gate.


Under the sudden attack of the Black Ice Platform, all the soldiers and horses guarding the city gate were wiped out.

With the opening of Xuzhou city gates, Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong led Guan Ning’s cavalry, Mu Guiying Qin Liangyu led the Xuanjia cavalry, and Tai Shici led the Mo Dao army to kill into the city.

For a time, the whole city of Xuzhou was like purgatory on earth.

The corpses of those Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers were piled up like a mountain.

In the city, the bodies of Qingzhou soldiers can be seen everywhere.

And a large number of Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers gathered straight to Cao Cao’s mansion.

Cao Chun entered the mansion quickly, saw Cao Cao, and said in shock: “Master, why didn’t you leave? The gate of Xuzhou city opened wide, and the enemy attacked the city.”

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao said in shock: “What did you say? I asked you to defend the city, why did I fail?”

Cao Cao grabbed Cao Chun, feeling extremely lost in his heart.

One hundred thousand Xuzhou soldiers and one hundred thousand Qingzhou soldiers can’t stop the soldiers and horses of Han Wang Ma Chen. What a terrifying soldier and horse is this?

With an incomparable panic in his heart, he looked at Cheng Xian and other counsellors beside him.

But seeing Cheng Yu frowned, he said: “Lord, for the present plan, we can only go to Huainan.”

Hearing this, Cao Cao looked at Cheng Yu, and said bitterly: “Huainan? In this way, am I not like a dog in the mourning family?”

Upon seeing this, Cao Chun said, “Lord, if you delay the time, I am afraid that even the mansion will be surrounded.

At this time, the shouts and killings from outside the mansion continued. Wei Wuzu, Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Mo Daojun, Guanning Iron Cavalry began to clear out the Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers in the city.

Cao Cao sighed up to the sky and said, “Ma Chen, I am not at odds with you.”

He immediately ordered that thousands of tiger and leopard camps led by Cao Chun to escort him out of Xuzhou City.

But the Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers were still in the dark, not knowing that Cao Cao had fled.

At another city gate in Xuzhou, a figure saw Cao Cao escaping and said with hatred: “Cao Mengde, the disaster of Xuzhou is caused by you.”

It turned out that this person was Mi Zhu, a great scholar of Xuzhou.

Seeing Cao Cao fleeing, Mi Zhu hurried to the mansion, looked at the tens of thousands of Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers, and said in a deep voice: “Cao thief has fled to the sky, don’t you visit the King of Han? He is the lord of the world!”

As soon as this statement came out, the Qing 670 State Soldier and the Xuzhou Soldier, who were panicking, threw down their weapons and knelt on the ground.

However, Ma Chen’s soldiers surrounded tens of thousands of Qingzhou soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers. Then, the Han king Ma Chen was late.

Mi Zhu stepped forward and saw Ma Chen, cupped fist said: “Mi Zhu pays homage to King Han.

Ma Chen heard the words, looked at Mi Zhu, took a few steps forward, helped him up, and said, “It turned out to be Mr. Zizhong, please get up.”

Ma Chen knew that Mi Zhu was a great scholar of Xuzhou.

When Mi Zhu heard the words, he looked at Ma Chen with gratitude, and suddenly realized that the king of Han was truly extraordinary and heroic.

I already had an idea in my mind.

It turned out that Mi Zhu still has a younger sister named Mi Lingxiang.

It was Mrs. Mi of that later life.

And because of the appearance of Ma Chen, the three brothers of Liu Guan and Zhang were killed. There is no intersection between Madam Na Mi and Liu Bei.

Therefore, now Moringxiang is still a girl in a boudoir.

She also admired the hero of the world very much, and under the influence of her brother Mi Zhu, she learned a lot of poetry.

Now, seeing Ma Chen, a thought flashed in Mi Zhu’s mind.

At this time, Ma Chen didn’t know what Mi Zhu meant. He learned that Cao Cao led the Tiger Leopard Camp and fled to Huainan, so he ordered Mu Guiying and Li Siye to lead the Mo Dao army to chase after him.


Mu Guiying and Li Siye agreed and led the Mo Dao Army to chase after Huainan.

Since then, Hanwang Ma Chen has occupied Xuzhou!

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