Chapter 231 Sign in, Chen Lin, Tang He, and Daming Iron Horse [5/10, Guiqiu for full order]

Mount Tai County!

The black ice platform came quickly, saw Ma Chen, and hurried forward and said: “The lord, Qin Liangyu, Mu Guiying, Li Siye and other generals burned Cao Ying and killed Cao Ren and other generals under Cao Cao’s command. Cao Cao is now Flee to Xuzhou.”

Hearing that, Ma Chen smiled slightly, everything was in his expectation.

Sure enough, Cao Cao was fleeing to Xuzhou.

His eyes sank, he looked at the Black Ice Platform, and said: “Order the generals to return to the city.”


Hei Bingtai agreed, walked away quickly, and soon left the city.

And Ma Chen stood on the top of the city gate, as far as he could see, it was the direction of Xuzhou.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully signed in the gift package this week.

Hearing this, Ma Chen looked startled, and it was another week’s sign-in package.

I don’t know, what reward will I get this time?

Ma Chen thought in his heart, I hope it is the military commander he thinks in his heart.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, the sign-in spree is being distributed.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you won the military commander Chen!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get the martial arts soup!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get 10,000 Daming Iron Cavaliers!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get a thousand warships!”

“Ding, the warship is outside Luoyang City, where Yu Dayou and Liu Qi are.”

At this time, a series of system prompts made Ma Chen stunned slightly.

“Chen Lin, Tang He, turned out to be them?”

Chen Lin was a famous navy general in history. His appearance once made the widows frightened.

Tang He is a famous military commander in history, especially the military commander, very powerful.

And the 10,000 Daming cavalry is the elite of the elite.

One thousand warships solved the problem of the shortage of warships under Ma Chen’s navy.

It can be said that every reward is very useful.

Ma Chen’s eyes sank, looked into the distance, and asked, “Chen Ying, Tang He and others, where are you now?”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, they are five miles away from Mount Tai County/々.”

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen smiled slightly and led Yanyun Eighteen Riders, leaving Mount Tai County and heading out of the city.

Five miles away from the city, Ma Chen and Yan Yun Shiba ride, looking forward.

But I heard the deafening sound of the iron cavalry, ten thousand Da Ming cavalry, following the two majestic generals, hurriedly arrived.

Soon, the iron cavalry was not far from Ma Chen.

The two generals looked at each other, rolled over and dismounted, and hurriedly saluted Ma Chen cupped fist.

“Chen Lin pays homage to the lord!”

“Tang He pays homage to the lord!”

“Da Ming Iron Cavalry, pay homage to the lord!”

At this time, it was Chen Rui, Tang He and Daming Tieqi who met Ma Chen.

As for the 1,000 warships, they have been arranged at the Yellow River ferry outside Luoyang City.

Ma Chen looked at the crowd and said: “All soldiers are exempted from the ceremony.”

“Thank you Lord!

Chen Lintang and the second general, along with 10,000 Daming cavalry, saluted Ma Chen.

Ma Chen looked at Chen Lintang and the second general, and said: “Chaojue, Dingchen. You two led 10,000 Daming cavalry, and returned to Luoyang. Together with Yu Dayou and Liu Qi, they trained a group of powerful navy divisions for the king. .”

Chen Lin, the word Chaojue.

Tang He, the word Dingchen.

Chen Lin, Tang He and the second general heard the words and said in unison: “No!”

Immediately, Chen Lin and Tang He led 10,000 Daming cavalry and went straight to Luoyang.

And Ma Chen led Yanyun eighteen riders back to Mount Tai County.

Now, Yanzhou and Qingzhou have been pacified, Li Siye, Mu Guiying and other generals can surround Xuzhou.

Therefore, Chen Lintang and the second general, Ma Chen have other arrangements.

There are already several naval commanders under his command. As long as the navy is trained well, he can directly take the land of the south of the Yangtze River.

Ma Chen returned to Mount Tai County, and soon saw Li Siye, Mu Guiying, Yuan Chonghuan and other generals, returning to the city.

“Meet the lord!”

“Meet the lord!

Generals such as Yuan Chonghuan, Li Siye, Li Rusong, Mu Guiying, Qin Liangyu, and Tai Shici came to the city in stride to pay homage to Ma Chen.

Ma Chen smiled faintly when he heard the words, and said: “All soldiers, no courtesy.”

“Thank you Lord!

Immediately, the generals sat in the mansion separately, looking at Ma Chen together.

“Master, this time, of the 300,000 Qingzhou soldiers led by Cao Cao, only 100,000 left to follow Cao Cao to escape to Xuzhou. Those 200,000 Qingzhou soldiers were either dead or injured.

Ma Chen’s eyes sank, looking at the generals, and then said: “Wait two days, the generals will lead tens of thousands of cavalry to attack Xuzhou.”

The generals heard the words and said in unison cupped fist: “No!”

Mu Guiying asked with a surprised look: “Lord, why should it be in two days?”

Ma Chen smiled and said: “Guiying, within two days, Cao Cao and Tao Qian will inevitably be Neijiang, and this king can be destroyed in one fell swoop. This is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone.”

Mu Guiying immediately understood that she blushed, and said in a low voice: “The master has a wonderful calculation, and Gui Ying admires it.”

The respectful eyes looked at Ma Chen, and immediately, a look of admiration flashed in Mu Guiying’s eyes.

Ma Chen looked at her look naturally, but didn’t care.

Afterwards, Ma Chen ordered the people to rest in Mount Tai County and sent a black ice platform to Xuzhou.

At this time, Cao Cao led one hundred thousand Qingzhou soldiers and was about to arrive in Xuzhou.

But in the Xuzhou office, there was another controversy.

I saw Tao Qian’s counsellors, who were talking a lot.

Tao Qian looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice: “.|| Cao Cao invited one hundred thousand soldiers to vote, how can it be?”

Mi Zhu heard this and said to Tao Qian’s cupped fist: “The lord, before, Cao Cao’s military commander Wang Tu, and Cao Cao’s father, came to Xuzhou to defect, and was placed by the lord. Now, Cao Cao is defeated in Yanzhou, and Qingzhou is again by Han King Ma. Chen took it away. It was just when he was homeless, but he came to take refuge. His subordinates thought that Cao Cao’s actions were bad intentions.

Chen Deng also said to Tao Qian: “The lord, Cao Cao’s military commanders are like clouds, and we must guard against it. Now, if the lord places Cao Cao in Xuzhou, then Han Wang Ma Chen knows that he will blame the lord? At that time, I am afraid that he will be blamed again. Fight hard, lord, it is better to stop Cao Cao from entering the army, when (Wang Lihao), contact Han Wang Ma Chen, kill them together, and get rid of the big troubles.

Tao Qian looked at Chen Deng Mizhu and sighed: “I have a relationship with Meng De, so how can I ignore it? Today, the emperor is still there, but Ma Chen kills the princes indiscriminately. Chen, shouldn’t you help the Han room privately?”

Mi Zhu sighed: “Lord, when the son is weak today, Dong Zhuo will hold the emperor to make the princes, but the Han king Ma Chen is the prince of the Han Dynasty, the son of the first emperor, why did the lord discard the beautiful jade and pick up the rubble? What’s more, Cao Cao is a tired teacher. The military’s mind is unstable. If Cao Cao is allowed to live in Xuzhou, once Cao Cao’s wings are full, it will definitely be detrimental to the lord.”

But behind Tao Qian, a military commander flashed out and shouted: “Cao Mengde is a minister of the loyal Han faction. For the sake of the big man, he is loyal and loyal. He is clearly the king of the Han Ma Chen. The reason?”

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at the military commander. .

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