Chapter 222 Liu Dai claws himself, Cao Aman feels uneasy

Yanzhou, outside Mount Tai County.

On a hillside, but see, that Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai, covered in blood, he held the saber and looked down the mountain.

Next to Liu Dai, there were only a few hundred Yanzhou soldiers. On the mountain road, there were many corpses of Chongzhou soldiers lying in various directions.

Hundreds of Yanzhou soldiers, with red eyes, looked down the mountain together.

Liu Dai said in a deep voice: “Generals, insist on persisting. I have sent an envoy to Luoyang to ask Hanwang Ma Chen for help. I believe Hanwang Ma Chen will send troops soon.”

The soldiers heard the words and said in unison: “No!”

In fact, Liu Dai didn’t know whether he could survive the army of Han Wang Ma Chen.

However, he knew that even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he would never let go.

At this time, Mount Tai thieves were all over the mountains and plains.

Although they surrounded the hillside, they did not attack, but waited and watched.

This gave Liu Dai a respite. He stood on the hillside and looked around.

The hillside he climbed was a dead end.

Dead end, only deadly battle

Liu Dai said solemnly to the hundreds of state soldiers, “All soldiers, this time, even if they are killed, they will never surrender!”

Hundreds of Yan623 state soldiers, although their morale was low, responded in unison: “Kill!’

Under the hillside, Sun Guan, Changxi and others looked towards the hillside.

Chang Xi said solemnly: “Unexpectedly, Liu Dai’s hundreds of Yanzhou soldiers killed me thousands of Mount Tai soldiers. This time, if Liu Dai is taken, he will definitely be broken into pieces.

When Sun Guan heard the words, his eyes were full of ruthlessness, and he said solemnly: “The words are extremely true, this time, Liu Dai will be killed.

Seeing Mount Tai soldiers on the hillside, Chang Zhu sneered and said, “This time, it is difficult for Liu Dai to fly his wings.

After a while, a Mount Tai soldier came to report: “General Cao Hong is here.”

Hearing that, Sun Guanchangxi and others hurried to greet them.

I saw that a member of the generals, burly, majestic, and under his command, is a tiger and wolf camp of a thousand tigers and wolves.

This is, Cao Cao’s general, Cao Hong!

Cao Hong looked at Sun Guanchangxi and other Mount Tai bandits, and asked, “Where is Liu Dai?”

“Liu Dai was trapped on the hillside by me. It is difficult to fly with his wings.”

Cao Hong’s eyes sank and said with a sneer: “That’s how it is.

Immediately, he led the Haw Leopard Camp and went straight to the hillside.

The Mount Tai soldier (bjfc) saw Cao Hong and the Tiger Leopard Camp all over the mountains and fled in fright.

Soon, Cao Hong and Hubaoying were a stone’s throw away from Liu Dai.

Liu Dai looked at Cao Hong, and said in a deep voice: “Sure enough, I guessed it right, Cao thief really colluded with Mount Tai thief, intending to invade my Chongzhou.,

Cao Hong looked cold and said: “Liu Dai, although you are a Han family clan, but you are ineffective, it is better to take charge of Yanzhou for you.”

Liu Dai pointed at Cao Hong and said angrily: “Shameless dog thief, why is Cao A concealed, let him come to see me.”

A cold light flashed in Cao Hong’s eyes, and he said in a cold voice: “It seems that you Liu Dai is toasting and not eating fine wine, no matter what, come here to bury Liu Dai.”


Behind Cao Hong, the tiger and leopard camp agreed in unison, killing hundreds of Chongzhou soldiers one after another.

In the eyes of Hubao Camp, these Yanzhou soldiers were like building ants, and they were quickly slaughtered.

Liu Dai saw it in his eyes and said bitterly: “Cao Hong, Cao Aman, don’t be proud, I have sent someone to tell Han Wang Ma Chen, he can come to help.

Before the sound fell, he picked up the saber and wiped his neck with his backhand.

Cao Hong was taken aback when he heard the words, then he was taken aback and shouted, “What did you say?”

He stepped forward quickly to take Liu Dai’s sword, but he was a step late in the end.

Whenever the saber fell, Liu Dai softened and died on the spot.

Cao Hong looked at Liu Dai angrily, and said bitterly: “What a Liu Dai, I want to make you dead.”

He shouted to Hubaoying: “This person is thwarted and ashes.


The Tiger Leopard Camp agreed and carried Liu Dai’s body and went downhill.

Cao Hong was shocked and said, “If Han Wang Ma Chen sends troops, how can it be?”

After hesitating for a moment, Cao Hong seemed to think of something. He summoned a detective horse, ordered him to go to Qingzhou, and informed the lord Cao Cao of the matter.

Immediately, Cao Hong and Mount Tai thief Sun Guan, Chang Zhuxi, Yin Li and others guarded Mount Tai County.

Qingzhou government office.

That Cao Cao is discussing something with his celebrities.

These celebrities were visited by Cao Cao admiringly.

At this time, the envoy sent by Cao Hong came to the Qingzhou office to pay homage to Cao Cao.

Upon seeing this, Cao Cao smiled and said, “How about Liu Dai?”

At this time, he was quite proud. This time, he contacted the Mount Tai thief. Once Liu Dai was killed, he could take Yanzhou.

At that time, you can find an excuse to kill Tao Qian in Xuzhou.

The messenger heard about it and hurriedly reported to Cao Cao: “Lord, Liu Dai, Yanzhou Mu, is dead, but Liu Dai sent someone to inform Ma Chen of Han Wang who was far away in Luoyang in advance.

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao was shocked that Jiujue fell to the ground. He looked at the messenger and said in a deep voice, “What did you say? Han Wang Ma Chen, is it in Luoyang?”

His voice was extremely shocked, and deep in his heart, it seemed extremely shocked.

Upon hearing this, the messenger said, “Master, the king of Han Ma Chen has just killed Mu Yuan Shu in Yuzhou in Luoyang.


Cao Cao almost spit out a mouthful of blood, he was extremely shocked: “What? Yuan Shu was killed?”

He knew that Yuan Shu guarded Yuzhou and had 150,000 armored men, but he died in the hands of Ma Chen.

He asked in a low voice, “Do you really mean this?”

The messenger said: “The lord, this matter is absolutely true. Now, Liu Dai sends someone to Luoyang to inform the king of Han Ma Chen, General Cao Hong, and ordered me to inform the lord and ask the lord to decide.”

At this time, Cao Cao had no idea. He looked at the celebrities under his command and asked, “Mr., what are the good ideas?”

Cheng Yu heard the words and said to Cao Cao: “Lord, let’s see how many soldiers and horses Ma Chen has under his command. If there are not many soldiers and horses, they will be wiped out in Chongzhou. At that time, even if Ma Chen blames him, he can blame the matter on his grandson. Guan, Chang Xi and other Mount Tai thief.”

Cao Cao looked at Jiang Ji for a moment.

Jiang Ji fussed his beard and said solemnly: “I think Zhong De’s words are reasonable, Lord, now, I just killed Liu Dai, Ma Chen actually didn’t know, if this matter is pushed to Mount Tai thief, and the Lord Unexpectedly, he acted first, killing people and killing his mouth. There was no proof. At that time, Ma Chen might also give Yanzhou to the lord.

Cao Cao sighed: “Ma Chen now occupies Liangzhou, Bingzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou, and Yuzhou. He is very powerful. I really can’t compete with him. That is the case. Tell Cao Hong that if you encounter Ma Chen, there are not many soldiers and horses. If there are too many soldiers and horses, they will kill Mount Tai thief and kill people.”

The messenger heard the words and cupped fist said: “No!

He patted his horse and left the Qingzhou office.

Cao Cao looked into the distance, thinking of Han Wang Ma Chen, his heart was flustered. .

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