Chapter 206 Siege, Zhang Liao, Yan Liang Yan Gang [7/10, begging for subscription]

At this time, I saw Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong, the second general, boarded the gate tower of Jicheng, Youzhou Zhizhi.

The two generals looked at the distance together, and saw dust flying in the distance, with more than 100,000 soldiers and horses rushing.

Second General Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong looked in his eyes, smiled coldly, and said: “The last time that Gongsun Huan was defeated in Jicheng, a lot of white horses were damaged, this time, he will come to die again?”

“Hei Bingtai has already informed the lord of this matter, and the lord is also coming here. Then Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Du are like mobs.”

Immediately, Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong both nodded their heads. Then, the two generals looked down the city of Jicheng.


In the distance, the sound of the iron rider was like thunder and vibrated.

I saw three princes Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Gongsundu, with 150,000 soldiers and horses, rushing.

Among the 150,000 soldiers and horses, there were ladders, car crashes, trebuchets, etc.

And Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Du all showed a smug look.

But when Yuan Shao and others came downstairs to the city gate, they saw Gongsun Zan and said in a deep voice: “Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong, if you two surrender, my Gongsun Zan will not be blamed.”

Hearing this, he saw Huang Zhong sneer, picked up the Lieyang bow, swish, and shot a general in front of Gongsun Zan on the spot.

Gongsun Zan knew that Huang Zhong was a famous general in Nanyang. He couldn’t help but stepped back a few steps and looked at Yuan Shao and Gongsundu on the left and right.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shao couldn’t help but angrily said: “Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong, do you two want to die here?”

When the two Liao and Huangzhong heard the words, they sneered to Yuan Shao and said: “Yuan Shao, you were rushed to Youbeiping County by my lord, but you were still not ashamed.

As soon as this statement came out, Yuan Shao was immediately furious. He shouted and said: “Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong, you two are so nonsense.

His eyes sank, and he looked at the soldiers and horses behind him.

This is the soldiers and horses that Yuan Shao convened in Youbeiping County.

After several days of training, although not as good as Baima Yicong, he is also very brave.

But seeing Yuan Shao shouted, picked up his sword, and shouted: “Kill!”

In a short time, I saw Yan Liangwen’s five ugly two generals under Yuan Shao’s command, leading the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and went straight to Jicheng.

Some of the soldiers and horses went up to the city gate and set up a ladder, some crashed into the city gate, and some used crossbow arrows to shoot into the city.

More is Yuan Shao’s soldiers and horses, smashed into the city with a catapult.

With the bang, the boulder of the catapult hit the wall of Jicheng.

Because the wall was too thick, the huge stone seemed to be inlaid on the wall.

At the same time, the entire Jicheng city gate was shaken.

At this moment, I saw that the general who had climbed the ladder had already rushed up.

That Zhang Liao held the iron gun, and shouted in a deep voice: “Kill~[!”


Behind Zhang Liao, there were soldiers and horses under Ma Chen. Under his leadership, all the soldiers and horses that had boarded the gate tower were beheaded to death.

At the same time, Zhang Liao shouted loudly. He took the lead and killed him angrily.

On this side, the general, Huang Zhong, led Lieyang’s bow rider and shot a crossbow straight down the city.

The crossbow arrows of the Lieyang bow rider shot straight at the soldiers and horses of the sling.

Then I heard the sound of whoosh, and the sound of whoosh was endless. Those soldiers and horses were all killed.

Such a scene made Yuan Shao furious, and he sternly shouted: “Yan Liangwen is ugly, kill those soldiers and horses for me.”

Immediately, Yan Liang Wenchou agreed, and Yan Liang picked up the weapon and climbed directly to the gate tower.

With a loud shout, he boarded the gate tower with weapons in his hand and hit Zhang Liao directly.

But seeing Huang Zhong shot it away with an arrow, Yan Liang couldn’t dodge, and was immediately hit by a crossbow arrow.

He cried out in pain, and when Zhang Liao saw it, he shouted and said, “Yan Liang, take your life.”

There was a sudden shout, and the ingot gun shot straight at Yan Liang.

Yan Liang was shot by an arrow at this time, and seeing Zhang Liao’s marksmanship again, he was shocked and hurriedly ran away.

But after all, the gate tower is not flat. Before he climbed the ladder, he was caught in a spear thrust by Zhang Liao.

At this time, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Du under the city were all surprised.

It turned out that Yan Liang, who was stabbed by Zhang Liao, was still struggling in mid-air.

After struggling for a while, he twisted and couldn’t move.

Huang Zhong strode forward, and Lieyang Dao ー Dao decapitated Yan Liang.

Zhang Liao shouted: “Yuan Shao, your military commander, gave it to you.”

He threw Na Yan Liang directly with a big gun.

With a bang, Yan Liang fell from the city like dumplings.

Then Huang Zhong held Yan Liang’s head and shouted: “Who dares to go to the city for a battle? Just like Yan Liang.”

The words came out like thunder.

Seeing Huang Zhong’s eyes sinking, he looked down at the city.

The soldiers and horses under the city stopped attacking the city. Qi Qi raised his head and looked at the dead head of Yan Liang.

Yuan Shao was extremely shocked and bitterly said: “Huang Zhong Zhang Liao, you dare to kill my general Yan Liang, I will not forgive you.”

Yan Liangwen Chou is a general under his command.

Now, Yan Liang died in the hands of Huang Zhong and Zhang Liao, how can Yuan Shao not be angry when he hears this?

Wen Chou couldn’t help showing a touch of shock. He didn’t expect that Yan Liang would die in Huang Zhong’s hands.

I saw Yuan Shao angrily said: “. 1 Brother Bo Gui, Brother Sheng Ji, how can you do it?”

He didn’t dare to let that Wen Chou go ahead and take risks.

If Wen Chou was gone, wouldn’t he even have no generals?

After hearing the words, Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: “Brother Benchu, don’t panic. Yan Gang, you go to take Jicheng.


Na Yan Gang promised and led the Beiping soldiers to fight hard.

Yan Gang is one foot long and Kong Wu is powerful. He is a general under Gongsun Zan’s command.

He shouted, and led all the soldiers to kill Jicheng.

Immediately, he took the lead and went to the gate tower.

Gongsun Zan said with a deep laugh: “My general Yan Gang is a very powerful existence, that Zhang Liao Huang Zhong, but so.”

He couldn’t help showing a look of contempt, but saw that Yan Gang boarded the gate tower, and when Huang Zhong saw it, Lieyang bow shot directly at Yan Gang with a crossbow arrow.

Yan Gang shouted, waved his weapon, and knocked down Huang Zhong’s crossbow arrows.

At this stall, that Zhang Liao armed with a big gun and killed him.

Na Yan Gang suddenly realized that Zhang (De Nuo Zhao) Liao was powerful, and he couldn’t help showing a touch of surprise in his heart.

Immediately, I saw that Zhang Liao was holding a big ingot spear, and he was going to kill Yan Gang.

Yan Gang said in surprise: “What a quick gun.

Before thinking about it, I was caught up by that Zhang Liao, Yan Gang’s chest in a spear thrust.

Yan Gang yelled and stepped back. He was shocked: “You, you actually…

Before the sound fell, he couldn’t stand up, yelled, and fell from the low wall of the gate tower.

Coincidentally, he smashed into the crash and vomited blood on the spot and died.

Upon seeing this, Gongsun Zan couldn’t help but wondered: “How can this be?”

He also couldn’t believe that Yan Gang died at the hands of Zhang Liao.

The Gongsun Du’s eyes sank, and he whispered, “It’s better to camp outside the city.”

As soon as this statement came out, thinking that Ma Chen had not left Liangzhou, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan said in unison: “What they said is extremely true.”

Immediately, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Du set up camp outside the city. C,

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