Chapter 1120 An unprecedented answer

It is precisely because of Song Yumo that Ma Chen and the others will not be attacked by Song Yumo, because Song Yumo has already issued an order.

Who would dare to say anything disrespectful to Ma Chen? If you dare to be disrespectful to Ma Chen, you would at most feel that you don’t want to live if you have a long life, and Song Yumo wouldn’t let them go so easily.

Now Song Yumo’s subordinates can’t see how his leader views Ma Chen’s “Eight Six Three”, but they only know that the leader also respects Ma Chen very much, and they don’t know what Ma Chen is in the eyes of the leader.

But since the leader has issued an order to stop entanglement, so they dare not continue to entangle Ma Chen, they can only let Ma Chen develop.

And Ma Chen didn’t even have to be here to stay with Song Yumo.

Because Ma Chen doesn’t want to see a fresh life dying in Song Yumo’s hands, just like Song Yumo and himself said, he doesn’t care how many lives are injured in his vicious mind. This is Wang Lin. .

But for Ma Chen, Wang Lin is definitely not as simple as a life. Because it is his own, Ma Chen will do his best to protect Wang Lin.

Ma Chen himself cherishes the reputation of the soldiers, not pretending, but really trying to protect them, otherwise it is impossible to pretend to be so sincere.

Ma Chen, it won’t be long, we will see you again!

Song Yumo only left such a sentence and walked away directly, and when he turned his back, a strange smile appeared on his face under the mask.

Let’s go and see if they catch Yang Li from time to time. If we don’t finish, we have to make up the knife.

Song Yumo seemed to be in a very good mood and it was rare to say such a sentence to his subordinates, which was very rare for his subordinates, because Song Yumo would not speak to himself at all, and it was such a long sentence.

This is really unusual for them. They have also felt the change in Song Yumo’s mood, knowing that Song Yumo is in a very good mood now, otherwise the leader like this would never talk to his subordinates.

It is now proved that Song Yumo’s weakness is indeed Ma Chen, and only Ma Chen can grasp the mood of Song Yumo’s emotions, so since they are speaking, they can’t hurt Ma Chen.

Because they can discover the importance of Ma Chen to Song Yumo from Song Yumo, if they dare to offend Ma Chen, wouldn’t they ask for hardship?

Boss, you say that someone as good as you, don’t talk about ordinary people, even Ma Chen has to respect you three points!

You must know the rumors of Ma Chen in this arena, but the good name has not been changed. If he respects our boss by three points, it proves that our boss is indeed proud of the arena.

The stinky boy is here to talk to me. You don’t know what my strength is. Of course, your Ma Chen has to respect me a bit.

Song Yumo’s subordinates were originally to take photos of Ma Song Yumo, so they said a few words that were very good, but they didn’t expect Song Yumo to be abnormal and in a good mood to pick up the conversation, and he also replied such a sentence.

This soldier was flattered, and never expected that he could get a response from the leader.If it was taken in front of other soldiers, it would be enough to show off for a year and a half. After all, there are not many people who can get a peach response! .

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