Chapter 1110 Change strategy

The masked man on the Ma Chen side seemed to have discovered some of Ma Chen’s fatal weakness, and began to violently attack Ma Chen’s soldiers frantically.

Although Ma Chen’s soldiers are not as powerful as Ma Chen, it is not a problem to support the masked man for a while. After all, they also have some kung fu.

But it’s not as powerful and agile as Ma Chen, so Ma Chen can’t help but they can only fight, but Ma Chen found out that after the end of “August Six Three”, he should look for the old nest of the pine tree faction. As a bargain, ask why the leader came to capture himself alive.

Why bother to catch the kick, because there is nothing I can give to the Pine Tree Pie, and the Pine Tree Pie is said to be a business starter, so it’s definitely not bad for money.

So Ma Chen thought about it and didn’t feel that there was anything special about him. It was really unnecessary for the leader of the formal school to spend a lot of money to hire a killer to kill himself.

Because if he caught the hard work, he would still be excusable, because his father was the leader of a foreigner, and he could be regarded as some treasures and money.

Therefore, Ma Chen feels that the development of Liaodong City and Qilin County is not particularly perfect, so there is definitely not much effort in terms of money.

But when the other party wants to capture himself, Ma Chen wonders if the other party is also a traverser, otherwise he doesn’t know why it is necessary.

Ma Chen, Ma Chen, I caught your pigtail. You are not afraid of death and I can’t beat you. I don’t dare to beat you to death.

But, I can fight your soldiers. I will put a non-poisonous knife here and I will give you some joy for a while, and often let you taste the taste of losing your soldiers.

You are embarrassed to say that you are indeed a vicious mind. I didn’t expect you to do such a bad thing.

In that case, I really don’t have much to say. You can do whatever you like. You can see if your poison sword is powerful or my sword skill is powerful.

But people seemed to feel that they were suddenly saved, so they laughed frantically, so they went straight to Ma Chen and they put down the poisoned arrows.

One of Ma Chen’s soldiers slipped suddenly and tripped to the ground by a stone. Seeing that it was a poisonous arrow, it pierced the soldier’s eyes.

Ma Chen quickly took out the golden whip on his waist and flicked it directly, grabbing the poisonous arrow.

Ma Chen, you are going to zoom in. This whip has never been taken out by you, but it can be regarded as let the brothers see this treasure. Let me throw two border guards and let me see how good your skills are.

Ma Chen naturally has deep self-confidence in his own practice, but it is not the same as persisting with this person for a long time. Anyway, it is definitely not good for them.

Because Ma Chen felt that it should be a quick fight, and directly found the source of this person, and held this person hostage. Maybe the following things would not dare to hurt himself.

At least for a short period of time, Ma Chen does not believe that they will find another third-in-command, so now everything has to wait for 0.0 time, and can’t be delayed here.

Ma Chen discovered that the feathered arrows came from all directions. The only thing Ma Chen felt was that there was a sword that was different from other feathered swords.

This sword is different in thickness and length from other colors, and the direction of the arrow is the same, so Ma Chen initially determined that it is possible that the so-called second-in-command had shot this feathered arrow that was stronger than other soldiers.

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