Chapter 1100 Solve the traitor

The masked man gritted his teeth and wiped the sword in his hand with a handkerchief soaked in venom. He also understood that if Ma Chen was killed, he would not survive on his own.

Because rather than his own death is a foregone conclusion, it is better to pull a back Ma Chen, and this also violates the will of the pine tree leader, the leader can’t bear Ma Chen’s death.

Ma Chen found that there was silence around him, and he knew that the man must be holding a big move behind his back, but the horse flew towards the low bush.

This horse has always been human, so when the horse runs wantonly, Ma Chen understands this psychic horse~ I must have found something.

Ma Er naturally felt the killing intent staring at him, and in order to save his life, he could only rush to the bad guy alone to crush the bad guy-in order to save his life.

Horse, you have to take care not-run around and scare me.

I know you are sensible, but at this time we can’t make any mistakes, right? We have to be firm and don’t take risks.

The masked man didn’t know how much he hated Ma Chen, even when Ma Chen was about to step on him riding a horse, he felt that there was not enough venom on the knife.

For fear that the masked man who couldn’t be killed by a single blow saw the sturdy horse stepping on him, he kicked the soldier who kindly reminded him just now.

The horse was so fast that there was no time to stop. A soldier who was kicked out died under the horse’s iron hooves accompanied by screaming.

Ma Chen never expected that this person would be pushed out as a scapegoat. Just now this person claimed to be a member of the Pine Tree School, but these days Ma Chen has heard of Pine Tree Sect.

This pine tree religion has always been known for its faith and righteousness, but this person was inexplicably pushed out as a scapegoat to block the horseshoe and it was an eye-opener for Ma Chen.

Seeing that it was too late, the masked man ran back and threw a throwing knife directly at Ma Chen. Ma Chen obviously hadn’t reacted yet.

However, the horse felt that the owner on his back was facing a murder, but it was too late to change its direction. In order to protect the owner, the horse crowed long and stopped its advance with its back hooves.

The two front hooves were raised high and stood in a standing posture, directly protecting Ma Chen behind him, and the flying knife flew straight into the horse’s chest with an eyeless swish.


As soon as the horse raised its front hoof, Ma Chen only thought that the horse was frightened, so he quickly ordered the horse to stop, but Ma Chen was blocked by the horse’s head and didn’t know that the flying knife was merciless.

0……seeking flowers 00

The horse crashed to the ground. Ma Chen turned over and jumped off the horse as soon as he couldn’t see it right. The horse fell on the ground and panting. Ma Chen was about to go to the front to check the horse’s condition.

But just as Ma Chen walked to the front of the horse’s head, when he shot a feather arrow, Ma Chen avoided the arrow on his side.

Here again? You really want to play yin, you all have deserters and still besiege me here, who is your enemy?

Although the leading masked man has escaped, these people will still abide by the will of their leader and will not flee. The way for such deserters is to kill them directly without reporting to the leader.

After hearing Ma Chen say this, the faceless man stopped talking, so Ma Chen fell directly on the tree next to them while they were not talking, so that they could have a clearer vision.

Damn this traitor. I’ll help you solve them. Don’t thank me. If you thank me, just let me go. Don’t be entangled here, there is no need. zero,

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