Chapter 1015 Powerful momentum

Wu Yuhuan’s martial arts skills are also very strong.

And now Zhou Yu is also standing in front of Wu Yuhuan, facing these dozen foreigners, Wu Yuhuan’s momentum is actually enough to shock them.

And now Zhou Yu is now determined to die.

If I can’t protect Wu Yuhuan’s thoroughness, I really cannot be blamed for death, so I have made such a determination.

And now Shangguan Yunqing looked at all these foreigners, staring at them with enthusiasm.

I also know that now I must break the siege, so these people now have a very good fighting spirit.

And these foreigners themselves are runaway bandits, so now when looking at their popularity.

Instead, some of them suddenly disappeared.

And now these foreigners have surrounded them round and round, and Yan Yun has a relatively large number of them for them, so now it is also dependent on the number of people.

They want to start working on Zhou Yu, and now Zhou Yu has started to fight back first.

Now these foreigners are watching Zhou Yu staring at them, riding a galloping horse, it is obvious that these foreigners are somewhat weak in popularity, and at the same time, Wu Wang Yuhuan is also waving the common in his hand, towards this place. The crowd of tribesmen rushed over, and now all the foreigners.

Suddenly, I felt that there were some real weaknesses in aura, and this week Zhou Yu glanced at a foreigner who was standing there shivering. At the same time, these foreigners watched their kinsman be hacked and killed.

At the same time, he quickly began to evade trial in another direction, and now Zhou Yu looked at these foreigners who wanted to escape.

I also knew that continuing to chase was very unfavorable for them, and now Wu Yuhuan had already hacked a foreigner to death under his own sword.

The close-fitting maid beside Wu Yuhuan is also a very skilled person, and she is also a young lady who wields her sword to protect her.

It was these foreigners who looked at the momentum of these people, and suddenly started to flee in some panic.

Seeing these foreigners who were Huss just now but fled in despair, it made them feel a special sense of accomplishment.

At the same time, Wu Yuhuan was riding her horse to chase the foreigner, but when Wu Yuhuan was about to chase the foreigner, he was stopped by Zhou Yu.

0……for flowers…

“The princess stayed behind in case there was an explosion. We quickly returned to Liaodong City. If there is something we can enter the city and solve it, if we are caught in their ambush, we will lose some of the gains!”


Zhou Yu had stopped Wu Yuhuan’s actions, but Shangguan Yunqing next to him felt his aura.

I really beat these foreigners to be very afraid of myself, but did not listen to Zhou Yu’s persuasion, and started chasing the foreigners.

And this week, Zhou Yu was really anxious and said to Wu Yuhuan in his own mind.

“Hurry up to stop him, in case there is fraud, these foreigners appear to be a little bit tricky, don’t fall into their tactics!”

When Zhou Yu said this to Wu Yuhuan, Wu Yuhuan also knew that it was absolutely dangerous for Shangguan Yunqing to chase him out.

Wu Yuhuan shouted loudly at Shangguan Yunqing.

“Shangguan Yunqing, you come back to me now, don’t compete for the best! Just in case there is fraud!” ト,

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