"That's right!" Yi Xiaotian nodded first. "Brother lie is justified. Ji Niu Shu Gu's distribution method sounds fair and reasonable at first glance, but in fact, this distribution method ignores a very important point..."


Seeing Yi Xiaotian's serious expression, Cao Cao put his ears close, rather curious.

Yi Xiaotian's words then came out...

"Hidden brother, the biggest problem with planning cattle to transport grain is that it charges a fixed amount of land rent. If the harvest is good, the government cannot charge more; in the event of floods and droughts, the farmers must continue to pay the original amount. In this way, the government will not have more profits in good years, and in disaster years, farmers in the fields will not be able to pay the land tax, and over time, they will become impoverished!"

"Brother lie, have you ever thought about why there are a large number of peasant uprisings in the big man every disaster year, don't they? Their rebellion is really like a mouse touching a cat's nose - is it okay to seek excitement?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while, and then asked and answered himself.

"No... This is because in the disaster year, they had no harvest, but they still had to pay expensive land taxes. They worked hard for a whole year, but in the end they owed a lot of debt! If at this time, someone waved his arm, Tell the big guy that if you follow him, you will have food and clothing, and you don't have to pay taxes. Even if you rebel, won't these farmers rush to it?"

"How did the Yellow Turban Uprising come about? How did the rebellions in various places in the disaster year of the Great Han come about? In the final analysis, it was all because of the way the government and the farmers in the fields planned to distribute cattle and valleys!"

Yi Xiaotian said a lot, with a sonorous tone and a serious expression.

After all, this is an attack on the unreasonable distribution system of feudalism.

Of course, whether it is from his point of view or from the point of view of the people in the field, Yi Xiaotian is more willing to change the status quo by hiding his brother or even through Cao Cao. , Everyone has land to cultivate, otherwise, there will be a group of poor people in the world, and the business of a liquor store will not be booming.


On the other hand, Cao Cao...

At this time, he was like being hit by five thunders.

Every sentence and every word of Yi Xiaotian's words was like a bolt of lightning, which quickly fell from the top of Cao Cao's head, making Cao Cao's whole person become enlightened.

No wonder…

In the world of Han, there will be so many rebellions every year of disaster!

No wonder, even if the people have land to cultivate, they are still frowning...

No wonder, the common people dare not accept the land granted by the government at all...

It turns out that the crux of the problem is here, calculating cattle to lose grain, where is the government's distribution method for earning land tax and enriching the granary? This is the main culprit for forcing the people to rebel!

huh... huh...

After taking a long breath, Cao Cao felt a little scared.

Thanks to Brother Yi for mentioning this point today, otherwise, this seems to be a stable supply of food and grass under the military system, but there must be many hidden dangers in the middle. If one is not good, the lack of protection can threaten him. situation.

"Brother Yi..."

Cao Cao stretched out his arm to wipe off the sweat. At this moment, his voice was trembling, as if he was a little nervous.

"Brother Yi, what you said really made me better than ten years of study. I can't believe that, I can't imagine that a small distribution method that counts cattle and loses can produce so many disasters!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao patted his chest, as if he was determined to abolish this unreasonable distribution system, and immediately he frowned and asked carefully.

"Brother Yi, since you brought up the drawbacks of scheming cattle to lose valleys? Then... you must have already thought about other ways to replace it!"

Cao Cao put his hand on Yi Xiaotian's shoulder, and the whole person seemed a little urgent. "Brother Yi, I hope you can give me some advice on the distribution method of the government and the people in the fields. This is related to the stability and peace of the entire Si, Xu, Yan, and Henan regions, and it is more related to our wealth!"

No wonder Cao Cao was so urgent.

This is too big, no one wants to fight on the front line, there is always news of rebellion in the rear...

What's more, this kind of rebellion still depends on the sky, it's completely out of line!

"Brother, you don't need to be too nervous."

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand gently, although his tone was still serious, his eyes softened a lot. "The solution to this is actually very simple, it just depends on whether Cao Cao has the courage to do it!"

Hmm... boldness?

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his hand. "Brother Yi, don't hesitate to speak, Cao Cao's side, I have my own way to persuade!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian nodded.

"Actually, it's very simple. It's enough to re-formulate the distribution method. Whether it's a good year or a disaster year, the distribution method between the government and the farmers is changed from a fixed quota to directly related to the harvest of the year."

"You can also directly follow a standard, for example, use official cattle to farm the fields, officials six people four, use your own cattle to farm the fields, fifty-fifty split! According to the year's harvest!"

"In this way, if it is a good year, the government can receive a lot of food proportionally; if it is a disaster year, the farmer can also leave a portion of the food for emergency and winter. It is related to the harvest of the year, and the two sides share the risk of natural disasters equally."

"Those who are in the fields will also consider that since their income is linked to the harvest of the year, they will simply increase the harvest. After all, the higher the harvest, the more food they have left, and the better their life will be. "

"This kind of simple truth, farmers can understand clearly, and their enthusiasm will naturally increase!"

Yi Xiaotian told Cao Cao about this new distribution method in detail...

Of course, some of these tastes of distribution according to work, and some of them are slaughtered. After all, farmers still have to hand over at least half of the grain to the government after harvesting...

However, in Yi Xiaotian's view, these are nothing in the eyes of farmers.

In this chaotic world, being able to eat and live is a gift from God, why would they care so much?

What's more, this distribution method improves farmers' ability to resist risks and can store some food.

In this way, it can be said that there are benefits and no harm!


call out…

Cao Cao was fascinated by it!

Brother Yi's distribution plan, or the method of combining military and civilian colonies proposed by Yi brother, is absolutely amazing.

It not only enriched the grain and grass of the state and county, but also eliminated the potential hidden danger of peasant household rebellion.

It's just like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another, and the set calculates the food clearly and clearly, which makes people admire and shock from the bottom of their hearts...

Suddenly, Cao Cao's mood was like a heifer knocking on the door.



Chapter [-] How to give grace, how to give power

The food problem was solved, and Cao Cao was in a good mood.

"Brother Yi..." At this time, Cao Cao pulled Yi Xiaotian up, the corners of his mouth raised, and he joked with a smile. "Don't be too busy, I came all the way here, but you are farming here without drinking with me. Isn't this the way to entertain guests?"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao raised his finger and pointed at the package on the horse's back, his voice lowered. "Today, I brought a few jars of tribute wine, and I want to have a drunken break with Brother Yi!"

Having said that, while laughing, he pulled Yi Xiaotian to the direction of the restaurant.

Wine, indeed, is tribute wine.

The emperor was here in Cao Cao, and some princes with the surname of "Liu" were still very aware of current affairs, and they sent tribute to the wine and rare treasures.

However, before these fine wines reached the imperial front, they were brought to Youjian Villa by Cao Cao with two jars.

It's boring to drink Jiu Niao Chun wine all day long. Today, I have to taste the taste of this imperial wine and tribute wine with Brother Yi!


There is a liquor store.

It's still a familiar layout, even Cai Zhaoji, the beautiful woman standing on the counter with her head down and calculating her accounts, is the same. Except that the restaurant is a bit more spacious, it's the same as the one in Suanzao County, Chenliu County.

"Zhao Ji, instruct the cook to cook some good dishes, and I want to have a drink with Brother Li and Brother Ren!"

As soon as I walked into the restaurant, Yi Xiaotian ordered...

Hearing the good dishes, Cao Cao waved his hand. "Wait a minute, girl, don't serve any good dishes, just make a bowl of dumplings for us alone."

When it comes to dumplings, Cao Cao is still a little greedy.

Because of Yi Xiaotian, dumplings appeared in this troubled world ahead of time, and they have swept the entire Central Plains and the North.

In the streets and alleys of Si, Xu, Yan, and Henan, countless dumpling restaurants opened overnight, and Cao Cao often tasted them. Unfortunately, no one can make dumplings in a restaurant. smell!

Cao Cao will never forget that night, under the wind and snow, the feeling of warmth all over his body after eating a bowl of dumplings.

That's why, today, Cao Cao ordered dumplings!

"Brother lie? What do you mean, let's eat dumplings and drink?" Yi Xiaotian asked... "Isn't there such a drink?"

"It's good to drink like this!" Cao Cao smiled slightly, patted Yi Xiaotian on the shoulder, and said with a smile. "The so-called dumplings with wine, the more you drink..."

I go…

Yi Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, thinking in his heart, this toast came as soon as he opened his mouth, he really is a man of temperament!


"Come on, do it!"

After drinking three bowls of fine wine, Cao Cao wiped his mouth with his hand. He looked very heroic and seemed to be in a good mood!

It was still the same feeling, as long as he was drinking with Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao would feel very at ease and a sense of security, a feeling he had never felt even if he was guarded by thousands of tigers and beasts.

On the contrary, Yi Xiaotian looks very special when he drinks.

He was neither arrogant nor squeamish, and he drank every bowl of wine cleanly, but it was indistinguishable from his quiet and elegant personality.

After three rounds of wine, a chat.

Cao Cao saw that Yi Xiaotian also gradually entered a state of slight drunkenness.

By pouring wine, Cao Cao inadvertently mentioned a sentence.

"Brother Yi, I just remembered... Then Cao Cao also asked me for a troublesome matter. It's not too big or too small. I can't make up my mind here, so I have to ask Brother Yi again."

Yi Xiaotian didn't speak, but just stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, which meant that Cao Cao would not be so subtle, and if there was a problem, just ask.

Cao Cao put down the jug and his face became serious.

"A few days ago, Yuan Shao sent a letter asking Cao Cao to move the emperor to Juancheng in Yanzhou, and place the emperor in Juancheng!"


Yuan Shao, who had realized it later, had come to his senses!

Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly, shook his head, looked at Cao Cao's helpless appearance, Yi Xiaotian asked aloud. "Brother? Yuan Shao can't understand what he means. Juancheng is so close to Yecheng, and it is coming soon. He wants to shorten the distance between himself and the emperor, so that he can take Cao Cao step by step!"

"Brother Yi is really wise." Cao Cao nodded, and immediately, he sighed again with a "sigh" and asked a question. "Brother Yi? Yuan Shao's move? What do you think?"

"What do you think?" How to answer this question?Yi Xiaotian knocked on his forehead, and immediately blurted out, "Yuan Shao is putting on a stinky fart with five spice and spicy flavors, what Yuan Shao does is like a toad, a frog in the sun - it looks ugly and plays with flowers! Yuan Shao's tone is even worse than athlete's foot. Big…"

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