Pan Zhang held a long blade in his hand, dashed forward, wrapped his head with a backhand chopping knife, and beheaded the knife and axe in the front on the spot.

The remaining three had no intention of resisting at all. They decided to escape separately and quickly conveyed the news, but Pan Zhang seemed to have anticipated such a situation.

Above the courtyard wall, above the roof, the man in black descended from the sky, killing the fleeing knife and axe hand directly to the ground, not even giving them a chance to shout.

All the changes happened in a single thought. The four guards died on the spot. Pan Zhang realized that there was no danger around him, and he took all the soldiers and fell down in front of Sun Quan——

Tears welled up in Pan Zhang's eyes. Self-blame and guilt filled his heart. He kowtowed to Sun Quan, but Sun Quan smiled helplessly.

"My husband doesn't cry when he has tears, why are you crying! Isn't Ben Marquis alright?"

"Lord... lord... Pan Zhang is cowardly. To be able to stand up when the lord is suffering, Pan Zhang deserves to die! You... you punish me!"

"Go on! If you have nonsense, kill all those swordsmen and axemen who haven't given me a good face these days. It's up to you to receive rewards and punishments, but we'll talk about it when we leave Wancheng!"

Sun Quan didn't feel so desolate and wronged, but... he grew up so big, and it was the first time he saw someone from Soochow who really didn't give him any face. Such a person stayed in Soochow, and as long as he was alive, Sun Quan would be covered in his body. I felt uncomfortable, so I found a reason and sent Pan Zhang away directly.


In the Osmanthus Alley in Wancheng, a bloody fight was staged today.

The people in Linxiang seemed to be shocked by the sound of swords and swords in the alley. With Osmanthus Lane as the center, no one dared to come out to investigate the situation within a radius of several kilometers.

This silent bloody battle lasted for half a day.

In the evening, the Soochow inspection tour in Wancheng finally discovered the tragic appearance of this hellish Osmanthus Lane.

This made the bloody battle that took place in Osmanthus Lane today clear to the army.

It's just... At this moment, the generals of Soochow who are guarding Wancheng seem to not know the reason for this bloody battle, let alone know that their lord Sun Quan was not brought to the front by Zhang Zhao at all. Nestled in this alley, only one door away from them——

In a word, the tragedy in Guihua Lane was finally fooled by the generals defending the city. After all, these dead soldiers, looking left and right, were not dressed as the main army, and everyone was shaking their heads when they searched for someone to identify the body.

"I hope it's not someone with a distinguished status..."

Saying this, the blood of Osmanthus Lane gradually faded away under the flushing of water, and finally became invisible——


The sun has set, and the setting sun is like blood, indicating that a tragic war is actually being staged in Hefei in the distance.

Sun Quan, who was finally able to escape, was escorted by Pan Zhang and his personal guards, and finally escaped from the completion and came to a village ten kilometers away from the city of Wan.

The people in Zhuangzi did not make things difficult for them. After explaining their intentions to them, Sun Quan and his party settled in the village.

When it was late at night, Sun Quan, who had finished grooming and changed into neat clothes, looked at the dim sky, and finally he could breathe a sigh of relief.

The lights in the house were dim. Pan Zhang brought a bowl of hot soup from outside the yard and handed it to Sun Quan respectfully, but Sun Quan smiled and didn't accept it. What he cared more about was the war in Hefei:

"My lord, you should drink it. I haven't seen you for a few days, and my body has lost a lot of weight...hey...I..."

Pan Zhang still blamed himself, but Sun Quan repeatedly stopped him.

"General Pan, where are we going next?"

Pan Zhang put the hot soup on the stone table beside him, handed over and replied:

"Go back to the lord, the last commander has already entrusted the horse to prepare the horse. If everything is normal, we can return to Lujiang early tomorrow... The frontline battle is still tense, and it will not end overnight. Zhang Zhao has ulterior motives... We must inform as soon as possible. The Grand Governor and Mr.'s time to discuss how to deal with Zhang Zhao and the people behind him who are scheming!"

This sentence Pan Zhang said almost through gritted teeth - the ghost knows how tormented he has been these two days?

Zhang Zhao is powerful, but he never thought that with the support of the gentry group, Zhang Zhao would dare to put Sun Quan under house arrest-before he thought that Sun Quan was a bit exaggerated compared to the emperor Liu Xie. Chewed.

However, the reality is far more magical than imagination and stories. In a blink of an eye, Zhang Zhao led soldiers to imprison Sun Quan, making Sun Quan even more uncomfortable than Liu Xie. This made Pan Zhang clearly realize that if he waited any longer, Zhang Zhao would Dare to put Sun Quan under house arrest, Zhang Zhao dared to kill Sun Quan next.

However, after hearing what Pan Zhang said, Sun Quan shook his head:

"Zhang Zhao...will definitely be punished...He dared to imprison this marquis, which has touched the bottom line of this marquis, this moment, it is not the time for us to abandon the soldiers on the front line and leave Hefei like deserters—"

"My lord...then...then what do you mean..."

"General Pan, tell me to go on, tomorrow morning, we will go to Hefei and return to the army. My Sun Quan has always wanted to live and die with the soldiers... They haven't retreated yet, so why should I retreat!"

Chapter [-] Zhang Liao, what are you looking for!Zhang Liao, are you tired?

Time flies so fast... two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Huan, who has temporarily assumed the position of coach, the most important thing to get up early every morning is to quickly check to see if he is missing any arms or legs—

In fact, it wasn't just him. These two days could be called the experience of being tortured in the eighteenth floor of hell. There were many soldiers who were psychologically vulnerable, but they couldn't stand it and chose to hang themselves.

This gave Zhu Huan, who was already exhausted, another heavy blow - this matter is simple and very simple, and if it is complicated, it means that the soldiers in the army have already had a psychological problem.

Not to mention the screams of killing in the city of Hefei, even if they heard the chaos of their own troops and horses, some soldiers would be nervous and do not know what they were doing. Iron cavalry…

Yes, the reason that caused the soldiers to feel too much pressure and even commit suicide, everything has to say that only the black iron cavalry led by Zhang Liao went up.

Zhu Huan suffered two attacks on the first day and night when he took over as the head coach. middle.

And in the past two days, the same thing, in every hour of the twelve hours of the day, the same plot has been staged.


This cavalry is quite unethical about martial arts.

Speaking of surprise attacks, the first two times were quite reasonable. Zhu Huan was defeated, and he also admitted that it was his negligence.

But the surprise attack time that Zhang Liao chose later became more and more outrageous.

How could anyone head in the middle of the day, with the sun hanging high above their heads, and under the circumstance that everything under the sky can be seen at a glance, they deceive themselves and even think of their military camp to cover up?

At noon the day before, Zhu Huan picked up the dry food with a lever, and heard the horn of an enemy attack from outside the tent.

It's just that Zhu Huan decided that at such a time, as long as there was no problem with Zhang Liao's mind, it was absolutely impossible to kill them in front of their army of tens of thousands.

So he made up his mind to bite the dry food fiercely, and the result was... In broad daylight, under the bright sky, the unscrupulous cavalry did not talk about martial arts, and rushed into the camp of the Soochow people under the rain of arrows, burning, killing, looting, and growing. go-

Only Zhu Huan, who walked out of the tent with a confused look, was left with a few burnt tents and the corpses of poor people all over the place.

Zhang Liao's army suffered casualties, and the number of casualties almost equaled the number of enemies they killed this time... But even so, they still had to take the risk and forcibly kill Zhu Huan.

"Zhang Wenyuan! You... what are you drawing? Tell me what you are drawing!"

Zhu Huan was incompetent and furious... Jiang Qin and the others looked at Zhu Huan helplessly, and they couldn't bear to see that Zhu Huan, who was so dignified, had been devastated by these few days' hard work, but they could not bear it, but in their heart... everything The initiative is in the hands of the enemy—

If they don't defend, that's fine, Zhang Liao will kill them and show them.

Over the past two days, Zhang Liao, relying on a cavalry army of [-] people, caused the biggest casualty, killing nearly [-] people in Zhu Huan's formation in one go.

After three days, Zhang Liao brought more than [-] casualties to the Soochow people with just one elusive cavalry.

Seven times the battle loss ratio, even in the battle of Chibi, this battle with ships implicated in it is only a ** times the battle loss.

This is what Zhang Wenyuan led the cavalry to slash with one knife at a time.

The key is... Because at noon, the most unlikely time for a surprise attack, Zhang Liao also killed Zhu Huan, even for two consecutive days... Yesterday, when Zhang Liao came to Zhu Huan again at noon, Zhu Huan led the team. After besieging and killing nearly [-] people around Zhang Liao, it was the first time that he had gained an advantage over Zhang Liao.

But... this result did not make Zhu Huan feel the slightest excitement.

Because when he thought about the next few months, he must always be on guard against the opponent's surprise attack, and Zhu Huan's head seemed to explode.

Three days - Zhu Huan may have rested for less than three hours in total.

With bloodshot eyes, Zhu Huan had the best sleep tonight, an hour and a half, but he was already satisfied.

Just as he was about to get up to wash himself up and fill his stomach, outside the camp, there was another trumpet sound that had been the same for the past three days—

"Enemy attack!!"

Zhu Huan's hair was not tied, his hair was disheveled, he quickly put on his armor, put on his long spear and howled and rushed out.

"It's the enemy's feint! They...they went back..."


Zhu Huan was full of filthy words, scolded Zhang Liao, threw his sword and spear, and plunged into the room, leaving behind his subordinates who looked at each other in dismay—

"Zhang Wenyuan! Aren't you tired!!"

Zhu Huan's hysterical shouts came from the tent, but no one was able to comfort him——


Here, in fact, to the point.

Zhu Huan, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai and others have been able to sit in their current positions, none of them are good, none of them are bad, but Zhang Liao was able to take the initiative. There are actually two reasons:

What Zhu Huan said before, they were passive and everything was because their siege did not go well... When Zhang Zhao was the commander, the army attacked the city for the first time. Two more large-scale attempts, but they did not achieve any results at all.

There were a lot of casualties in Hefei. This is true. There were [-] elite soldiers in the city and [-] county soldiers... The combat effectiveness of the county soldiers was ignored for the time being.

The [-] elite soldiers suffered nearly [-] casualties under the fierce battle for several days.

The remaining [-] horses seem to have difficulty supporting the city defense——

It's just that looking at the Soochow people, their casualties are even heavier:

Throw away the nearly [-] soldiers and horses who were buried for Zhu Huan at the beginning.

After three days of fighting, [-] people just evaporated out of thin air.

At this moment, there are mountains of corpses piled up under the city of Hefei, and under the scorching sky light, bursts of rancid stench began to be emitted——

The blood solidified, and the lack of rain for several days only made the siege more difficult.

The Soochow people, who were in poor condition, had not made even a little bit of progress in the past three days, nor had they ever won a stronghold in the city, which made their attack particularly weak.

The initiative is often two-sided. You attack and I defend, and only see which side is more capable.

Compared with the harassment of small-scale troops and horses, Zhu Huan could only organize one large-scale siege operation in one day.

Fundamentally opened the flexible gap with Zhang Liao leading the cavalry to harass the barracks.

When flexibility fails...

The second reason is what Zhu Huan called—Is Zhang Liao tired?

Zhang Liao was very tired.

Every time he led the cavalry to fight back to Hefei City, he was sweating profusely and out of breath.

But the biggest difference compared to Zhu Huan and the others... The [-] cavalry army led by Zhang Liao, after returning to the city, didn't have to worry about anything, they found a place to rest and fell asleep!

Food and drink are served, as long as the rest is over and their physical strength is sufficient, they will immediately go into battle and harass the enemy again.

This is the difference... Zhang Liao and the others are taking the initiative to rest, while Zhu Huan and the others are passively interrupting the rest.

It is clear at a glance who is full of energy, who is more active, and who is more tormented.

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