Pan Zhang was ready to leave...because he felt that Sun Quan had compromised and did not have another conflict with Zhang Zhao.

Here he is just a duckweed, even if he really wants to fight people like Zhang Zhao to the end, Zhou Yu and Lu Su must come back.

Who knows, every word of Sun Quan's last flamboyant words hit Zhang Zhao's weak underbelly... Every word not only fell into Zhang Zhao's ears, but also fell into Zhang Zhao's clothes and clothes outside the house. ear.

"My your answer?"

Zhang Zhao smiled, but when he turned around, the smile disappeared instantly.

All that was left was a rather dangerous look.


Chapter six hundred and fifteenth foreign war layman, civil war layman

The [-]-strong army of Eastern Wu stopped in Wancheng for two days for the first time ever.

The next day happened to catch up with the heavy rain again, the ground was full of mud, and the cavalry was fine... but the infantry walking on the ground and the team dragging luggage suffered.

Maybe even Yi Xiaotian didn't expect that the battle in Hefei, which was originally a hurry, was actually under the influence of some special reasons, which allowed Jiang Ji to complete the most feasible layout at the moment.

Because, on the day when the Soochow army was stagnant in Wancheng, nearly [-] soldiers and horses led by Jiangxia Wenpin finally arrived in Hefei.

I heard that at that time, Jiang Ji originally thought that the army in the distance was the troops of Soochow Wu, but the people who invited him turned out to be reinforcements from Jiang Xia. He was so excited that he almost fell off the city wall.

Hefei's reinforcements have arrived - such news quickly reached the ears of Zhang Zhao, who was still stationed in Wancheng.

"Humph! They responded very quickly..."

Zhang Zhao was sitting at the table, and in front of him were more than a dozen civil servants and generals who accompanied the army this time.

Each is a representative person sent by the family.

There are also a group of warriors who have not appeared in the first battle of Chibi in Soochow - Zhu Huan, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, Zhu Zhi and Han Dang, etc.

As soon as Zhang Zhao patted the table, everyone knew very well...

If nothing happened yesterday, they should have arrived in Hefei today... The situation would not have become so embarrassing all of a sudden.

It's just that no one dared to show doubts in front of Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Zhao said that Cao Jun responded quickly, which is well-founded...

It only took five days for them to send their troops to their full capacity, and the news spread from Wancheng, and then to Jiangxia and Xiangyang to get the news and respond.

Not to mention that there are allied forces of the Sun and Liu families dragging Cao Cao on the front line, Cao Cao should not have reacted so quickly anyway.

But this army that suddenly rushed out from Jiangxia, like a prophet, seems to have embarked on a journey early, and it is a miracle that they can reach Hefei one step ahead of their army at this moment.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao couldn't help but think of the expert beside Cao Cao who had repeatedly emphasized before the war, whether it was the Zhuge village husband from Xiangyang or the late Zhou Yu and Lu Su—

It seems to be called Yi Xiaotian?

Zhang Zhao doesn't have much idea about this.

He just thought it was his actions yesterday that delayed the fighter jets. Seeing that the hall was gloomy, in order to firmly control the morale of the army, Zhang Zhao took the initiative to apologize to everyone:

He took off his crown and placed it on the table in front of him. After getting up, he bowed again and again to the civil and military people in the hall, his eyes full of solemnity:

"Yesterday... There was some unpleasantness between the old man and the lord. The lord is young and has a more anxious temperament. Since the old man is the commander of this battle, he will naturally be strict with the army during the march... Even the lord... If you want to play some childish temper, the old man It certainly won't get used to it..."

"But... the old man admits that the old man's handling was inappropriate yesterday, the movement was too loud, and everyone was not very happy, and the trip was delayed... All the guilt, when this battle is over, the old man will definitely accept it fairly and justly-"

"To call you all today, the original intention is to inform you about this matter... But I didn't want to, I actually received news of the arrival of enemy reinforcements in the middle... This old man is deeply saddened..."

"However... What this old man wants to say is that even if the enemy reinforcements arrive, please rest assured... This old man has a [-]% certainty that he will be able to defeat the enemy reinforcements together... This battle... Our army will win! Go to Hefei!"

Zhang Zhao said a series of seemingly encouraging words, but, obviously, everyone laughed reluctantly.

Hefei is a majestic city... Like Shouchun, not only is it surrounded by mountains and rivers, the city walls are extremely thick, and there has been no war infestation for years. To hit the year of the monkey and the month of the horse...

They are [-] soldiers and horses, and [-] soldiers and horses are fighting outside, and every day will be a huge consumption.

This battle in Hefei, under the pressure of the aristocratic family, almost wiped out the savings and heritage of Jiangdong in the past twenty years.

Everyone responded with a dry smile, but they didn't know what was going on during the dinner. One person listened to Zhang Zhao's twisted explanation of right and wrong, and his lips were bleeding.

He is Pan Zhang...

As one of the generals in this battle, he seems to have to go to guard the rear because of yesterday's involvement. Not only that... Zhang Zhao's words, every word, he felt terrified from the bottom of his heart.

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes the scene where Zhang Zhao's eyes widened angrily and pressed his sword against Sun Quan's neck, he might have really believed Zhang Zhao's words.

As for the little movement?

The small movement was that Sun Quan's personal guards fought with the guards brought by Zhang Zhao, and a hundred people died in the chaos last night.

Sun Quan, who was defeated, was eventually placed under house arrest by Zhang Zhao...

If such a thing could be called a small movement, Pan Zhang really couldn't say anything.

He is not in the mood to listen to Zhang Zhao's bullshit here at all. He just wants to know where Sun Quan, who justified himself yesterday, was locked up by Zhang Zhao at the moment... If Sun Quan really has a problem...

Pan Zhang clenched his fists tightly and his teeth creaked.

He didn't make a move last night, just because he thought about what Zhou Yu and Lu Su had told him, to protect Sun Quan no matter what.

However... the current situation makes him have to consider... If the time permits, he is even planning to abduct Sun Quan - even if it will cause chaos in the army...

The rain... has been falling, beating on the eaves, dripping on the iron armor, and the haze shrouding the heads of the Soochow people seems to be thicker than before—


On the other side, where they don't know.

A fast horse, galloping constantly on the winding path that came from Xiangyang.

The man under the iron armor only had chills in his eyes.

I don't know what day he was on the road... The occasion of the rain on this day made the already dignified atmosphere in the air even more suffocating.

Da da da--

The sound of horse hooves, the man hiding under a ruined temple, finally saw the silhouette of Hefei in the distance in this hazy fog.

He was not in a hurry to enter the city, because he was instructed by others to do one thing before entering Hefei.


The rain in the iron helmet poured all over the ground, and the man tied his long hair again, and by the way, he took out the only thing that might be dry from his arms.

This is a pale yellow bag.

Small brocade cloth with silk thread fastening at the mouth of the bag.

"Mr. Yi, you really trust me..."

Zhang Liao wiped the water on his face, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart—I always heard that Yi Xiaotian would give the Prime Minister or the army in front some clever tricks at certain critical times.

But it was the first time he had received such an exclusive kit.

I was naturally excited and nervous.

Zhang Liao...Following Yi Xiaotian's request before he left, he rode alone to Hefei to help the defenders, and it was reasonable...this kind of order is a bit exaggerated.

Slowly opening the kit, there was a small note lying quietly in the kit.

Zhang Liao slowly scanned the content on the paper, and soon the doubts in his eyes turned into shock.

It may not have taken a few sticks of incense... Zhang Liao was fully dressed, and he set foot on the road again...

Time is tight and the task is heavy.


Chapter [-]: Ning believes in the tricks and tricks, but does not believe in the prime minister's words

"Report! There is a person outside the city claiming to be General Zhang Wenyuan, saying that the Prime Minister sent him to help Hefei... General, prefect... This..." "Who?"

The messenger came to the palace in a hurry, but said something that made Wen Pin and Jiang Ji a little confused.

Seeing the two adults looking at each other, the messenger cleared his throat and repeated it loudly.

In the end, after listening twice and determining that the name said by the other party was Zhang Wenyuan, the doubts in their hearts suddenly turned into excitement.

"Quick...Quick! What are you still doing! Prepare a horse to pick up someone!!"


Sure enough, Wen Pin and Jiang Ji, who were still worried in their hearts, finally relaxed completely when they saw that the visitor from the city was indeed the rare general who helped Cao Cao defeat the Wuhuan.

The city gate slowly opened, and a group of soldiers and horses rushed out of the city as if flying, and soon stopped in front of Zhang Liao.

"General Wen Yuan! General Shu Mo didn't know that you came from a long way, and you never greeted you from afar, so don't blame him..."

When the prefect Jiang Ji handed over his hands, his whole body was trembling.

As a subdued general, after seeing Zhang Wenyuan, it was as if he had met a savior - after all, he was a subdued general. If he was given command of this battle, he would only feel that his hands were tied. Fortunately, Zhang Liao was here. .

Zhang Liao took off his helmet and dismounted without any nonsense. He bowed his hands to the two of them quite politely. First of all, he expressed his gratitude to the two of them for being able to help Cao Cao in this difficult time:

"Where did the two generals come from, they were able to face Sun Quan's army of [-] people without any disturbance. The courage alone is enough to make me admire to the extreme. As for the extra etiquette, there is no need for me... I just honored Mr. Yi. I entrust you to come here and help the two generals - the prefect, the general, your army is still under your command... and I..."

The two of Zhang Liaochao nodded, and quickly told the two of their plans according to the previous plan...


In the palace in the city, Zhang Liao did not take his seat. After all, to make the two generals trust him unconditionally, he also needed to cheer up the two in front of him, so he said:

"I have here a kit that Mr. Yi gave me... The two of you should understand what Mr. Yi's kit represents-then I will follow the plan above the kit to lay out the defense in the city, and the next step How to deal with the arrival of the Soochow army, I also hope that the two generals can do their best to cooperate with me, as long as we do according to the tips above - in this battle, we can even have a [-]% chance of winning!"

Zhang Liao's remarks are not empty talk. As a general who followed Cao Cao's southern war to the North, he can even be said to be a handsome man. He naturally has his own unique views on various military layouts, but after seeing what Yi Xiaotian said on the bag before, Even he couldn't find any reason to refute, and he could even predict what kind of torment and pain the enemy would face when dealing with the enemy according to the advice above...

However, when Wen Pin looked at Zhang Liao's confident look, he felt nervous from the bottom of his heart... Yi Xiaotian was famous, so he naturally admired the obedience and obedience of Sun Liu Lianjun with ease. Mr. Yi, but in the same way, if he wants to believe that a whole war can be reversed by relying on just one tip, such a dream-like idea is naturally unacceptable as a practical clerk. Jiang Ji on one side was obviously more excited than Wenpin:

"Guo... is it really the clever trick of the owner of the Yi Village?"

"Can this be fake?"

Zhang Liao smiled and took out a light yellow kit from his arms, but in order to keep the contents of the kit, Zhang Liao did not intend to show others to it.

But that's it, Jiang Ji is quite satisfied.

"Prefect Jiang, you have also heard about this Mr. Yi... oh no, or about the owner of Villa Yi? Although I had written correspondence with Mr. Yi before, but... he is not only good at leading troops to fight. ?"

Wen Pin looked puzzled and shocked. During the period of time he worked with Jiang Ji, he still trusted Jiang Ji as a person. At least in terms of leading troops to fight, Jiang Ji, like him, was a calm and stable type.

It can be seen that such an unstoppable Jiang Taishou also fell into such a state of amazement after hearing the name "Yizhuangzhu", which made Wenpin a little curious.

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