Don't look at Zhang Lu's hoarding in Hanzhong for many years. In fact, Zhang Lu's responsibilities in Hanzhong are mostly preaching and preaching and controlling people's hearts.

During this period of time, Hanzhong belonged to a real political and religious regime.

Not to mention he is very cohesive, in addition, he has a thorough understanding of the general trend of the world and a clear understanding of his own abilities - he is not good at strategizing, marching and fighting, so he will leave these things to his cronies to do, Leave it to those who excel in every way.

With this arrangement, Zhang Lu's ruling clique performed their respective duties, and Hanzhong was able to develop so rapidly under his rule.

As for him, he is also happy to be his teacher and enjoy the treatment that everyone admires.

"Since the city is about to be attacked... then I will listen to the military advisor."

Zhang Lu ate the fruit leisurely, and waved at the generals and advisors at his feet.

As the chief of the military division, Yan Pu knew that Zhang Lu would give such an order, and with a smile on his lips, he shouted to the middleman:

"Master has an order, the army should obey the orders of the military division!"

"Since General Han Sui went to block Chang'an reinforcements, then our army can't waste General Han's good intentions—"

It seems that Yan Pu, who is dangling, really got Zhang Lu's orders. After gaining command of the army, his eyes became extremely sharp, and he arranged the four-way army in an orderly manner:

"Yang Baiyang is the two generals!"

"The end is here!"

Two strong men, who were similar in appearance but were obviously bigger than the scrawny clergymen in the army, stepped forward.

The two of them are all the younger brothers of Yang Song, another advisor in Zhang Lu's army. It is considered that Yang Song promoted them based on his own status.

"Also ask two generals to lead the Taiping Camp and Yu Junying two large armies, go west, block the way of reinforcements from Chang'an in the northwest, and cover up the southwest of Chang'an as a feint attack!"

"As ordered!"

The two generals, Yang Ren and Yang Bai, were ordered to quickly lead the nearly [-] light infantry soldiers of the [-]-strong army, and they quickly killed in the northwest direction.

Most of the armies they led were those that were put together temporarily. Zhang Lu just made up the names of Taiping and Yujun for them, and made these fanatical cultists willing to serve as cannon fodder for this battle.

Seeing the two armies leaving, Yan Pu smiled and looked to the other side:

"Zhang Wei and Yang Ang are two generals!"

"The end is here!"

Another two able-bodied generals walked out of the army, but these two were obviously dressed more formally than the previous two Yang Baiyangren. The fact was that Zhang Wei, as Zhang Lu's younger brother, was actually the highest in Zhang Lu's army. Yang Ang is Yan Pu's confidant. Whenever there is military merit to be gained, Yan Pu will leave the opportunity to Yang Ang.

Yang Ang chuckled lightly, squinting his eyes and looking at the elite infantry in the distance, he seemed to be thinking, and then said:

"The two generals should also lead the Shangqing battalion. The Lingbao battalion has a total of [-] soldiers and horses. They will directly take the Anmen Gate of Chang'an South City. They must defeat the defenders as quickly as possible—"


Yang Ang and Zhang Wei looked at each other with half-smiles, and most of them saw the joy in each other's eyes. They had military exploits, so they were naturally proud, and they walked a lot more lightly when they left.

"The rest of the army is led by General Yang Song, who is responsible for guarding the master... General Yang Song, do you have any objection?"

If it was seen by others, there was absolutely nothing wrong with Yan Pu's arrangement. He pretended to attack all the way, blocked the way for the reinforcements, and put pressure on Chang'an. All the way, the army attacked from the front, and quickly defeated the defenders by relying on the superiority of the force. Chang'an was surrounded by mountains on both sides. , One side is surrounded by water. If there are no particularly major mistakes, Changan should have won.

However...not a member of the army, I don't know the army is muddled - Yang Song's forehead burst into blue veins, looking at Yan Pu, wishing to kill him directly.

Yan Pu is targeting himself, as Yang Songguang can see from this simple arrangement.

However... at this moment, all the military orders were issued by Zhang Lu's side. Yang Song, who said nothing, could only threaten Yan Pu with his eyes.

"General Yang, do you have any objection?"

Zhang Lu's dull voice came, and Yang Song's face instantly became amiable, he replied with a smile:

"No, no! It's an honor for someone Yang to stay by the side of the master. In this case, let's act as soon as possible..."

Yang Song gritted his teeth and said without a smile, while Zhang Lu nodded slowly on the sedan:

"Pass on the deity's order, and the army will move forward according to the arrangement of the military advisor. The deity is tired and needs to sleep for a while."

Zhang Lu said leisurely, and the army burst into cheers, as if they had taken Chang'an.

The army moved again, and there were only [-] horsemen in front of them, splitting into two groups, killing Chang'an.

Yan Pu and Yang Song walked side by side in front of Zhang Lu's sedan chair, surrounded by so-called "protectors", looking quite beautiful.

Zhang Lu's snoring came, and he could still fall asleep under such circumstances, but even so, there were no complaints from the people around him.

They devoutly recited the scriptures and spells of Tiandao, and in the sound of chanting without waves, Yang Song grinned and said to Yan Pu beside him:

"Master Yan, your arrangement it different from what we discussed before?"

"Did you forget the [-] bucks that was sent to your house that night, or did the strategist have other ideas? Why don't you discuss it with someone from Yang?"

"Hehe... General Yang, I can't say that... You and I are both working under the emperor's body now, and we will stop the flow of money... If General Han finds out, the money in his hands will even cost [-] yuan. If it can't be reached, General Han may be quite angry."

Yang Song heard Yan Pu Ruo's words, and the sword in his hand could not wait to scabbard this insatiable man immediately.

"Master Yan... Mr. Yang can advise you not to be greedy... After all, the thousand pieces of porcelain in the master's home are all treasures that Mr. Yang got from elsewhere..."

The two obviously had something to say in their words, and obviously took the Changan battle as an opportunity to trade military merit.

Yang Song hated this Yan Pu thoroughly now. It was clear that Yang Song was the first to follow Zhang Lu, but Zhang Lu trusted this Yan Pu more and more.

What's even worse... Yang Song himself is a very greedy person. He has followed Zhang Lu for many years, and he doesn't know how much wealth he has plundered among the people.

But now, the strong intervention of Yan Pu and Han Sui has made his position in Yang Song's army unsafe, and an iron rooster like him can only use money to stabilize his family's position in Zhang Lu's army.

But... but this Yanpu is sitting on the ground to start the price, and he wants to use the dog head gold that Han Sui took out to suppress his own price——

"Damn bullshit gold! He Han Sui has spent so many years in a place where birds don't shit in Xiliang, how could he be able to get bullshit money!"

It's a pity that even if Yang Song wanted to say these words, he couldn't say it, because Zhang Lu had already handed over the command to Yan Pu, and the other party had the absolute initiative.

Thinking of this, Yang Song hated his teeth.


Chapter five hundred and ninety-ninth Xiliang Ma Mengqi, take your dog's life

"Yang won't talk nonsense with you, let me tell you a price! After this time, don't think about getting the slightest benefit from me!"

The defense was broken - Yang Song really couldn't keep up with Yan Pu.

Seeing that Yang Ang and Zhang Wei had already killed Chang'an, but their two stupid brothers could only be used as stepping stones, Yang Song clenched his teeth and confessed directly to Yan Pu.

Looking at the lanky man's smiling face, Yang Song really wanted to punch him.

"Hahaha - General Yang is really happy..."

Yan Pu lowered his voice, the conspiracy succeeded, and leaned closer to him triumphantly, he embraced Yang Song's shoulders and stretched out five fingers in his arms.

Seeing this, Yang Song took a deep breath and agreed:

"Okay! Another fifty thousand dollars!"

"No no no... General Yang, don't get me wrong..."

However, Yan Pu said with a smile:

"Chang'an, this is a big piece of fat. I'm talking about [-]."

The calmer the words, the more they can touch Yang Song's tense heartstrings.

As soon as the number "[-]" was spoken, Yang Songso drew his sword out.

"Tsk tsk! General Yang, what are you trying to do? Could it be that you want to kill my military advisor?"

Yang Song drew his sword and put it directly on Yan Pu's neck. The Dharma protectors around him didn't think there was any problem with the two. Seeing the sudden change, everyone drew their swords to stop them.

"Bastard! Let me kill this insatiable gangster!"

"Hey, hey, General Yang, you see what you said... How can I be so greedy for each other's affairs?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Do you accept it or not! Up to [-]!"

As a result of this chaos, Zhang Lu, who was sitting in the seat, finally woke up. Zhang Lu frowned and scolded:

"What's so loud about it!"

"Master asked you something! What kind of festival is there between the two generals, can't they talk properly!"

The guardian stepped forward, separated the two abruptly, and quickly asked.

"Ha ha…"

Yang Song smiled awkwardly, while Yan Pu on the side walked away with a smile, patted the dust on his body, and shrugged:

"It's my fault for disturbing the master, but the two of us are discussing the matter of this siege... Please don't blame the master - General Yang Song is also a lover of soldiers. Since they have said so, then I also took a step back and agreed to the general's proposal..."

No wonder Yan Pu was able to get along well with Zhang Lu. After saying this, Zhang Lu seemed to understand but also nodded.

"So that's the case, it seems that the deity blamed the two generals..."

"No, no, it's still my fault. Now, I want to ask General Yang's forgiveness. I don't know General Yang..."

Yan Pu gave a weird smile, and Yang Song's face finally turned a little rosy.

He coughed awkwardly, and bowed to everyone and Zhang Lu:

"Master, don't be surprised, it's Yang Song who is abrupt. Since Yan Junshi also said so, then this matter will be written off..."

——The transaction is concluded——

Obviously, in any case, Yan Pu has no loss, but Yang Song can only eat this dumb loss.

Saying that... Yan Pu turned back and looked in the direction of Chang'an, and planned to send a light cavalry to inform Zhang Wei, Yang Ang and the others, and let them change their powers to attack Chang'an a little... In short - this broken city The military merits were left to Yang Bai and Yang Ren.

However... Before Yan Pu could issue an order, he looked at the distant mountain col, and suddenly became sluggish, and his raised hand never fell, making Yang Song who was waiting on the side look extremely anxious.

"Master Yan... What are you doing! Don't miss this opportunity, and issue a military order quickly... Otherwise..."

Yang Song hasn't finished speaking, he can't say it, otherwise, if you don't hurry up, Chang'an will be destroyed, right?

However, the person who interrupted him was Yan Pu:

",no, could it be..."

"Yan Pu... What the hell did you do wrong again!"

Seeing that Yan Pu was mumbling something, Yang Song stepped forward with anger and scolded quietly beside him.

But he didn't want to, Yan Pu actually grabbed his hair and pulled him up from the horse abruptly.

"Oh! Yanpu, you bastard..."

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