Zhong Yao didn't dare to say it to death, but what happened to Qi Ma Chao and Ma Tie... At that time, when Chang'an faced a more severe test, he still needed to think about how to deal with such a force...

"I really hope... Longyou's rescue can be faster..."

The words... didn't finish, because Zhong Yao was farsighted and finally saw the pair of soldiers and horses he was looking forward to...

"General Ma Chao is back! So that means!"

Zhong Yao's eyes flickered, as if everything was settled.

But it's a pity that his excitement didn't last long...because he would soon see the scene where Ma Chao and Ma Tie stopped the Xiliang army outside Chang'an City and came to take away Ma Dai and Ma Yunlu in person .


Chapter [-]: The west wind is strong, and Chang'an is lacking

"Sister! It's not good! Something happened!"

"General Ma Chao and the others..."

Lu Lingqi's voice spread throughout the streets, she came on a fast horse, and after dismounting, she slapped the gate of the mansion where Cai Zhaoji lived.

Bang Bang Bang --

There was a hurried knock on the door, and now... Cai Zhaoji and Diaochan, who were working in the mansion, doing work for Zhong Yao, arranging the evacuation of the people in the city, and the transfer of various military supplies, looked out of the mansion in surprise.


Cai Zhaoji walked to the door quickly with small steps. After opening the door, she saw Lu Lingqi sweating profusely, her eyes full of panic.

"Lingqi, don't panic, what happened? Are General Ma Chao and the others back? Could it be that they lost the battle?"

Cai Zhaoji frowned and stared at Lu Lingqi, who was out of breath.

But when Lu Lingqi was questioned by Cai Zhaoji, her face became even more ugly.

The originally handsome little face is now shriveled and wrinkled. Anyone who sees it will feel that Lu Lingqi is pitiful.

Lu Lingqi bit her lip and replied at a loss:

"No...Sister, it's General Ma Chao and the others who came to the city to pick up sister Yunlu and brother Ma Dai..."

"Huh? What's going on here? Why pick them up? Don't they stay in Chang'an?"

Cai Zhaoji and Diaochan looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes, but at this moment Lu Lingqi stomped her feet in a hurry. She felt that she was just talking here, and she couldn't even speak clearly, so she gritted her teeth and directly pulled the two to the immediate...

The horse neighed in surprise, but three beauties riding on the same horse, carrying three people, seemed to be more relaxed than carrying those rude men fighting hard on the horse.

Lu Lingqi said softly:

"Drive! Sister... Let's go to the city gate. When we get there... you will all understand..."

The horse let out a cheerful chirping, and with a raised front hoof, it galloped across the spacious street and headed straight for Chengnan'anmen.


The west wind picked up suddenly, and the dust filled the sky.

It added a lot of chill to the team of silent iron cavalry several miles away from the city.

The Xiliang iron cavalry under the iron armor, everyone has sadness and resentment on their faces.

Because whether it is true or a lie... the civil and military officials in this city they are facing are already strangers to them.

Ma Teng "died".

Died by Cao Cao.

Ma Chao doesn't believe it...or it's not that he doesn't believe it...but Ma Chao wants to know the truth.

He didn't understand how Han Sui, who was thousands of miles away, knew the news of Ma Teng's death, and he also didn't understand why they were killed by Cao Cao even if they really wanted to kill chickens and get their eggs.

It's not like he didn't understand, but even if the Ma family really wanted to fall into such a miserable field, he would be a humble farmer...why...why did he have to kill them and kill their father?

Ma Chao did not understand.

Ma Tie, who was holding the armor in his arms, did not speak from the beginning to the end.

A silent army was waiting silently for the final response from Chang'an City.

Gradually... the wind stopped, the sand and stones died down, revealing the still incomparably blue sky over Chang'an City.

Under this clear sky, the Ancheng Gate of Chang'an City slowly opened, and a few horses walked out of it...


Ma Chao moved his horse forward, and Ma Tie's horse followed him with incomparable obedience.

And the person on the other side...

Zhong Yao saw the second Ma brothers whose faces were not mixed with any emotion. The more he looked, the more melancholy he felt in his heart...

"In the end what happened…"

"It doesn't look like they lost the battle...but why..."

Zhong Yao murmured to himself and no one answered, even though... he was still accompanied by the overwhelmed Pang De, and two "children" who were obviously panicked - Ma Dai and Ma Yunlu.


The two sides eventually came to a halt just ten paces away.

The two sides turned a blind eye, and in the end it was Zhong Yao who spoke.

"Two generals... who are you..."

Zhong Yao clenched his teeth tightly, showing a rather embarrassing face, and the Confucianism disappeared... Because he received the message from Ma Chao that "Xiliang Iron Cavalry no longer has anything to do with Chang'an, please also ask me Brother and sister sent back to the army"——

"Otherwise... I wouldn't mind going to war with Chang'an..."

This... is Ma Chao's original words.

This is why Zhong Yao swept away the joy of seeing the army led by Ma Chao, and turned into confusion and confusion at the moment.

He didn't understand what happened to make Ma Chao, who had gotten along well with them before, suddenly become so indifferent, and even said something like "I don't mind going to war with Chang'an" - this is treason!

"General... If you have anything to hide... You might as well talk to the old man... Within the scope of the old man's ability, the old man will definitely go all out to assist the two generals!"

"Changan...Changan needs two generals!"

Zhong Yao was sincere enough, but this scene was seen by Lu Lingqi and the others who came quickly.

"What? Could it be... General Ma Chao and the others are really leaving?"

Cai Zhaoji's eyes were full of disbelief, while Lu Lingqi, who was sitting at the front, bit her lip and accelerated again... After a while, the horse stopped, and the three women sat on the horse far away. There were too many things to say. In the tense atmosphere between Zhong Yao and Ma Chao, they couldn't say anything.


Ma Yunlu's helpless eyes finally met with Cai Zhaoji and the others. At first, he was only helpless, but now... Ma Yunlu took Ma Er to Cai Zhaoji and others. His love was so deep that he burst into tears.

"Sister...I have to go..."

"These past few days...my sister has been taking care of us...but...father he..."

Zhong Yao didn't know, Cai Zhaoji didn't know, Diao Chan and Lu Lingqi didn't know—

Only Ma Shi, or Ma Teng's children...when they saw the blood-stained breastplate that Ma Tie was holding on his chest, and when they saw the blood-stained long knife in their elder brother's hand, could they realize what happened.

Ma Dai clenched his fists and lowered his head, as if holding back tears.

"Prefect Zhong... Pang De is a good general... It is our Ma family's last respect for Chang'an City. Thank you for taking care of Prefect Zhong over the past few days... But... Han Sui said..."

The horse reins that Ma Chao was holding creaked, and just by listening to it, you could feel how many emotions Ma Chao was hiding in his body at the moment.

"Our father, Ma Teng, was killed by Cao Cao... So... whether it's true or not, our brothers must go see our father with our own eyes..."

"I know that telling you this way, you may not understand... But I hope you know... At this moment, not being an enemy of Chang'an is already the greatest concession I can do... But if..."

Ma Chao did not finish his last words.

They went to seek evidence this time... but they were already extremely pessimistic... Because he didn't realize that Uncle Han Sui, who had lived with them since he was a child, would deceive them for the sake of profit...

Therefore, if they really saw Ma Teng's body... not only would they not help Chang'an City, they would even join the army in Han Sui's counterattack...

This is Ma Chao's current situation.


Chapter five hundred and eighty-ninth, the tricky figure that surfaced

"General Ma Teng he..."

Zhong Yao's eyes widened, he couldn't believe the truth from Ma Chao's mouth, Zhong Yao knew it too well... Ma Teng was an extremely crucial figure for both Cao Cao and Xiliang.

It was because he wanted to protect Ma Teng that Cao Cao would allow it, and Yi Xiaocai would propose that Ma Teng be an official in the court.

This is not a war between two countries in ancient times, and the weak send protons to the powerful as hostages in order to seek peace.

Ma Teng went to serve as an official in the court, which was obviously an olive branch extended by Cao Cao to the warlords of Xiliang.

The purpose...is to prevent the situation that may arise now...Cao Cao was defeated in front of him, Zhang Lu of Hanzhong was eyeing him, and it was Han Sui who helped stabilize the situation in Chang'an.

But now...

Matt is dead?

"General! The news you got from Han Sui! Haven't you ever thought that all this is just the other side's scheming, they just want to make a gap between you and Chang'an, whether you leave Chang'an or assist them in the end? It just got their wish!"

Zhong Yao's mind was too clear. He was a quick thinker. As soon as he heard Han Sui's name, he felt that something was wrong...

"General! Listen to this old man... We won't mention whether Han Sui is credible or not... He has all colluded with Zhang Lu, who is Zhang Lu? He is a remnant of the Yellow Turban... A traitor and thief who is trying to subvert the Han regime! He If so, do you believe it, General!"

The fact is that there are too many doubts in what Ma Chao said.

But... Ma Chao's reason, how could Zhong Yao understand?

Cai Zhaoji, who was beside him, held the crying Ma Yunlu in his arms. First, he comforted him, and then when she saw Zhong Yao's emotions, she hurriedly told Ma Chao about the doubts.

"General Ma! You know how much my husband is interested in you... Prime Minister Cao believes in my husband, and he is fighting on the front line in Xiangyang at the moment... Could it be that the general really thought that at such a time, the Prime Minister would do this specially Is it a matter of disregard for morality?"

"Not to mention... Mr. has always kept his word and will never go back on his word... Since Mr. Ma has chosen to be friends with the Ma family, why doesn't the general believe in Mr. Ma like that?"

"Yeah General... sir he..."

Diaochan and Lu Lingqi wanted to go along, but they didn't know the Ma family well. At this moment, their dissuasion made Ma Chao confused, and there was a hint of anger.

"Big brother! Father, is he really... really dead?"

Ma Yunlu asked with a crying voice.

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