And not only that, Ma Teng felt that there was a lot of involvement behind this matter, and his identity alone became extremely sensitive at this moment...

Ma Teng is not stupid. He has lived for so many years and sees things thoroughly.

He pondered for a moment that if he died in such a remote place, even if his body did not appear, as long as he died, the impact on the situation in the north would be extremely terrifying.


As long as he is dead, then the mastermind behind this matter can freely blame others for his death... If it is really Cao Cao who wants to kill him...

" could it be..."

Just thinking in this direction for a moment, Ma Teng quickly rejected the idea.

Whether it is Cao Cao, Yi Xiaotian, or Xun Yu and others, they have no reason to kill themselves. Cooperating with this group of people, the interests of both parties will advance and retreat, and they will be even less likely to kill themselves.

Not to mention killing himself, Ma Teng felt extremely ashamed when he thought about it like this.

"Presumably Xun Ling-Jun is also very anxious now... hey... I'm really confused about this..."

Xun Yu must be very anxious now, because if something happens to him, Han Sui Zhang Lu...

Han Sui Zhang Lu…

Suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, and Ma Teng suddenly realized the original appearance behind this matter.

"You... are you from Han Sui and Zhang Lu?"

"No... Chaozhong... Who is the backer of your Chaozhong!!"

After thinking about it, Ma Teng wondered why his good brother Han Sui would rebel at such a time, but now he has some idea.

In the DPRK, someone must have pushed Han Sui to rebel, but Han Sui chose to attack Chang'an with Zhang Lu.

Under such a purpose, he will definitely be attracted and leave.

So as long as you plan to kill yourself on the road, the black hand behind the scenes can blame Cao Cao for his death...

And if this matter is successful, what will be affected in the end...that is...

"My son... My son..."

Ma Teng was a little bit broken. He found that he was just leaving without saying goodbye. It was very likely that he would completely dismantle his plan for so long. If he wants to rectify the name of the Ma family, then Ma Teng must live, and if he dies now-

If Ma Chao wanted to avenge himself, he would definitely rebel.

"It's all over..."

This sentence was squeezed out by Ma Teng gnashing his teeth, and when he heard Ma Teng say this, Yang Jin suddenly smiled and leaned back and forth:

"Hahahaha... It seems that General Ma has a very good mind. You should understand that it is impossible for us to let you go today... And as long as you die..."

"Chang'an will fall in an instant, and your son Ma Chao will surely realize the truth of the matter, and then lead the army to avenge you—"

"If you want to blame, you can blame General Ma for being confused for a while! Hahahaha..."

"Kill them for me! Don't worry about my life. After this is done, my wife and children will be taken care of by myself! For the big man...for the big man! Kill them!!"

Yang Jin let out a strange cry, and while Ma Teng was not paying attention, he slammed into the blade in Ma Teng's hand fiercely.


The neck connecting Yang Jin's head and body was vulnerable in front of the sharp blade.

Hot blood spurted out from the broken neck of Yang Jin.

Ma Teng was covered in blood and his eyes were splitting. He couldn't imagine that Yang Jin, who looked like an unattractive person, was able to commit suicide on the spot in order to complete a certain plan.


Yang Jin's head fell to the ground, and those soldiers who watched this scene, burst out with shocking screams.

"Avenge the captain!"

"Kill Ma Teng! Kill them!"

"Kill them! Ahhhhh..."

Time seemed to stand still, and hundreds of fully-armed soldiers were riveting, vowing to cut Ma Teng off his horse.

They looked different, but they all had high killing intent.

Nearly [-] crossbowmen also immediately bent their bows and set up arrows. It seemed that in the next instant, the arrows that were as dense as rain would shoot Ma Teng and others on the spot.

The servants around Ma Teng shouted "General be careful" one by one.

Some fought hard, trying to open a bloody path for Ma Teng with their bodies, while others stood directly in front of Ma Teng, even if they had to use their bodies to resist the arrow rain.

As for Ma Teng... At this moment, Ma Teng has remorse, regret, and anger... but he... can't do anything.

"Could it be that God wants to kill my Ma family?"

He murmured in his mouth, seemingly giving up resistance and slowly closing his eyes.

And in those short breaths, time suddenly began to flow again.

Because of the sound of a crossbow breaking through the forest, the stability of this dead end was instantly shattered.

Whoosh whoosh—

The crossbow bolt that flew to the field first, directly shot a large number of soldiers in front of Ma Teng to the ground.

Ma Teng looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, and then immediately heard the call sign resounding through the world:

"General Ma Teng, don't panic! I'm here, Xu Chu!"

When the sky lingered on the moon, a heavy ride flew directly out of the jungle.

The burly mountain-like man held a [-]-pound fire cloud heavy sword in his hand, like a stream of fire in the sky. The moment he landed, it collapsed and flew several short soldiers beside him.

Xu Chu's eyes widened in anger, and a roar shocked the audience. As soon as the long sword came out, he waved it with one hand, and the horses marched forward. Due to the sword, the soldiers in full armor were cut in half by his terrifying power.

As if the autumn wind swept the leaves, Xu Chu's appearance directly killed dozens of soldiers.

The remaining soldiers saw that their form was not good, and they were not afraid of death and rushed towards the weak Ma Teng.

They screamed and waved their knives around their heads. The few old soldiers from Xiliang in front of them seemed to be not enough to resist such a crazy attack.

Just when they wanted to call Ma Teng to leave and be protected by their rear guard.

It was another wave of hurricane-like crossbow bolts. Ma Teng was dumbfounded. He had never seen such a dense firepower. He even saw the light and shadow of the crossbow bolts flying in front of him. Stout line.

In the screams, the last hundred people fell to the ground instantly.

It took less than half a cup of tea before and after, and hundreds of soldiers, who were fully armed and eyeing, were completely eliminated by this incredible firepower.

Xu Chu Hengdao immediately came to Ma Teng slowly, he smiled and bowed his hands to everyone in front of him, but obviously, Ma Teng and his servants were still in shock.

"General Ma, we are a little late, but it seems that we have caught up with the last chance?"

"Marquis is it you..."

Ma Teng naturally knew Xu Chu. In Cao Cao's army, besides Dian Wei, who else could have the strength of such a thousand enemies?

It's just... Ma Teng wants to know more, who is responsible for the wave of arrows that saved him from the siege of hundreds of soldiers just now...

Soon, a white horse slowly walked out of the forest. The young man on the horse showed a signature smile, looked at Ma Teng, and said leisurely:

"General Ma was shocked. It's been a long time since we said goodbye last time. Yi also misses General Ma very much—"

Yi Xiaotian…

Ma Teng was dumbfounded. Many people knew that Yi Xiaotian went to Xiangyang, but he never thought that it was still Yi Xiaotian who came to save him this time.

Chapter [-]: The Meridian Valley Rebellion

"Yi... Lord Yi..."

Ma Teng knew that he had made a big mistake this time, but he didn't want Yi Xiaotian to come to save him.

With that said, Ma Teng was about to dismount and kneel in the direction of Yi Xiaotian.

But fortunately, Yi Xiaotian also reacted faster, turned over and dismounted, stepped forward and supported Ma Teng.

"Master Yi...I...hey..."

"Master Yi's life-saving grace, Ma Teng will never forget..."

Ma Teng, who was hesitant to speak, knew that Yi Xiaotian was here to save him. Most of the other party already knew his intentions and wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to say it. Ma Teng could only shake his head unwillingly.

"General Ma's beloved son is eager, and you have your own reasons for doing these actions, and we don't mean to blame you... But right now... we don't seem to have any time to waste anymore."

"General Ma... Although Yi rescued you, but... you are already 'dead'..."

Yi Xiaotian patted Ma Teng on the shoulder and tried to talk to the other person as calmly as possible, but Ma Teng obviously didn't understand what Yi Xiaotian meant--isn't he still alive and well?Why did he suddenly die?

"Ah? Master Yi, you... what do you mean by that?"

Ma Teng was a little panicked and hurriedly asked.

And Yi Xiaotian's eyes still crossed Wuguan, as if he had seen the situation in Chang'an at a glance——

"As far as Han Sui is concerned, as long as you haven't gone to Chang'an, until then... you're a dead person..."

"We have to hurry up..."

Yi Xiaotian gave a quick command, Xu Chu gave orders to the tiger and leopard riding in the forest, and the group took Ma Teng, who had just survived the disaster, and quickly entered Wuguan City, planning to approach the road and arrive at Chang'an City as soon as possible...

It might be too late - Yi Xiaotian thought so in his heart, he could only pray that Zhong Yao could hold on a little longer, as long as they were there... the situation could be reversed.


In fact, it has been four or five days since Ma Chao and Ma Tie left for Ziwu Valley and Cai Zhaoji sent the letter to Yi Xiaotian who rescued Ma Teng in the middle of the journey... And in these four or five days - just like Yi Xiaotian said that their actions were a lot slower after all.

Without modern means of communication, those who often take the lead will be able to take the initiative.

At this moment, Ma Chao and Ma Tie led nearly [-] Xiliang iron cavalry straight to the vicinity of Meridian Valley, intending to harass and intercept the Hanzhong army heading for Chang'an... Of course, the two led the Xiliang iron cavalry out of the nest, and they had their own selfishness - they did not understand Why did Han Sui rebel at such a time? At least, they need to ask clearly in person.

The geographical location of Meridian Valley is a very important area for both Chang'an and Hanzhong.

The only way from Chang'an to Hanzhong area is the long and narrow river valley of Meridian Valley. It can be said that whoever has mastered the initiative of Meridian Valley in all dynasties and dynasties has the advantage of transportation to the north and south.

In another time and space, just a few decades later, the general Wei Yan of Shu proposed a miraculous plan to send troops out of the Meridian Valley when Zhuge Liang was on the Northern Expedition. If the situation at that time really allowed Wei Yan to lead [-] elite soldiers to cross the Meridian Valley, Directly attacking Longyou and blocking the connection between Guanzhong Chang'an area and Hexi Bingzhou, maybe Zhuge Liang's northern expedition really succeeded.

But the fact is not if, the Meridian Valley has always been a road that can only be chosen by the military. Zhuge Liang out of the sloping valley, and the Tongguan pass is a step-by-step strategy, no matter whether the strategy is right or wrong; only one thing is clear, that is the Meridian Valley. All occupy a very important position in this whole area.

Zhang Luhan then took Ziwugu and approached the short path, intending to capture Chang'an in one go. If Zhong Yao had not taken precautions and knew the opponent's movements, this move alone would be enough to paralyze most of Cao Cao's rear.

At present, whether the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, which is the horse and the iron, can successfully block the opponent and win the opportunity for Chang'an to support, has become the real key.

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