
"Don't worry... This deity has been in Hanzhong for many years. Looking at Guanzhong from a distance, I knew that the people of Guanzhong are now living in dire straits. The teachings of the Five Dou Rice Religion are spread all over the world.

"You can rest assured... As for the descendants of your righteous brother Ma Teng, the deity will give you time to persuade them, and you only need to tell them that in the arms of the goddess, all the suffering in the world will naturally disappear."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Looking at Zhang Lu's confident appearance, Han Sui could only smile awkwardly.


Chapter five hundred and seventieth Chang'an, the wind is surging

Zhong Yao really did not expect that when Yi Xiaotian's letter was delivered on the front foot, Han Sui's back foot was turned upside down.

Right now, all the real warriors under his command followed Cao Cao to the front line, which actually proved how much Cao Cao invested in Chibi, but unfortunately... he lost.

If you fail, you will have to bear the consequences.

The consequences were not only borne by Cao Cao alone. Zhong Yao, who was far away in Guanzhong, faced the pressure of Zhang Lu and Han Sui's nearly [-] troops. He only had less than [-] horses in his hands, most of which were brought by Ma Teng from Xiliang. The Xiliang Army came.

So the first time, after knowing the news, Zhong Yao immediately notified the leader of the Guanzhong Xiliang Army, that is, Ma Chao.

Of course Ma Chao couldn't believe it when he heard the news, but he still didn't believe the military information coming from the front.

Moreover, his younger brother also personally told him that Han Sui had left Liangzhou for a long time, and it seemed that he was going to join Zhang Lu.

Out of incomprehension and anger towards his father's sworn brother Han Sui, Ma Chao immediately decided to lead the Ma family army to stop Zhang Lu and Han Sui——

"The Meridian Valley... It's true that if the opponent wants to directly invade Chang'an, the Meridian Valley is the only way to go, but... can we really catch up now?"

Zhong Yao raised a question, but Ma Chao was in a fit of anger, and his thirst for the truth made Ma Chao keep making promises to Zhong Yao.

"Don't worry, Lord Prefect, a man from Xiliang is not a coward. Han Sui betrayed my father's brotherhood. I will settle this account for my father personally!"

"As for Zhang Lu... His subordinates are full of unarmed militiamen, and the army that was temporarily assembled cannot compare with our Xiliang Iron Cavalry in terms of equipment and speed..."

Zhong Yao pursed his lips, and after thinking for a while, saw that Ma Chao wanted to show himself so much, so he nodded to him.

"That's fine... That Meridian Valley also asked General Ma Chao to intercept the enemy, but remember, you must never fight, harassment is the main thing, and once the enemy's soldiers pass the Meridian Valley, you must return quickly... Chang'an City now removes the generals. There are only [-] soldiers left in the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. If the general cannot retreat in time, once the city is besieged by Zhang Lu, with the current reserves, Chang'an will not be able to last long..."

Zhong Yao is a very stable person. He allowed Ma Chao to attack in advance. Naturally, there is a feasible reason - this is the meaning of Zhong Yao being left in Guanzhong by Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian. They have long been guarding against Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. Therefore, while pacifying Guanzhong, Zhong Yao also conducted more than one investigation on Zhang Lu's strength.

After knowing that the opponent is mainly infantry and the equipment is backward, letting the horse surpass the attack is definitely a good opportunity to weaken the enemy's strength.

"It's just... General Ma Chao also said that since Han Sui is your father's sworn brother, and you both came from Xiliang, aren't you really afraid that the other party will know you too?"

"This point... Please rest assured. Although Han Bo is a warlord in Xiliang, he is better at defending the city. If he really wants to fight head-to-head in the plains, he is definitely not our elder brother's opponent."

Ma Tie explained to Zhong Yao from the side, Zhong Yao looked at Ma Chao Ma Tie's two brothers' firm expressions, and finally let go of all his worries.

"In that case, I wish the two of you victory!"

"Prefect please take care, Ma Chao is going too!"

Seeing that Ma Chao couldn't wait any longer, he bowed his hands to Zhong Yao and immediately walked across the horse.

Seeing this, Ma Yunlu and Ma Dai also found the war horse immediately, and they were going to leave with Ma Chao and Ma Tie.

However, Ma Chao directly rejected the request of the two to go into battle.

"Big brother! Why are you...why didn't you bring us both?"

"That's right, big brother! Didn't you say that you want me to practice on the battlefield... Why don't you allow me to fight with you to kill the enemy?"

Hearing the two of them say this, Ma Chao's expression was quite serious:

"The two of you will stay in Chang'an and assist the prefect. This trip is extremely dangerous, not to mention that the other party is Han Sui... We will go back when we go..."

After saying this, Ma Chao directly drove his horse away, Ma Tie quickly ordered his soldiers, and with a single order, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed out.

Only Ma Dai and Ma Yunlu who stayed in the same place hesitated to speak, and they could see that their eyes were full of resentment and incomprehension, but their eldest brother was like a father, and their father Ma Teng was not around, so they had to obey Ma Chao's words.

The angry Ma Yunlu stomped his feet and went to the tent, while Ma Dai, who was standing beside Zhong Yao, was obviously a little lost.

Wang Yi saw the loss of Ma Dai, the youngest son of the Ma family, and stepped forward to pat Ma Dai's wrinkled robe and persuaded:

"Brother Ma Dai, your eldest brother Ma Chao kept you here, naturally he had his own considerations, not to mention that they will be back soon, when the time comes, when the two armies of Zhang Lu and Han Sui are really going to confront each other, the prefect will also There is an important task for you... I believe your big brother is not underestimating you!"

"What's more, there is General Pang De in the city. If you don't understand anything about marching and fighting, you can go and ask him, how?"

Wang Yi smiled gently, tilted his head, showing his unique personality.


Ma Dai, who was affirmed by Wang Yi, finally nodded——

It's just that Wang Yi never thought that what he said today would become a future that Ma Dai could never touch...


In Chang'an City, after Yi Xiaotian left, Cai Zhaoji, Diaochan, Lu Lingqi and others built a palace together, which they planned to keep as a residence for Yi Xiaotian in the future.

It's just that now Yi Xiaotian is fighting on the front line, Diaochan and Lu Lingqi have been nervous all day and are overwhelmed.

Only Cai Zhaoji was calm at the moment, the brush in her hand was swiftly waving, and the paper in front of her was full of graceful characters.

As Yi Xiaotian's spokesperson in Chang'an at this moment, she naturally has to shoulder important responsibilities.

Cai Zhaoji listed all the news that could be obtained today. Although a letter is likely to have no effect compared to the help of troops and horses, no matter what it is, Cai Zhaoji is willing to do everything that may help Yi. Xiaotian's decision.

The envelope is good. Cai Zhaoji asked the people in the mansion to send it to the front line in Xiangyang, and another letter was something Cai Zhaoji was very concerned about. She planned to send this letter to Xuchang... As Yi Xiaotian often said, seeing the In fact, she always felt that Han Sui's sudden rebellion was probably not that simple.

Because he vaguely remembered that Yi Xiaotian had told her that Ma Teng was selfish and was willing to become an official in Beijing, while Han Sui, who was in the same vein as him, tended to be more successful. As long as Ma Teng was in the court, Han Sui would definitely follow Ma Teng.

So this is strange, why Ma Teng has not moved in the court, but Han Sui of Xiliang has turned against it first?

Cai Zhaoji buried this matter in her heart, because if everything is not verified, maybe some false facts will cause unnecessary harm to the Ma brothers and sisters.

The gentle Cai Zhaoji would naturally not let such a thing happen.

But what will happen to the situation in Chang'an when we really get the answer?


Chapter five hundred and seventy-first the eve of the war

Time passed minute by minute.

The first to be tested is, after all, the birthplace of all misfortunes.

At a distance of fifty miles from Xiangyang, the army of Sun Liu appeared, and at the same time, above Fan Shui, the navy led by Huang Gai appeared together.

The spies sent by Cao Cao quickly confirmed this, and the Cao army stationed in the south of the city, under the leadership of Cao Cao, quickly entered the wartime alert.

The defense line was shrunk, and the fortifications in the city were quickly erected. Everything was as expected. There was no strategy between the two armies.

And that night, a letter crossed the towering Xian Mountain, passed through the blockade of the spies in Xiangyang, and entered the city directly.

The dark night is the most proud disguise of the people in black. Under the moonlight, the shadows flying over the eaves and walls went straight to the Chijin Neighborhood in Xicheng.

His goal is very simple, it is the Mafu... He has a letter in his arms, and the letter is a top-secret content that is enough to affect the war-the common decision of Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, they need the help of the aristocratic families in the city:

A day later, at midnight, the torches were called, and the families united to capture the south gate of Xiangyang in the city——

Before that, the navy led by Huang Gai on Jiangshang will attack the east gate of Xiangyang with all their might to buy time for Ma Liang and the others.

As soon as the city gates opened wide, Sun Liu Lianjun, who was ambushed around Xianshan Mountain, would swarm up and take Xiangyang directly.

Such a seamless plan, in the eyes of Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, should not cause any problems.

It's a pity... In terms of espionage warfare, Master Yi is obviously more professional than them.

Hei Ying didn't know that when he was running fast above the eaves, there were more than ten pairs of eyes staring at him in Xiangli in the city.

The leader of the special team walking through the alley has been waiting for a long time.

After a stick of incense, the shadow quickly fell to the ground, and when he looked back at the situation where no one was around, he gently knocked on the door of the Mafu.

After a while...a faint voice came from the gate of the horse house:

"Who's outside the door?"

"Is it the Fourth Master Ma who spoke?"

"Yes...it's me...who sent you?"

The corner of the shadow's mouth twitched slightly. Of course, under the mask, no one could see his smile clearly.

He gently took out a sealed letter from his arms and handed it through the crack of the door.

"Greetings from the Governor... I hope that the fourth master can follow the things in this letter, and don't make the same mistakes again..."

The man in black reminded in a low voice.

And the voice inside the door seemed to have a hint of anger, and replied:

"As you know... the defeat of General Zhang and General Zhao was not our fault..."

"This matter will be discussed after the city of Xiangyang is broken. Don't worry... The Governor is a person with clear rewards and punishments. It should be yours, Fourth Master, and it will definitely be yours..."

"it is good…"

The shadow nodded with satisfaction, and took advantage of the night to rise into the air again, and soon disappeared into the night.

It was less than half a cup of tea after he left, and the door of the Ma Mansion finally opened a little, and through the crack, anyone with better eyes could see clearly in this courtyard, but it was actually a human being. Not anymore.

Yes... Long ago, the Ma Mansion was evacuated, but unfortunately, it was obvious that the men in black did not know this.

But Ma Liang would not tell the other party.

Because although there are no valuable decorations in the yard, there is one thing that is abundant.

With trembling hands, he opened the door of Ma's mansion, and the cold sweat on Ma Liang's forehead had already covered his back.

The yard is eerily quiet, but if you listen carefully, you can hear—

The even breathing sounds of more than a dozen people joined together at this moment.

In the dimly lit yard, more than a dozen slender figures were standing quietly.

The man in black who was standing behind Ma Liang with a knife against Ma Liang's neck was obviously not the same group as the people outside the door.

Ma Liang turned his head tremblingly, his eyes were full of tears, his voice was full of tears, his hands were raised high, his legs were tightly clasped together, his trembling voice was full of his accusations of life:

"A few... Masters, are you still satisfied with such an answer...?"

The figure in front of him pulled down the mask, revealing the weathered face under the mask - if you haven't seen this face, then when you see him for the first time, you will definitely have the same thought as Ma Liang.

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