
Chapter [-]: Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent

Zhou Yu believed in Zhuge Liang very much, and the reason was very simple... because Liu Bei was stupid and disgusting.

Being able to assist such a master, Zhou Yu admired Zhuge Liang from the bottom of his heart.

Not to mention, Zhuge Liang still has a group of fierce generals under him.

However... the fact is that even if the two of them were single-minded about winning the battle, the battle had already begun to develop in an unpredictable direction.

"It's not good to be a teacher..."

Zhuge Liang's feathers fanned his hair, and it could be seen that his heart was really in a mess at the moment.

"Kong Ming...how? What did you figure out?"

After Zhuge Liang heard that Zhou Yuzhen regarded his fortune-telling technique as a prediction that everything could be calculated accurately, he resisted the urge to vomit blood, squeezed out an ugly smile with extreme difficulty, and said to Zhou Yu:

"Well... the hexagram of great ominousness, I am afraid there are some changes in this battle..."

"As for the reason..."

Zhuge Liang thought about it, and only thought of one possibility:

"Yi Xiaotian... It could only be the ghost of Yi Xiaotian..."

"What! Yi Xiaotian...he...could it be that Yi Xiaotian also made the crossbow?"

The most incomprehensible thing for Zhou Yu was what Zhao Yun said, the repeating crossbow that could be fired in a row. Countless arrows shot out in unison.

Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and their cavalry, who were originally lightly armed, didn't even have room to escape. The intensive firepower made them even if they set their shields, they would still be injured by the loss.

Relying on such a mysterious weapon, the other party completely wiped out their [-] light cavalry.

Zhou Yu really couldn't understand, things beyond the times were simply unimaginable, that's why he kept asking questions over and over again.

But Zhuge Liang knew the bottom line about Yi Xiaotian. He trusted Sima Hui to collect countless information about Yi Xiaotian. After integration, the restored image of Yi Xiaotian was simply an omnipotent wonder-

So he can fully understand that Yi Xiaotian can create such a powerful weapon, but understanding comes from understanding, Yi Xiaotian is his enemy.

"I can only think like this now... Moreover, I am afraid that the whereabouts of Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei were discovered, which is also related to Yi Xiaotian... Yi Xiaotian can always predict some things that have not yet happened, although he does not know who he is. How to do it, but please pay more attention to this point - the other party is Yi Xiaotian, then everything is possible."

Zhou Yu heard Zhuge Liang say this, his fists turned white, but he still felt powerless - powerlessness and facing such an opponent, they were actually unable to start, even if they knew that the opponent only had only a few thousand soldiers and horses, their number was ten times as large. With the other party's advantage, Zhou Yu still felt that they were the disadvantaged party.


Silent all night.

When he set off again the next day, Zhang Fei woke up.

Zhang Fei's frantic howl was everywhere in the camp:

"This kid Cao Cao, this kid Cao Cao, a scholar can be killed without shame... I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!"

"Third brother...Third brother! Don't be fooled! Listen to the elder brother!"

Zhuge Liang headed out of the camp with a drowsy head, only to see Zhang Fei with Liu Bei on one arm, running around in anger and having nowhere to vent.

"General Zhang..."

Zhuge Liang had a headache, and after taking a deep breath, he stepped forward to stop Zhang Fei.

"Counselor... Cao Cao he... Cao Cao that thief dared to humiliate me, I must kill him..."

"I know... I know, if there is this opportunity, not only you, but also I want to kill Cao Cao... But now the most important thing... We need your information, General Zhang..."

Zhuge Liang bitterly persuaded him.

"General Zilong fell asleep last night, I just want to confirm with you that Cao Jun really has..."

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Zhang Fei was at least a little quieter. Although there were still signs of rage after that, with Zhuge Liang's comfort, Zhang Fei could be regarded as regaining his senses.

"in this case…"

Zhuge Liang pinched the flesh between his brows and got the answer he least wanted.

How he hoped that only Zhao Yun was insane and said some nonsense yesterday. If there was no such terrible repeating crossbow, Zhuge Liang felt that there was still a chance to save this battle——

Unexpectedly, in anger, Zhang Fei basically repeated what Zhao Yun said yesterday.

Now, even Zhuge Liang felt that the road ahead was unknown——

A momentary frank confession: both Shengliang and He Shengtian have really become the hurdle that haunts Zhuge Liang's heart.

Zhuge Liang was silent, while Zhang Fei and Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang's appearance and asked a little scared:

"Military...Are you all right?"

"I'm fine..."

"My lord, let's hurry up and urge the army to set off. At this moment, time is the most precious thing. As long as the speed is faster, our odds of winning will be higher—"

"I remembered something important, and I plan to discuss it with the governor. Don't worry about me."

"Eh... well..."

Under the watchful eyes of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, the melancholy Zhuge Liang even rode a fast horse towards Sun Quan's army.

The feather fan that used to be the symbol of Zhuge Liang, he didn't even think about waving it. At this moment, the feather fan was hanging around his waist, as if it had become a decoration.


"The Governor... General Zhang woke up and said basically the same thing as General Zilong... That is to say..."

Zhuge Liang went straight ahead and joined Zhou Yu in the team.

Zhou Yu was obviously disappointed:

"It's all true—"

"Then it's because we really can't handle it... If we want to attack the city, do our soldiers have to be under pressure that even the cavalry can't bear... If that's the case, Xiangyang City... I'm afraid we won't be able to attack at all!"

Zhou Yu lost his mind. Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu's appearance, gritted his teeth, and after thinking for a moment, finally told Zhou Yu what he had thought about all night:

"If we are going to attack by force, I'm afraid our casualties will be extremely heavy, so... I only thought of one way... It is also the last way I can think of. If this method does not work, when the support of Cao's army arrives, the governor... We will leave it here. Bar."

"Kong Ming... If there is a day, it would be better for you to abandon Liu Yuzhou. Although Wu Hou is young, he still has great ambitions. At least... At least his heart is clear and bright. Come to Jiangdong, we will achieve a great cause, Yi Xiaotian. To put it bluntly, this person is just a businessman, how can he stare at Cao Cao all the time... Chibi, aren't we also victorious?"

Zhou Yu's words were sincere, but Zhuge Liang shook his head and did not answer this somewhat sensitive question:

"We will discuss at this time, Governor, the only way we can weaken Yi Xiaotian now is to rely on that white-browed Ma Liang..."

"White-browed Ma Liang? Is it... the Ma family in Xiangyang?"

"Yes... As the saying goes, family thieves are hard to prevent... If you can cooperate with the big family in the city who oppose Yi Xiaotian, maybe it will have a big impact on Xiangyang..."


Chapter [-]: One Letter and Three Letters

It's not that Zhuge Liang doesn't want to defeat Yi Xiaotian head-on. After all, this is the only way to prove that Zhuge Liang himself is really better than Yi Xiaotian. However, all the information they have obtained so far tells Zhuge Liang, if they are really stupid and go to siege the city. ——Not to mention that they have already missed the best opportunity, Yi Xiaotian’s unknown powerful weapon alone made Zhuge Liang feel that they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

That was [-] light cavalry. It was so fast, but it was dragged into the quagmire, and then easily defeated. From what Zhang Fei said, it seemed that the opponent did not have many casualties. Then do it.

But Yang conspiracy, what is needed is also suitable conditions, no conditions, no amount of talk is useless.

So after thinking about it, the last strategy that seemed feasible was to use Ma Liang who had already tipped them off.

Zhuge Liang suggested that Zhou Yu would only have to agree—

In fact, the battlefield in Xiangyang, if it weren't for Cao Cao's presence, the troops of both sides would not have been spent here at all - [-] light cavalry, Zhuge Liang thinks it hurts, if there are still [-] light cavalry, they can sweep away Jing. The four southern prefectures, with the four southern prefectures of Jingnan as a springboard, Yizhou and Liu Bei's relative Liu Zhang - when the time comes to take down Yizhou, the situation that Zhuge Liang originally considered to divide the world with Cao Cao and Sun Quan has become...

But... the appearance of Yi Xiaotian changed everything.

Even if Cao Cao's army of [-] was destroyed, Yi Xiaotian could still keep Cao Cao safe and sound, which made Zhuge Liang's plan quite passive.

"Let's do it like this! Kong Ming, you can rest for a while. I will write the letter. After writing it..."

"I asked someone to deliver it. There are still eyeliners I contacted with Mr. Shuijing in Xiangyang City... But since the war, we haven't been in contact for a long time..."

"Okay... This matter must be put on the agenda. As long as Fourth Master Ma can help us even a small favor, we can also relieve a huge burden!"

Zhou Yu nodded heavily, seeing Zhuge Liang leave, and after a while, he finally got discouraged——

Zhou Yu just received the news yesterday...

Sun Quan, it should be said that Sun Quan, who was carried by Zhang Zhao and others, is now on his way to Hefei.

This gave Zhou Yu a headache, but he couldn't tell Zhuge Liang, because he really admired Zhuge Liang, but he didn't know anything about Sun Quan's side. Now it seems that without the knowledge of Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei, he is going to take Hefei's approach directly. It is different from betraying each other.

Zhou Yu could only be silent about this. He knew that as long as he was not by Sun Quan's side, even with Lu Su, they would not have any decision-making power.

Chaotang was still under the control of Zhang Zhao and others, and when they got the news that they were going to chase Cao Cao, they would definitely not give up this great opportunity - Cao Cao might not know it, but Zhou Yu knew it very well. There are also veterans such as Cheng Pu. Over the years, how much coveted and rich Hefei has been.

Why was Sun Quan dubbed "Chrysanthemum Crazy Devil" later?It's not because, no matter what Cao Cao is doing, as long as Cao Cao's eyes are not on Cao Wei's eastern front, Sun Quan must gather a wave of offensive and stab Cao Cao's chrysanthemum in Hefei.

However, whenever Cao Cao came back and wanted to punish a wave of Sun Quan, a small bandit, Sun Quan bowed his head very neatly and declared his loyalty to the Han family with tears in his eyes. Under such circumstances, Sun Quan suffered repeated defeats and repeated battles. After repeated defeats, before Cao Pi later became emperor, he did not know how many useless offensives were launched against Hefei.

And this time, Chibi is where the dream begins.

Zhou Yu knew that since he couldn't tell Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei about this, he could only hope that his lord would be able to do something—whether Hefei could take it or not, it was only a matter of time before the cooperation between Sun and Liu's coalition collapsed. During this period, All Zhou Yu could do was to capture Xiangyang as soon as possible and defeat Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian.

"Bring me a pen and paper!"


Zhou Yu gave an order to the outside, and the soldiers outside the carriage quickly brought pen and ink for Zhou Yu. In the carriage, Zhou Yu thought for a moment, and then wrote a few large characters on the white silk paper—

"Ma Liang personally..."


"Brother Yi... Where did you send the letters you entrusted to someone a few days ago?"

In the Cao camp, Cao Cao rarely saw Yi Xiaotian coming back to call for someone, so he hurriedly stepped forward and greeted—

Yi Xiaotian and Huang Yueying are now in the workshop again, not knowing what they are doing. Ever since Hua Tuo treated Cao Cao's headache, Hua Tuo seems to have taken over the identity of Cao Jun's military doctor, running back and forth for a few days, of course... The five animal operas that he was thinking about have also been rapidly implemented in the army.

Yi Xiaotian was satisfied when he saw this, and told Cao Cao to take good care of Hua Tuo.

But Cao Cao didn't do nothing in the past few days, waiting for news from Yi Xiaotian.

A few days ago, Yi Xiaotian sent letters in batches to different directions, all asking Cao Cao to be equipped with a fast horse, the faster the better.

Yi Xiaotian raised his head, first greeted the helper he needed, then wiped the Han on his forehead, and explained to Mr. Concealer:

"The time was in a hurry that day, and it seems that I haven't explained it to Master Concealer..."

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