
Chapter [-] Murder, must be punished

It didn't take long for Zhao Yun to be released.

He hesitated... His eyes swept across the crowd all the time, constantly guarding against Cao Cao's deception.

However... Cao Cao didn't even look at him once until Zhao Yun picked up Zhang Fei and ran down the tower, and even got on his horse and took back his gun.

Finally... Zhao Yun slapped the horse and left, running fast, and there was no one left in a flash, and Cao Cao was relieved.

What is a complete collapse... Now it is a complete collapse...

In the past few days, Cao Cao has been seen by everyone in his humble appearance more than once, and this time is not bad.

The key... To release Zhao Yun's role, in fact, it was strictly requested by Yi Xiaotian. Cao Cao didn't dare to be neglected at all, and his whole body was in a tense state.

To let Cao Cao judge by himself, he could not wait to directly grab a fierce general like Zhao Yun into his own formation.

Just as soon as this sign appeared, Yi Xiaotian interrupted Cao Cao and told Cao Cao:

"Murder, you must kill your heart... Brother lie, I know that you want to recover the fierce generals on behalf of the Prime Minister... But you must understand... People like Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei who even have a little loyalty, it is almost impossible for them to do so. What we use..."

"And since it's impossible to vote, we might as well just plan and send them back..."

"Once they are released, they can disturb the opponent's military morale and attack the opponent's momentum; if they kill these two generals indiscriminately, the underdog will win, and let the opponent turn grief and anger into strength, then it will not be worth the loss..."

Yi Xiaotian spoke in a eloquent manner, and Cao Cao also listened carefully at the time, for fear of missing a little detail.

"Secondly... I lied to my brother and said that this matter paid off Guan Yunchang's favor on behalf of the prime minister... Guan Yunchang is a person who values ​​love and righteousness... To put it bluntly, it is impossible to distinguish the priorities of things... It is true that we cannot let the other party become our strength... but we can also Plant a seed, let this Guan Yunchang, resist and contribute to the other party..."

"As long as any of these two goals are achieved, it will be of great help to us..."


Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly, and Cao Cao was deeply touched by the light-hearted look—

"Brother Hide looked at the performance of Chasing the Moon Repeating Crossbow today, and do you still think that one more fighter from the other side and one less fighter from the other side will have much impact on us?"

"The battle of defending the city... The most wasteful is naturally the cavalry, and the second... is the fierce generals who claim to be strong in martial arts and invincible in the world."

Yi Xiaotian said it in a straightforward manner, causing Cao Cao to sweat coldly on his forehead.

But in short... according to Yi Xiaotian's words, he made Zhao Yun dizzy and dizzy... Zhao Yun, who is fleeing on the road at the moment, is really afraid. If they repeat the same mistakes, what should they do...

Cao Cao's self-confidence left him a very deep impression... The seeds that Yi Xiaotian said have been deeply planted——



Cao Cao sat on the stairs of the city wall with his hands on his knees, and the whole person seemed to be stunned... But in fact, not only Cao Cao... All the generals who witnessed the battle with their own eyes, even if they were only on the city wall. Watching the battle is like experiencing it in person. Some people are sweating profusely, and some people are still in shock...

"Stimulating... this is too damn exciting!"

Only Le Jin, a hot-blooded naive, is still bragging to his subordinates, bragging about the miracle of chasing the moon, bragging about how he followed the steps to destroy the opponent step by step...

When Zhang Liao and the others heard Le Jin's call sign, they smiled helplessly and shook their heads.

"Prime Minister...this battle...it's really a little thrilling..."


Cao Cao laughed suddenly, he pointed at the generals who were discouraged, and scolded with a smile:

"What am I doing, what Brother Yi promised me, I will definitely be able to do it... Let's see who of you will dare to neglect Brother Yi in the future!"

"Don't dare, don't dare! Mr. Yi is our reborn parents!"

"Reborn parents?"

"Mr. Yi is my father!"

"Xu Chu is talking nonsense again..."

"Ha ha ha ha…"


The generals on the tower were relieved, but Yi Xiaotian actually didn't meet Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei at all after he explained the lie to the master... It's just that Yi Xiaotian didn't plan to easily show his face in front of the enemy... especially the emperor's high status.

Although Yi Xiaotian of course doesn't like to make a fool of himself, but the so-called psychological tactics - the enemy you haven't seen will always be the most terrifying enemy. Yi Xiaotian can read this truth clearly.

Therefore, after explaining how to deal with the convicted generals, Yi Xiaotian rushed to another very important place non-stop.


In front of the Ma Mansion, the Ma Mansion, which was already heavily guarded, was surrounded by people.

Of course, not all of these people were Cao Cao's soldiers and horses, but quite a few of them were actually the patriarchs of aristocratic families who were implicated by Ma Liang's letter.

At this moment, everyone was standing in a row in front of the Mafu gate, and the one standing at the top was a tall, thin man with a blue nose and a swollen face... Obviously, to identify his identity, just look at his eyebrows.

But he can't panic now, because he only knew at night that Li Yue's whereabouts had been inquired as early as when he left the city, and what happened in the past two days was actually just that Yi Xiaotian asked the man named Concealer to accompany him. It's just a play they played...

"By the way, who is that lie master?"

Ma Liang didn't dare to ask. He just found out a few days ago that Cao Cao didn't seem to be staying in Xiangyang at all... But why are the civil servants and generals around Cao Cao all surrounding the man named Concealer?

With such a question in his mind, Ma Liang felt that he had no chance to ask.

Because through the swollen eye socket, he seemed to see a person walking slowly towards the Mafu in the distance.

And the arrogance of the other party's walking with a bit of confidence and elegant attitude, so that even if he didn't see the other party's face, he knew who the other party was.

"Damn it! Yi Xiaotian! I want you to die!"

In his heart, Ma Liang said so, but when he fell on his lips, it was another rhetoric.

"Master Yi! Ning... I would rather mess with garlic!"

Ma Liang spit and greeted Yi Xiaotian in an extremely unclear tone.

And Yi Xiaotian was taken aback by the "pig's head" at the head of the team from a distance:

"What the hell?"

"Master Yi...cough...he...hehe! Oh hey, Ma Niang!"

Yi Xiaotian frowned, carefully scrutinized the pig head in front of him for a long time, and then saw the clue from the slightest white hair between his eyebrows.

"It turned out to be Fourth Master Ma. I'm rude. Why is your face swollen like this?"

Yi Xiaotian couldn't help laughing, and Ma Liang's lungs were about to explode after hearing what Yi Xiaotian knew and asked, but he could only reply with a shy face:

"Haha... I fell..."


Chapter five hundred and fifty-one oral seizure

In fact, the group of Ma Liang was the one that Yi Xiaotian asked Xu Chu to arrest.

Hearing what Lord Concealer said, like Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, and others, after hearing that their own people had acted against him like Yi Xiaotian in Xiangyang City, they quickly distanced themselves from their own family. relationship-

Like Kuailiang and Kuaiyue, although they didn't contribute much in the battle of Chibi, they really didn't have much to say about what they did in terms of observing words and expressions...the so-called smart people...the two smart people heard that their own family and He Yi Xiaotian got into a fight, knelt down in front of Boss Cao and cried bitterly:

"Prime Minister... We are ashamed of being Kuai's surname. We don't know there are such people in our family who don't know the good and the bad. We just ask the Prime Minister to rectify the law, and we are willing to follow the Prime Minister's surname..."

Good guy, after listening to Kuailiang and Kuaiyue's actions, Yi Xiaotian called the two experts.

The ambition of the strong man to break his wrist is vividly reflected in these two people, and they even want to take this opportunity to get a Cao surname.

I have to say that such people, although they sometimes seem annoying, they are still quick to see the wind... The key is that these two people have a lot of ability themselves. Cao Cao is naturally suspicious and does not use them. Responsibility, of course, did not let them change their surnames.

On the other side is Cai Mao... He is the head of the Cai family. As soon as he heard that his son Cai Cheng dared to fight against Yi Xiaotian, he told Master Hide directly and asked Master Hide to kill his relatives for him. He did not have such a son.

It is conceivable that in fact, the Jingzhou people around Cao Cao have already seen that whoever follows will have a future.

On the contrary, these "pampered" locals who have lived in Xiangyang for a long time are really like a strong dragon who can't hold back the local snakes, for fear that Yi Xiaotian will take away their status as soil emperors.

It's a pity that Yi Xiaotian has long ignored them, whether it is business or power...

Yi Xiaotian arrested these people just for one simple thing—


"Do you know why I came today?"

Following Yi Xiaotian's order, everyone entered the Mafu under the escort of the elite Cao Jun.

And Yi Xiaotian sat on the chair and raised his legs, looking at everyone with a smile, but he really wanted to see if they were sensible.

"I know! You don't need to say, Mr. Yi, our Zhang family has invested all of our wealth in the craftsman's workshop in the north of the city... The craftsmen in the family have already rushed to help, just a word from you... We can start work."

What does Zhang Jian say?

In the business of Zhang's bow, in fact, he has eaten the dividends of the imperial court for many years. The Jin bows made by Zhang's family are indeed of good quality, but now Yi Xiaotian has entered another level... Jin bows and continuous crossbows. Compared to things, it is a bit too backward.

But it's a sane mind.

"You're smart... just remember to instruct the craftsmen to go to your house. Everything must obey the owner of the craftsman's workshop and the foreman. Do you remember it clearly?"

"Clear! It can't be clearer! It's really my Zhang Family's honor to be able to help you, Master Yi!"

Zhang Jian's expression was exaggerated, and he was just one sentence away: Bow from our craftsmanship, okay!

Looking at Zhang Jian with such a disgusting expression, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and told him to go away.

The next meeting has basically become Yi Xiaotian's oral home raid meeting.

As long as they are a little bit smart, they basically use their whole family to help Yi Xiaotian to win this battle.

It's like Du Wen, who usually runs a red house in a restaurant... He saw that everyone started to surrender one by one, his face collapsed, and when he was about to cry, Yi Xiaotian waved at him:

"Well, don't cry... Just serve the soldiers in the camp with good wine and good food every day, don't let them go hungry... For the time being, when this battle is over, I will naturally have other tasks to hand over to me. you."

Du Wen was relieved, wishing to kneel down and kiss Yi Xiaotian's shoes, only to be kicked away by Yi Xiaotian.

"Yi Ye! Whatever you say is what you say! As long as you can keep our head, there is no problem with this Fang Yuan Pavilion being given to you!"

"This is what you said?"

Yi Xiaotian smiled contemptuously and asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, Du Win suddenly panicked, his face turned pale, and suddenly he hesitated to discuss with Yi Xiaotian:

"Then...that, Master Yi...you see...do you think you want something else? This Fangyuange...it might be a little inconvenient if I want to give it to you. We are also afraid that you will be tired...you think …”

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