Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, and the messenger under the city immediately ordered—


At this moment, the black curtain that stretched for several miles suddenly fell.

What appeared in front of Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, and the tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers were all iron caltrops and iron repulsion horses...

As pioneers, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei had already expected that the enemy would have this kind of method. Zhang Fei was an enemy of ten thousand people.

"Keep charging! I'll clear the way!"

His legs slammed into the horse's rib, and the horse was greatly stimulated, and with a neigh, it ran away.

Amidst the billowing smoke, Zhang Fei's eyes widened in anger. Under the galloping horses, Zhang Fei jumped, and the Zhangba snake spear drew a dazzling cold light, and with a bang, he was directly inserted into the yellow sand...

It wasn't over yet, I saw Zhang Fei's foot on the stirrup, and his body was hanging under the horse's belly. The caltrops that were dozens of feet long were picked up.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun was not idle. Following Zhang Fei's example, he quickly cleared a large space for his cavalry to move forward.

When Cao Cao saw this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It's not that he doesn't have such fierce people, but Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun are still fierce generals that will make him envious whenever they see them.

Many people exclaimed, but Yi Xiaotian was the only one in the room, quietly watching this scene with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


Chapter five hundred and forty-seven appetizers, ordinary small reversal

After the iron caltrops, there are still iron refusal horses... There were many discarded weapons left by Liu Biao in Xiangyang city.

The craftsmen of the craftsmen are also worthy of being true masters. Yi Xiaotian gave a few random orders, and that night, a hundred horses refused to be called into the army.

However, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, as cavalry generals, obviously have absolutely rich experience in dealing with this.

Zhao Yun raised his spear, the cavalry slowed down, and then a group of heavily armed heavy cavalry appeared... Among the [-] people, only a hundred or so people were traveling in heavy equipment.

But their task is not to rush into the formation, but to deal with fortifications such as refusing horses.

In between, Zhang Fei gave an order, and the heavily armed cavalrymen slowly rushed out from the light cavalry team.

As soon as the heavy cavalry came out, the momentum of the assault was completely different... They were silent, their iron hooves were heavy, and their silence also revealed a full of fighting intent.

"Listen to my orders! Turn over!"

The most shocking thing is probably that after Zhang Fei gave the order, the group of heavy cavalry quickly put away the spears in their hands, and then stepped forward to untie the wolf teeth bound by the heavy iron cables from the front of their horses. Great…

Yes, the mace connected by the iron rope was supported by the heavy cavalry lined up in front of the chest. In just an instant, an iron rope formation composed of mace for several miles was immediately formed.

Accompanied by Zhang Fei's deafening roar, the heavy rider accelerated and charged directly towards the horse.

At the moment when the two sides came into contact, sawdust flew, and the huge Rejection Horse was knocked over at the moment when it collided with this group of heavy cavalry, and the Rejection Horse with the spear pointed down instantly lost its power to block the cavalry.

And the same thing happened on this endless front.

"It's broken, it's broken! What can I do about it!"

Zhang Liao watched anxiously in the city, and when he saw the rejection of the horse being overturned, he immediately felt that the battle had been lost.

Because for a cavalry general like Zhang Liao, who has been famous for many years, he naturally knows what is the biggest threat to the cavalry in the field of the plains...

Once the cavalry rushed up, it was too late to say anything. Back then, he was relying on the terrain advantage, relying on his speed from the mountain, and directly took Taton's dog head, but when the same thing happened in front of his own formation, Zhang Liao was simply anxious.

However, before he could finish his words, he heard Yu Jin and the others pointing at the city and shouting:

"Wenyuan! Look!"

"What are you looking at! I'll go down and help out!"

Zhang Liao, who was about to turn over and go downstairs, was pulled back by Xu Huang.

He was still muttering that he wanted to find Xu Huang to settle the account, but when the probe saw the next scene in the city, he immediately sighed.


"what is this…?"

Cao Cao was stunned, because he had watched the whole change of the battle situation from just now, and he was naturally surprised that he couldn't say a word.

At this moment, a strange atmosphere pervaded the city wall. Not only the generals, but even the soldiers guarding the city, when they saw the great transformation in the west of the city, began to exclaim in disbelief—


"Haha! Xiao Xiao refused to take a horse, just wanted to stop you, Grandpa Zhang! Charge with me!"

Zhang Fei's muscles burst out with bursting energy. Maybe he alone has overturned more than three or five refusal horses weighing five hundred kilograms. At this moment, the momentum is in full swing. go... ahead kill... ahead...


Zhang Fei raised his eyes and saw that there was still a black curtain in front of him. He muttered, but the horse would not stop because of this.

The steed jumped, and instantly crossed the horse-rejecting pile, and rushed towards the pitch-black curtain.

The huge curtain can only be seen when you get closer. It is made of countless pieces of cloth of different sizes. If you look closely, you can even find that the colors of these cloths are actually different, but...their purpose has actually been achieved. .

That is to block the sight of Zhang Fei and the cavalry behind him.

"It's just some little tricks, the whole army listened to the order and cut it for me!"

Zhang Fei was so angry in his heart that he didn't care about Zhao Yun's shouting behind him:

"Yide be careful! You don't know anything ahead, don't rush in!"

"Zilong, just stay behind and watch how I take the head of the enemy general!"

No matter how Zhao Yun shouted, Zhang Fei only focused on the charge. The curtain was in front, obviously hung by a very long hemp rope, one end was tied between the bricks of the city wall, and one end extended directly into the forest on the mountain in the distance.

Seeing that the hemp rope was not high, Zhang Fei flew up from the horse as soon as he kicked his legs, and with a swipe of his spear, he directly broke the hemp rope.

As it fell like an opening, the black cloth that stretched for several miles fell to the ground again.

The group of heavy cavalry that followed Zhang Fei's charge also vented their anger wantonly. They held up long knives and chopped in front of them.

At this moment, Zhang Fei looked in front of him, and suddenly his heart sank.

"There is a big pit! Pay attention to your feet and jump over!"

In fact, Zhang Feihun was almost scared away, because he never thought that the enemy would use such a method to trap them.

The curtain dissipated, finally revealing the protagonist of today's battlefield.

Le Jin stood outside countless vertical and horizontal ravines, holding a long sword like a god of war. Zhang Fei met him and immediately chose Le Jin as his target.

I saw Zhang Fei exerting the strength to suckle, pulling the reins suddenly, and the horse jumped, and finally flew over the first wide and deep ravine.

When he was in shock, he suddenly felt a gust of wind breaking in front of him, and instinctively felt the danger. Zhang Fei's muscles tensed up, and he lay down on his back directly on the back of his horse.

With the sound of "Boom", a giant shadow flew over, and blood splashed out from Zhang Fei's body. Zhang Fei was in pain and hurriedly stood up.

I saw a huge bloodstain on his chest... It turned out that his battle armor, which was carefully crafted by someone, was directly cut into two halves by some sharp object-severe pain came from his chest, but Zhang Fei didn't care. Above these, because the back and forth came one after another, suddenly there was the sound of heavy metal collision, and the sound of countless cavalry screaming.



The sound of breaking the wind came one after another like the roar of a wild beast.

Huge crossbow arrows as thick as an arm, with arrows made of fine steel, were shot out by the colossal bed crossbow.

The heavy cavalry who rushed forward were extremely cumbersome, and the trenches in front of them were unfathomable. Some of them fell directly and plunged into the trenches. Then they were unresisted by Cao Jun, who had been in ambush for a long time. Spear to death.

And the death situation is more tragic everywhere. Some people jumped on their horses, and they were cut off by the terrifying crossbow arrow.

At this moment... Whether it is iron armor or chain armor, it seems to have become a joke under the power of the bed crossbow to destroy the world.

For a time, the broken limbs were flying everywhere in midair.

Zhang Fei was flushed with blood, and he couldn't think about his situation for a while.


Chapter five hundred and forty-eight of the trump card

Zhang Fei is stupid. He has been fighting for so many years, and he has suffered disastrous defeats, and he has lost a single soldier... But today, he felt the fear of war from the huge arrows that suddenly flew.

Turning back a little, he saw that his cavalry was turned over by a sturdy steel-headed crossbow arrow.

The key is if this is really just a crossbow. In Zhang Fei's eyes, he clearly saw that the opponent's crossbow is controlled by only one person. From twisting the bowstring to loading the crossbow, it took ten breaths from start to finish time to arrive.

Taking a closer look, Zhang Fei realized that the other party was not the bed crossbow in his impression or perception at all.

These bed crossbows are fixed one by one on the small high ground, as if they have taken root in the ground, and behind these bed crossbows are also linked by various thin and long connecting rods. The crossbow also turns.

In the same way, every time one person reloads, the rest of the crossbow will be linked by this powerful force... In this case, everyone's strength seems to be exerted to the extreme.

And under the salvo of these bed crossbows, the treasure-like heavy cavalry that Zhang Fei led only supported two rounds of salvos, and there were no bones left...

The solitary warhorse wagged its tail on the battlefield, followed by another arrow, the terrifying power of the bed crossbow shot the warhorse directly, and countless stumps splashed, no one could remain calm under such circumstances.

However... it's not over.

Because of the overwhelming momentum, Zhang Fei still hadn't realized the power of the "big pit" in his mouth.

And Yi Xiaotian, who was on the tower, explained to the people around him with a rather calm taste:

"The tunnel, called the trench, was used by me to kill the cavalry at the moment. In fact, if I had given me some more time, these trenches could have been filled with heavily armed soldiers-"

"Originally, I designed this trench to provide cover for the repeating crossbowmen, but according to past war experience, the enemy only needs to shoot upwards to cause damage to our soldiers in the trench..."

"However, it was used to block the cavalry today, but it also had a miraculous effect..."

Yi Xiaotian shrugged... Everyone had to look at each other, watching Yi Xiaotian's performance.

Perhaps from the front, the sense of the trench is not clear enough, but Cao Cao and others are all above the city tower at the moment, and the dazzling trenches under the city are really shocking.

I saw that the light cavalry led by Zhang Fei followed, and after discovering the trenches, they wanted to jump up on horseback and walk out of the tunnel, but they didn't want those Cao troops already hidden in the trenches to stare at them. Into the trenches - the horse fell and could not move, and the cavalry was naturally thrown into the pit.

They were like lambs that were slaughtered by others, and were killed in the trenches by Cao Jun with such ease.

Yi Xiaotian is still quite satisfied with the performance of the trenches, and it is not in vain that he has been busy with two thousand soldiers and horses for so long.

In fact, Yi Xiaotian was inspired by the maze set up by Huang Yueying in the Huang Mansion.

The use of trenches in the true sense can be traced back to two years ago. After the arrival of the real hot weapon era, the concept of trenches was widely accepted...

When Yi Xiaotian is using it now, it really feels like a dimensionality reduction attack on Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun's cavalry.

But it's not over yet...

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