"Good poetry, good poetry!"

"Could it be that the prime minister already has a plan to defeat the enemy?"

Some people ridiculed and some praised, but in general, the people on this boat really didn't pay attention to the "sparks" on the other side.

It's really not their fault.

A few days ago, while sailing on the river, news came from the army.

It is said that the Sun and Liu families formed an alliance and gathered a so-called [-]-strong army to station troops near Chibi——

When he heard the news, Cao Cao couldn't believe his ears.

It was only now that Cao Cao really wanted to relax his mind when he saw the fleet on the other side that could hardly be called a ship compared to him, and imagined how high his fame would be after he ruled the world.

"A strategy to defeat the enemy?"

Cao Cao suddenly heard Jia Xu say this. He patted his head, and seemed to feel a little overwhelmed. He almost forgot that he still had something at the bottom of the box that he didn't take out.

"Brother Yi said that the third package will be opened when it reaches Wulin, the truth is..."

When everyone heard Cao Cao talk about Yi Xiaotian's kit, it was very exciting, like Xi Zhicai and Xiahou Dun, if there was no Yi Xiaotian's kit in a battle, he would feel uncomfortable.

To put it bluntly, with Yi Xiaotian's kit, they will be very at ease.

"Haha, [-] to [-], plus the owner of Yizhuang, how will they fight this battle?"

"Yeah, I'm all worried for them. There's no chance of winning in this battle. That guy named Zhou Gongjin and Zhuge Liang even threatened to kill us all in one go. It's really beyond our ability..."

Everyone said what I said, the boat was full of cheerful atmosphere, but no one noticed that Cao Cao, who had put his hand in his cuff, had an extremely stiff expression on his face.

After a long time, Cheng Yu felt that Cao Cao seemed a little strange, so he asked in a low voice:

"Prime Minister... Prime Minister! Where's the kit?"


Cao Cao said dryly.

Then, a little embarrassed, he groped in his arms.

"It's really gone..."


Cao Cao turned around and said it again... This time, everyone was blinded.

Such an important thing can still be gone, and I don't know if Cao Cao is too concerned, or if he is in a hurry, but in short...

Cao Cao slapped his forehead with a slap, muttering a bunch of things that everyone didn't understand.

The kit is gone, it is indeed gone, everyone stared at it, only Jia Xu responded:

"The Prime Minister doesn't have to worry. I must have reached this stage. Mr. Yi can only give us some advice. In this regard, as the Prime Minister's advisers, we will definitely do our best... I hope the Prime Minister does not panic..."

"Yes, Prime Minister, [-] people, if they can kill us instantly, this old man will jump off this boat on the spot!"

Xi Zhicai unknowingly said a famous sentence that may be infinitely praised by future generations, but this basically also represents everyone's confidence.

[-] hits [-], these strategists don't eat dry rice, the big deal is to occupy the river surface and nibble the other party's territory little by little, so there is no way to go wrong.

Cao Cao also quickly calmed down.

"What everyone said is, but the prime minister must have been negligent about the quilt. The hurried walk before may have landed in Xiangyang."

"Since the messenger has gone to the other side, let's celebrate the upcoming victory today!"

Cao Cao also seemed to feel embarrassed, and simply used the name of the banquet to dispel the embarrassment.

"The prime minister loves Du Kang, and there is also Du Kang on board today!"

Cai Mao was very good at observing words and expressions, and when he heard Cao Cao reciting a poem before, with Du Kang's name in the verse, he immediately offered his attention.

As soon as he heard that there was good wine, Cao Cao was really not very embarrassed, and he greeted everyone on the spot to go to the cabin:

"Maybe the relationship between Sun Quan and Liu Bei is not that strong. The Prime Minister promised that as long as Sun Quan gave up resistance, he would protect his glory and wealth. Maybe... Maybe."

"With Sun Quan's cowardly virtue, he probably can't even match Liu Biao, and he will send someone to ask him to surrender early tomorrow morning!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Among the laughter and laughter, there were only two people in the room who looked a little strange.

One is Jia Xu, Jia Xu touched the fourth kit that Xu Chu brought to him in the cuff—a kit that no one knew about, and said it was to be opened when the army retreated from Wulin.

Jia Xu has been puzzled, but he is not retreating now, so he planned to trust Yi Xiaotian, so he didn't make a sound.

The other person was Xu Shu. At this moment, he was clutching the kit he had stolen in the dark, breathing deeply again and again, and finally walked into the cabin very calmly.

The four hundred and ninetieth chapters of the Sun and Liu Alliance

The loss of the kit was just a small episode, and soon such regrets and worries were washed away by the joy of drinking and singing and dancing.

Xu Shu, who used to be silent in the past, seems to be extraordinarily public today. He can't help singing a few songs, and Cao Cao is also laughing again and again.

"Xu Yuanzhi can be considered a sense of belonging. In the future, he must make more suggestions for the Prime Minister, and the old lady will definitely be happy for you!"

"Thank you for your trust!"

Xu Shu held a wine glass and bowed to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao returned the salute quite happily.

The banquet went on in such an atmosphere.

After crossing the calm river, I came to the other side of the river, where the lights were quite dim.

Under the red cliffs, the military is heavily armed.

There are [-] sailors trained by Zhou Yu year after year, while Liu Bei's [-] soldiers are stationed near Xiakou.

Tonight is the first meeting between Zhou Yu and Liu Bei's high-level officials.

The reason for the meeting is also very simple.

Cao Cao's messenger came.


Having said that, since Zhou Gongjin rushed back to Chaisang from Jiangxia last time, he saw Sun Quan and Zhuge Liang who were worried that day.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu did not negotiate immediately, but there were some more discordant voices in the hall at that time.

"My lord! This servant thinks that this messenger named Zhuge Liang is clearly overly advocating the strength of the other party, and even deliberately intimidating our family's foundations. Now my Jiangdong family is in chaos, this person is absolutely inseparable! The heart can be punished! The heart can be punished!"

Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong spoke at the same time.

Originally, only Zhang Zhao was in the hall, but since Zhuge Liang talked about Yi Xiaotian, there was a very serious civil strife in the Zhang family.

There were conflicts between the branch family and the main family, and Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong were also very busy with this.

Therefore, this time, Zhang Hong wanted to come and see what the virtues of Zhuge Liang, who was fooling the crowd, were.

As soon as he spoke, he was aggressive, causing Sun Quan to fall into chaos again.

The Zhang family opened their mouths, and all the four families, Gu Lu, Zhu, and Zhang, began to criticize.

They were a certain gentry in Jiangdong, and to some extent they even felt that the existence of Sun Quan, the Marquis of Wu, was not as important as their own interests.

Over time, this ethos of ignoring Sun Quan became especially prevalent among these four families.

Gu Yong studied with Cai Yong earlier, and he was born with a righteous and arrogant attitude. When he spoke, he also felt that his arrogance would last forever. His responsibilities made Zhuge Liang a little unbearable.

"You Zhuge Liang, have you ever seen that person named Yi Xiaotian?"

"I have been in Jiangdong for many years, and I have never heard of such a number one person. You disturb the trust of the people in Jiangdong's army. What is your motive!"

The literati took the lead, and the warriors raised their voices infinitely, and there was a commotion in the hall for a while.

It wasn't until Zhou Yu who was outside the door cleared his throat and walked past the crowd with confident and graceful steps that the chaotic hall finally calmed down.

"Yes... is Gong Jin here?"

After all, although Zhou Yu is young, he is already an old man who has assisted three generations of Jiangdong Tigers, so he still has to give him the respect he deserves.

The appearance of Zhou Yu also reassured Sun Quan.

Zhou Yu then announced the decision very simply, and Sun Quan followed suit, keeping all objections to a minimum.

"This battle has to be fought, but if you don't want to, you can leave Jiangdong."


In short, the Sun-Liu Alliance Army was finally formed under the coordination of Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Sun Quan and Lu Su.

And in the process of running in for several days, Zhou Yu felt that Zhuge Liang's talents were not under his own. Although the battle of Chibi was very likely to be more secure, he still had some headaches when he thought that he would fight against people like Zhuge Liang in the future.

But right now, Cao Cao is their common enemy. Who can say what will happen in the future?

Zhuge Liang was playing the qin, and Cao Cao's messenger held his head high as soon as he entered the door, looking like he was invincible, which basically represented the current status of Cao Cao.

Everyone felt that it was impossible for them to fail in this battle, and the messenger had the confidence to force the weak Sun Liu coalition to be destroyed on the spot.

Came here with such a purpose, only to find that there were only three people in the hall to meet him.

"Liu Bei, where is Sun Quan? Are you looking down on Prime Minister Cao?"

The messenger frowned and glanced at it, only to see a few relatively young people, Lu Su, who was not even forty this year, and looked quite young. At first glance, there was no imposing reception team. It became a way for the messenger to vent.

"Cao Cao is just the prime minister. Only the presence of the Son of Heaven is enough for Wu Hou and my lord to go out to greet him, not to mention your mere messenger..."

The more joyful Zhuge Liang played the qin, the more irritable Cao Cao's messenger became.


"I see how long you can laugh!"

"This is a letter from Prime Minister Cao to Sun Quan. Who will receive it?"

Lu Su stepped forward and took the letter, looked at Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang after looking at it.

After the silence, Lu Su's face was a little ugly.

He is not a person who is easy to regret, but the conditions written in the letter actually made him a little shaken.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu looked at one place together, and after seeing Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang's expressions did not change, especially Zhou Yu, he directly picked up the letter and put it on the candlelight beside it.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the messenger, the letter slowly burned, and it burned to ashes in a moment.

"You... bold!"

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